Title: Project 2: Web App Security
1Project 2 Web App Security
CS 155
Spring 2006
3Part 1
- Explore several
- attack types
- Requires both
- effectiveness
- and stealth
- Learn
- How an attacker can evade sanitization
- Consequences of an exploit
- JavaScript
- Very basic CSS
- Attack A Cookie Theft
- Use URL encoding
- Could hijack session
- Attack C Login Snooping
- Evade sanitization
- Handle DOM events
- Attack B Silent Transfer
- Navigate browser
- Use iframes, forms
- Attack D Profile Worm
- Confuse site scripts
- Replicate
- Browser scripting language with C-like syntax
- Sandboxed, garbage collected
- Closures
- var x 3 var y function() alert(x)
return y - Encapsulation/objects
- function X() this.y 3 var z new X()
alert(z.y) - Can interpret data as code (eval)
- Browser-dependent
7Invoking JavaScript
- Tags ltscriptgtalert( Hello world! )lt/scriptgt
- Links javascriptalert( Hello world! )
- Wrap code in void if it has return value
- Event handlers
- ltform onsubmitalert( Hello world! )gt
- ltiframe onloadalert( Hello world! )gt
- CSS (IE only)
- ltstylegtbody background url(javascriptalert(
Hello world! )) - lt/stylegt
8DOM Manipulation Examples
- document.getElementByID(id)
- document.getElementsByTagName(tag)
- document.write(htmltext)
- document.createElement(tagname)
- document.body.appendChild(node)
- document.formsindex.fieldname.value
- document.formname.fieldname.value
- frame.contentDocument.getElementById(id)
9Arrays and Loops
- Example Change href of all links on a page
- var links document.getElementsByTagName(a)
- for(var i 0 i lt links.length i)
- var link linksi
- link.href javascriptalert(Sorry!)
10Other Useful Functions
- Navigation
- document.location
- document.formname.submit()
- document.forms0.submitfield.click()
- Delayed Events
- node.addEventListener(eventname, handler,
useCapture) - node.removeEventListener(eventname, handler,
useCapture) - window.setTimeout(handler, milliseconds)
11Stealthy Styles
- var node document.getElementByID(mynodeid)
- node.style.display none // may not load at
all - node.style.visibility hidden // still takes
up space - node.style.position absolute // not included
in flow - document.write( // can also write CSS rules to
page - ltstylegtmynodeid visibilityhidden
12Example Profile Deleter
- Malicious hyperlink deletes
- profile of user who clicks it
- Only works when user logged in
- User might have multiple tabs open
- Might have chosen/forgotten not to log out
- Might appear in another users profile
- Uses vulnerability in users.php from Attack A
- Constructs profile deletion form and submits it
13Find vulnerability
Site reflects query parameter in input field
Link can include anything we want here
14Copy form data
View source to find form fields
Create copycat form with our modifications
15URL encode
Close previous ltinputgt, ltformgt
Button click triggers form submit
It didnt work.
Open JavaScript console
Check error
Undefined ? No properties!
Two forms with same name
17Fixed version
Now with correct form
18Final Test
rm 0D2020action3D222Findex2Ephp223E0D3C
textarea20name3D22profile5Fupdate223E3C 2F
20name3D22profile5Fsubmit2220value3D22 Save
nt2Eforms5B15D2Eprofile5Fsubmit2Eclick28 2
users.php replaced with index.php
Profile deleted
19Stealthier approaches
- Post form into hidden iframe
- ltform nameF action/index.php targetmyframegt
- ltiframe namemyframe stylevisibilityhiddengt
- Open page with form in hidden iframe
- ltiframe namemyframe stylevisibilityhiddengt
- ltscriptgtdocument.myframe.contentDocument.forms0
- .profile_update.value
20Part 2
- Learn
- How easy it is to make mistakes
- That even simple code can be hard to secure
- Techniques for appropriate input validation
- Very basic SQL
Little programming knowledge can be a dangerous
22PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
- Server scripting language with C-like syntax
- Can intermingle static HTML and code
- ltinput valuelt?php echo myvalue ?gtgt
- Encapsulation/objects
- class X var y 3 z new X() echo
z-gty - Can embed variables in double-quote strings
- user world echo Hello user!
- or user world echo Hello . user . !
- Form data in global arrays _GET, _POST,
- Widely used database query language
- Fetch a set of records
- SELECT FROM Person WHERE Usernamegrader
- Add data to the table
- INSERT INTO Person (Username, Zoobars)
- VALUES (grader, 10)
- Modify data
- UPDATE Person SET Zoobars42 WHERE PersonID5
- Query syntax (mostly) independent of vendor
24File structure
- index.php
- users.php
- transfer.php
- login.php
- includes/
- auth.php (cookie authentication)
- common.php (includes everything else)
- navigation.php (site template)
- db/
- zoobar/
- Person.txt (must be writable by web server)
- Includes /usr/class/cs155/projects/pp2/txt-db-api/
Only edit these files
- Third-party text file database library
- Data can be int, string, and autoincrement
- Need to escape strings \ \ \\
- Actually magic_quotes_gpc does this for us
- recipient _POSTrecipient // already
escaped - sql "SELECT PersonID FROM Person WHERE
Username'recipient'" - rs db-gtexecuteQuery(sql)
- if( rs-gtnext() )
- id rs-gtgetCurrentValueByName(PersonID)
26Defenses to Part 1
- Attack A Cookie Theft
- Attack C Login Snooping
- Attack B Silent Transfer
- Attack D Profile Worm
27Sanitization Techniques
- addslashes(string)
- Already done by magic_quotes_gpc
- Inverse stripslashes(string)
- htmlspecialchars(string , quote_style)
- Converts lt gt to HTML entities
- Use ENT_QUOTES to change to 039
- strip_tags(string, , allowable_tags)
- Max tag length 1024
- Does not sanitize tag properties
- preg_replace(pattern, replacement, subject)
- More info http//php.net
28More XSS hunting
- Look for untrusted input used as output
- Note sanitization already applied to each
variable - Form data has magic_quotes_gpc, db data does not
- Determine browser context for output
- Inside a quoted string within a tag worry about
- Outside a tag worry about lt gt
- Input to eval very dangerous
- Sanitize the output if necessary
- No penalty for erring on the side of caution
- But sanitizing multiple times may lead to
problems - No credit for solving non-goals SQL injection,
29Good luck!
- Start early
- Ask questions
- Be creative