Fundamental Aspects of Hypersonic Vehicle Design Part I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fundamental Aspects of Hypersonic Vehicle Design Part I


... transfer is called heat flux, and the average heat flux is expressed as ... motion enhances heat transfer, since it brings warmer and cooler chunks of fluid ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Fundamental Aspects of Hypersonic Vehicle Design Part I

Fundamental Aspects of Hypersonic Vehicle
DesignPart I
  • Frederick Ferguson
  • North Carolina AT State University
  • September 13, 2007

Sect 3.1
  • Section 3.1 Fundamental Aspects of Hypersonic
    Vehicle Design
  • 3.1.1 Principles of Heat Transfer
  • Conduction
  • Convection
  • Radiation
  • 3.1.2 Principles of Thermal Stress Analysis
  • Thermal Gradients the Generation of
    Thermal Stresses
  • Illustrative Examples of Thermal
  • Formulation of the Thermo elastic Problem

Sect 3.1
Hypersonic Technology Applications
  • Access to Space
  • Transportation on Demand to ISS, Lunar Base, etc
  • Civilian Transatlantic, Transpacific Transport
  • Transportation for long hauls/flights (flight
    times reduction, potentially reduces gt12hrs to
  • Military Applications
  • Missiles, etc

Sect 3.1
Characteristics of Hypersonic Flows
  • Hypersonic Flow (M 5) is defined as the flight
    regime where the following flow phenomena gets
    progressively more important as the Mach number
  • Thin Shock Layers
  • Entropy Layer
  • Viscous Interaction
  • High Temperature Effects
  • Low Density Flow

Sect 3.1
Thin Shock Layers
  • Thin Shock Layers
  • As the Mach number increases, the shock angle
    becomes smaller, as illustrated in the figure
    below. The resulting flowfield between the
    surface and shock is often referred to as a shock
    layer. This thin layer can produce many
    complications in vehicle design, e.g. the shock
    layer may merge with the boundary layer at low
    Reynolds numbers to form a fully viscous shock
  • Shock waves and streamlines over a 20 half-angle
    wedge at (a) Mach 2 and (b) Mach 20 from
    Anderson, 2000
  • At high Reynolds numbers, the shock layer can be
    treated as inviscid (meaning there is no
    friction). In the limit as Mach number goes to
    infinity, the shock layer forms an infinitely
    thin, infinitely dense sheet, or, essentially, a
    flat plate. The infinite flat plate is the most
    efficient lifting surface at hypersonic
    velocities, and the inviscid shock layer can
    therefore be used to develop simplified theories
    to predict hypersonic aerodynamic properties.

Sect 3.1
Entropy Layer
  • Entropy Layer
  • Shock theory tells us that entropy increases
    across a shock, and the entropy increase becomes
  • greater as the shock strength increases. Since
    flow near the nose passes through a nearly
  • normal shock, it will experience a much greater
    change in entropy compared to flow passing
  • through the much shallower shock angle further
    from the body centerline. Thus, strong
  • entropy gradients exist near the leading edge
    generating an "entropy layer" that flows
  • downstream along the body surface.

Sect 3.1
Viscous Interaction
  • Viscous Interaction
  • When a body travels through the air, a thin
    region near the body surface called the "boundary
    layer" is formed. In this layer, the air slows
    down from the "freestream" velocity of the
    airflow to zero at the surface. At subsonic
    speeds, the thickness of the boundary layer tends
    to become smaller as velocity increases because
    the thickness is inversely proportional to the
    Reynolds number
  • For compressible flow (or flow at high speeds),
    however, increasing flow temperature (due to
    friction heat) near the body surface causes the
    boundary layer to become thicker as speed
    increases. The two primary factors driving this
    boundary layer growth are an increase in
    viscosity of the fluid and a decrease in density.
    The result of these factors is that boundary
    layer thickness varies as the square of the Mach
  • Thus, as Mach number increases, the boundary
    layer can grow rapidly resulting in very high
    drag. Should the boundary layer become thick
    enough, it may affect the inviscid flowfield far
    from the body, a phenomenon called viscous
    interaction. Viscous interaction can have a great
    influence on the surface pressure distribution
    and skin friction on the body thereby affecting
    the lift, drag, stability, and heating
    characteristics of the body.

Sect 3.1
High Temperature Flow
  • High Temperature Flow
  • Any body traveling at high speeds in air
    produces friction and heat. Part of the kinetic
    energy of the body's motion is absorbed by the
    air and carried away from the body through a
    process called viscous dissipation. However,
    hypersonic vehicles create so much heat and such
    high temperatures that they can actually cause
    chemical changes to occur in the fluid through
    which they fly. The most notable changes air
    undergoes as temperature increases are summarized
  • High Temperature Effects on Air
  • As temperature increases, assumptions about the
    properties of the air are no longer valid and the
    vehicle is said to be traveling through a
    chemically reacting boundary layer. When the
    properties of the working fluid change, namely
    density and heat transfer properties, the
    aerodynamic characteristics and heating
    properties of the body can change drastically.

Sect 3.1
Low Density Flow
  • Low Density Flow
  • Most hypersonic vehicles are intended to cruise
    at high altitudes in low density fluids. In low
    density flows, air can no longer be considered to
    be a continuum because the distance between
    individual particles of air becomes so great that
    each particle begins to affect the aerodynamic
    properties of a body. Under these conditions,
    common aerodynamic relations, like the Euler and
    Navier-Stokes equations, break down. Instead,
    aerodynamic properties must be analyzed using the
    kinetic theory. Some of the most important
    differences between low density flows and
    continuous flows include
  • Velocity slip The viscous no-slip condition that
    says the velocity of air particles going past a
    body must be zero at the body surface, fails.
    Since friction is negligible in low density, the
    flow velocity at the body surface is no longer
  • Temperature slip The assumption that gas
    temperature at the body surface becomes equal to
    the temperature of the body surface material

Drag coefficient of a sphere at hypersonic speeds
transitioning from continuum to free-molecule
flow from Anderson, 2000
Sect 3.1
Characteristics of Hypersonic Flows
  • Hypersonic Flow Characteristics Thin Shock
    Layers, Entropy Layer, Viscous Interaction, High
    Temperature Flow , Low Density Flow
  • The Combined Effects of the phenomena described
    above are the most important flow properties
    resulting from travel at hypersonic velocities.
    Each factor plays a large role in the design and
    operation of a practical hypersonic vehicle, as
    will be seen in following sections. The principal
    characteristics of hypersonic flow are summarized
    in the following figure, Ref. Anderson, 1989.

Sect 3.1
Mach Number Altitude Map
  • Hypersonic Vehicle Flow Path Analysis

Sect 3.1
Integrated Hypersonic Vehicle Designs
  • Flight Performance Justification for the
    Integrated Hypersonic Vehicle Design

Sect 3.1
Idealized Hypersonic Vehicles
  • Idealized Hypersonic Vehicles

Sect 3.1
Propulsion System Driven Configurations
Ultimately, the Aircraft Mission the Propulsion
System drive the configuration of the Hypersonic
Sect 3.1
Thermo Structural Effects
  • Structural Strength
  • The capacity of the individual elements, which
    together make up the hypersonic structural
    system, to withstand the load (static, dynamic
    transient) that is applied to it.
  • Structural Stability
  • The capability of a structural system to transmit
    the aero thermal loads safely to the neighboring
    members and the mainframe.

Sect 3.1
Structural Design Objectives
  • Safely Transfer all aerothermodynamics forces to
    the aircraft mainframe (perpetually maintaining
    system strength stability)

Contrasting Structural Design Approaches
Sect 3.1
  • Principles of Heat Transfer
  • Frederick Ferguson
  • North Carolina AT State University
  • September 13, 2007

Sect 3.1.1
Heat Transfer
  • The science of thermodynamics deals with the
    amount of heat transfer as a system undergoes a
    process from one equilibrium state to another,
    and makes no reference to how long the process
    will take.
  • The science of heat transfer deals with the
    determination of the rates of energy that can be
    transferred from one system to another as a
    result of temperature difference.
  • The basic requirement for heat transfer is the
    presence of a temperature difference, which is
    the driving force for heat transfer.
  • The second law of thermodynamics requires that
    heat be transferred in the direction of
    decreasing temperature.
  • The rate of heat transfer in a certain direction
    depends on the magnitude of the temperature
    gradient in that direction.
  • Thermodynamics deals with equilibrium states and
    changes from one equilibrium state to another.
    Heat transfer, on the other hand, deals with
    systems that lack thermal equilibrium, and thus
    it is a nonequilibrium phenomenon.

Sect 3.1.1
Heat and Other Forms of Energy
  • Energy can exist in numerous forms such as
  • thermal, mechanical, kinetic, potential,
  • electrical, magnetic, chemical, and nuclear.
  • Their sum constitutes the total energy E (or e on
    a unit mass basis) of a system.
  • The sum of all microscopic forms of energy is
    called the internal energy of a system.
  • Internal energy may be viewed as the sum of the
    kinetic and potential energies of the molecules.
  • The kinetic energy of the molecules is called
    sensible heat.
  • The internal energy associated with the phase of
    a system is called latent heat.
  • The internal energy associated with the atomic
    bonds in a molecule is called chemical (or bond)
  • The internal energy associated with the bonds
    within the nucleus of the atom itself is called
    nuclear energy.

Sect 3.1.1
Definitions Flow Field Properties
  • In the analysis of systems that involving fluid
    flow, the special combination of velocity and
    pressure u and P, is frequently encountered.
  • This combination is defined as enthalpy, h, such
    that h e Pv.
  • The term Pv represents the work done by the fluid
    or the flow energy of the fluid.
  • Specific heat is defined as the energy required
    to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a
    substance by one degree.
  • Two kinds of specific heats
  • specific heat at constant volume cv, and
  • specific heat at constant pressure cp.
  • The specific heats of a substance, in general,
    depend on two independent properties such as
    temperature and pressure.

Sect 3.1.1
Definitions Energy Transfer
  • Energy can be transferred to or from a given mass
    by two mechanisms, namely
  • heat transfer, and
  • work.
  • The amount of heat transferred during a process
    is denoted by Q, and the amount of heat
    transferred per unit time is called heat transfer
    rate, and is denoted by Q_dot.
  • The total amount of heat transfer Q during a time
    interval dt can be determined from
  • The rate of heat transfer per unit area normal to
    the direction of heat transfer is called heat
    flux, and the average heat flux is expressed as

Sect 3.1.1
Heat Transfer Mechanisms
  • Heat can be transferred in three basic modes
  • Conduction,
  • Convection,
  • Radiation.
  • All modes of heat transfer require the existence
    of a temperature difference.
  • All modes are from the high-temperature
    medium/zone to a lower-temperature one.

Sect 3.1.1
  • Conduction is the transfer of energy from the
    more energetic particles of a substance to the
    adjacent less energetic ones as a result of
    interactions between the particles.
  • Conduction can take place in solids,
  • liquids, or gases
  • In gases and liquids conduction is due to
  • the collisions and diffusion of the
  • molecules during their random motion.
  • In solids conduction is due to the
  • combination of vibrations of the
  • molecules in a lattice and the energy
  • transport by free electrons.

Sect 3.1.1
where the constant of proportionality k is the
thermal conductivity of the material.
In differential form
which is called Fouriers law of heat conduction.
Sect 3.1.1
Convection Conduction Advection (fluid
  • Convection is the mode of energy transfer between
    a solid surface and the adjacent liquid or gas
    that is in motion.
  • Convection is commonly classified into three
  • Forced convection,
  • Natural (or free) convection,
  • Change of phase (liquid/vapor,
  • solid/liquid, etc.)

Sect 3.1.1
  • The rate of convection heat transfer is expressed
    by Newtons law of cooling as
  • h is the convection heat transfer
  • coefficient in W/m2C.
  • h depends on variables such as the
  • surface geometry, the nature of fluid motion,
  • the properties of the fluid, and the bulk fluid
  • velocity.

Sect 3.1.1
  • Unlike conduction and convection, radiation does
    not require the presence of a material medium to
    take place.
  • Electromagnetic waves or electromagnetic
    radiation - represent the energy emitted by
    matter as a result of the changes in the
    electronic configurations of the atoms or
  • Electromagnetic waves are characterized by their
    frequency n or wavelength l
  • c - the speed of propagation of a wave in that

Sect 3.1.1
  • Radiation is the energy emitted by matter in the
    form of electromagnetic waves (or photons) as a
    result of the changes in the electronic
    configurations of the atoms or molecules.
  • Heat transfer by radiation does not require the
    presence of an intervening medium.
  • In heat transfer studies we are interested in
    thermal radiation (radiation emitted by bodies
    because of their temperature).
  • Radiation is a volumetric phenomenon. However,
    radiation is usually considered to be a surface
    phenomenon for solids that are opaque to thermal

Sect 3.1.1
Radiation - Emission
  • The maximum rate of radiation that can be emitted
    from a surface at a thermodynamic temperature Ts
    (in K or R) is given by the StefanBoltzmann law
  • s 5.670X108 W/m2K4 is the StefanBoltzmann
  • The idealized surface that emits radiation at
    this maximum rate is called a blackbody.
  • The radiation emitted by all real surfaces is
    less than the radiation emitted by a blackbody at
    the same temperature, and is expressed as
  • e is the emissivity of the surface.

Sect 3.1.1
Radiation - Absorption
  • The fraction of the radiation energy incident on
    a surface that is absorbed by the surface is
    termed the absorptivity a.
  • Both e and a of a surface depend on the
    temperature and the wavelength of the radiation.

Sect 3.1.1
  • Conduction
  • Frederick Ferguson
  • North Carolina AT State University
  • September 13, 2007

  • Conduction is the transfer of energy from the
    more energetic particles of a substance to the
    adjacent less energetic ones as a result of
    interactions between the particles.
  • Conduction can take place in solids,
  • liquids, or gases
  • In gases and liquids conduction is due to
  • the collisions and diffusion of the
  • molecules during their random motion.
  • In solids conduction is due to the
  • combination of vibrations of the
  • molecules in a lattice and the energy
  • transport by free electrons.

where the constant of proportionality k is the
thermal conductivity of the material.
In differential form
which is called Fouriers law of heat conduction.
Thermal Conductivities of Materials
  • The thermal conductivity of a material is a
    measure of the ability of the material to conduct
  • The thermal conductivities of gases such as air
    vary by a factor of 104 from those of pure metals
    such as copper.
  • Pure crystals and metals have the highest thermal
    conductivities, and gases and insulating
    materials the lowest.

Thermal Conductivities and Temperature
  • The thermal conductivities of materials vary with
  • The temperature dependence of thermal
    conductivity causes considerable complexity in
    conduction analysis.
  • A material is normally assumed to be isotropic.

Thermal diffusivity
  • The thermal diffusivity represents how fast heat
    diffuses through a material, very important
    parameter in unsteady heat transfer processes.
  • Appears in the transient heat conduction
  • A material that has a high thermal conductivity
    or a low heat capacity will have a large thermal
  • The larger the thermal diffusivity, the faster
    the propagation of heat into the medium.

Fouriers law of heat conduction
  • The rate of heat conduction through a medium in a
    specified direction (say, in the x-direction) is
    expressed by Fouriers law of heat conduction for
    one-dimensional heat conduction as
  • Heat is conducted in the direction of decreasing
    temperature, and thus the temperature gradient is
    negative when heat is conducted in the positive

General Relation for Fouriers Law of Heat
  • The heat flux vector at a point P on the surface
    of the figure must be perpendicular to the
    surface, and it must point in the direction of
    decreasing temperature
  • If n is the normal of the
  • isothermal surface at point P,
  • the rate of heat conduction at
  • that point can be expressed by
  • Fouriers law as

Heat Conduction Equation
Constant conductivity
1) Steady-state
2) Transient, no heat generation
3) Steady-state, no heat generation
Cylindrical Spherical Coordinates
Special Forms of the 1D Heat Conduction Equation
Variable conductivity
Constant conductivity
The one-dimensional conduction equation may be
reduces to the following forms under special
1) Steady-state
2) Transient, no heat generation
3) Steady-state, no heat generation
Boundary and Initial Conditions
  • Specified Temperature Boundary Condition
  • Specified Heat Flux Boundary Condition
  • Convection Boundary Condition
  • Radiation Boundary Condition
  • Interface Boundary Conditions
  • Generalized Boundary Conditions

Specified Temperature Boundary Condition
For one-dimensional heat transfer through a plane
wall of thickness L, for example, the specified
temperature boundary conditions can be expressed
T(0, t) T1 T(L, t) T2
The specified temperatures can be constant, which
is the case for steady heat conduction, or may
vary with time.
Specified Heat Flux Boundary Condition
The heat flux in the positive x-direction
anywhere in the medium, including the boundaries,
can be expressed by Fouriers law of heat
conduction as
The sign of the specified heat flux is determined
by inspection positive if the heat flux is in
the positive direction of the coordinate axis,
and negative if it is in the opposite direction.
Two Special Cases
  • Insulated boundary
  • Thermal symmetry

Convection Boundary Condition
Radiation Boundary Condition
Interface Boundary Conditions
At the interface the requirements are (1) two
bodies in contact must have the same temperature
at the area of contact, (2) an interface (which
is a surface) cannot store any energy, and
thus the heat flux on the two sides of an
interface must be the same.
TA(x0, t) TB(x0, t)
Variable Thermal Conductivity, k(T)
  • The thermal conductivity of a material, in
    general, varies with temperature (similarly for
    density and specific heat) . An average value for
    the thermal conductivity is commonly used when
    the variation is mild.
  • When the variation of thermal conductivity with
    temperature k(T) is known, the average value of
    the thermal conductivity in the temperature range
    between T1 and T2 can be determined from

Variable Thermal Conductivity
  • The variation in thermal conductivity of a
    material with can often be approximated as a
    linear function and expressed as
  • where ß is the temperature coefficient of
    thermal conductivity.
  • For a plane wall the temperature varies linearly
    during steady one-dimensional heat conduction
    when the thermal conductivity is constant.
  • This is no longer the case when the thermal
    conductivity changes with temperature (even

  • Convection
  • Frederick Ferguson
  • North Carolina AT State University
  • September 13, 2007

Physical Mechanism of Convection
  • Conduction and convection are similar in that
    both mechanisms require the presence of a
    material medium.
  • But they are different in that convection
    requires the presence of fluid motion.
  • Heat transfer through a liquid or gas can be by
    conduction or convection, depending on the
    presence of any bulk fluid motion.
  • The fluid motion enhances heat transfer, since it
    brings warmer and cooler chunks of fluid into
    contact, initiating higher rates of conduction at
    a greater number of sites in a fluid.

Newtons law of cooling
  • Experience shows that convection heat transfer
    strongly depends on the fluid properties
  • dynamic viscosity m,
  • thermal conductivity k,
  • density r, and
  • specific heat cp, as well as the
  • fluid velocity V.
  • It also depends on the geometry and the roughness
    of the solid surface.
  • The rate of convection heat transfer is observed
    to be proportional to the temperature difference
    and is expressed by Newtons law of cooling as
  • The convection heat transfer coefficient h
    depends on the several of the mentioned
    variables, and thus is difficult to determine.

Boundary Layer
  • All experimental observations indicate that a
    fluid in motion comes to a complete stop at the
    surface and assumes a zero velocity relative to
    the surface (no-slip).
  • The no-slip condition is responsible for the
    development of the velocity profile.
  • The flow region adjacent to the wall in which the
    viscous effects (and thus the velocity gradients)
    are significant is called the boundary layer.

Boundary Layer
  • An implication of the no-slip condition is that
    heat transfer from the solid surface to the fluid
    layer adjacent to the surface is by pure
    conduction, and can be expressed as
  • The convection heat transfer coefficient, in
    general, varies along the flow direction.

The Nusselt Number
  • It is common practice to nondimensionalize the
    heat transfer coefficient h with the Nusselt
  • Heat flux through the fluid layer by convection
    and by conduction can be expressed as,
  • Taking their ratio gives
  • The Nusselt number represents the enhancement of
    heat transfer through a fluid layer as a result
    of convection relative to conduction across the
    same fluid layer. Note, for Nu1 ?pure conduction.

Classification of Fluid Flows
  • Viscous versus inviscid regions of flow
  • Internal versus external flow
  • Compressible versus incompressible flow
  • Laminar versus turbulent flow
  • Natural (or unforced) versus forced flow
  • Steady versus unsteady flow
  • One-, two-, and three-dimensional flows

Definition Surface Shear Stress
  • Consider the flow of a fluid over the surface of
    a plate.
  • The fluid layer in contact with the surface tries
    to drag the plate along via friction, exerting a
    friction force on it.
  • Friction force per unit area is called shear
    stress, and is denoted by t .
  • Experimental studies indicate that the shear
    stress for most fluids is proportional to the
    velocity gradient.
  • The shear stress at the wall surface for these
    fluids is expressed as
  • The fluids that obey the linear relationship
    above are called Newtonian fluids.
  • The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its
    resistance to deformation.

Definition Velocity Boundary Layer
  • The region of the flow above the plate bounded by
    d is called the velocity boundary layer.
  • d is typically defined as the distance y from
    the surface at which u0.99V.
  • The hypothetical line of u0.99V divides the flow
    over a plate into two regions
  • the boundary layer region, and
  • the irrotational flow region.

Definition Thermal Boundary Layer
  • Like the velocity a thermal boundary layer
    develops when a fluid at a specified temperature
    flows over a surface that is at a different
  • Consider the flow of a fluid at a uniform
    temperature of T8 over an isothermal flat plate
    at temperature Ts.
  • The fluid particles in the layer adjacent assume
    the surface temperature Ts.
  • A temperature profile develops that ranges from
    Ts at the surface to T8 sufficiently far from the
  • The thermal boundary layer - the flow region over
    the surface in which the temperature variation in
    the direction normal to the surface is
  • The thickness of the thermal boundary layer dt at
    any location along the surface is defined as the
    distance from the surface at which the
    temperature difference T(ydt)-Ts 0.99(T8-Ts).
  • The thickness of the thermal boundary layer
    increases in the flow direction.
  • The convection heat transfer rate anywhere along
    the surface is directly related to the
    temperature gradient at that location.

Definition Prandtl Number
  • The relative thickness of the velocity and the
    thermal boundary layers is best described by the
    dimensionless parameter Prandtl number, defined
  • Heat diffuses very quickly in liquid metals
    (Pr1) and very slowly in oils (Pr1) relative to
  • Consequently the thermal boundary layer is much
    thicker for liquid metals and much thinner for
    oils relative to the velocity boundary layer.

Laminar and Turbulent Flows
  • Laminar flow - the flow is characterized by
    smooth streamlines and highly-ordered motion.
  • Turbulent flow - the flow is
  • characterized by velocity
  • fluctuations and
  • highly-disordered motion.
  • The transition from laminar
  • to turbulent flow does not
  • occur suddenly.

Turbulent Boundary Layer
  • The velocity profile in turbulent flow is much
    fuller than that in laminar flow, with a sharp
    drop near the surface.
  • The turbulent boundary layer can be considered to
    consist of four regions
  • Viscous sublayer
  • Buffer layer
  • Overlap layer
  • Turbulent layer
  • The intense mixing in turbulent flow enhances
    heat and momentum transfer, which increases the
    friction force on the surface and the convection
    heat transfer rate.

Reynolds Number
  • The transition from laminar to turbulent flow
    depends on the surface geometry, surface
    roughness, flow velocity, surface temperature,
    and type of fluid.
  • The flow regime depends mainly on the ratio of
    the inertia forces to viscous forces in the
  • This ratio is called the Reynolds number, which
    is expressed for external flow as
  • At large Reynolds numbers (turbulent flow) the
    inertia forces are large relative to the viscous
  • At small or moderate Reynolds numbers (laminar
    flow), the viscous forces are large enough to
    suppress these fluctuations and to keep the fluid
  • Critical Reynolds number - the Reynolds number at
    which the flow becomes turbulent.

Heat and Momentum Transfer in Turbulent Flow
  • Turbulent flow is a complex mechanism dominated
    by fluctuations, and despite tremendous amounts
    of research the theory of turbulent flow remains
    largely undeveloped.
  • Knowledge is based primarily on experiments and
    the empirical or semi-empirical correlations
    developed for various situations.
  • Turbulent flow is characterized by random and
    rapid fluctuations of swirling regions of fluid,
    called eddies.
  • The velocity can be expressed as the sum of an
    average value u and a fluctuating component u

Shear Stress and Heat Flux in Turbulent Flows
  • It is convenient to think of the turbulent shear
    stress as consisting of two parts
  • the laminar component, and
  • the turbulent component.
  • The turbulent shear stress can be expressed as
  • The rate of thermal energy transport by turbulent
    eddies is
  • The turbulent wall shear stress and turbulent
    heat transfer
  • - turbulent (or eddy) viscosity.
  • kt - turbulent (or eddy) thermal conductivity.

Shear Stress and Heat Flux in Turbulent Flows
  • The total shear stress and total heat flux can be
    expressed as
  • and
  • In the core region of a turbulent boundary layer
    - eddy motion (and eddy diffusivities) are much
    larger than their molecular counterparts.
  • Close to the wall - the eddy motion loses its
  • At the wall - the eddy motion diminishes because
    of the no-slip condition.

Empirical Relations for Shear Stress and Heat
  • Reynolds Analogy (Chilton-Colburn Analogy) -
    under some conditions knowledge of the friction
    coefficient, Cf, can be used to obtain Nu and
    vice versa. It follows that the average Nu and Cf
    depends on
  • These relations are extremely valuable
  • The friction coefficient can be expressed as a
    function of Reynolds number alone, and
  • The Nusselt number can be expressed as a function
    of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers alone.
  • The experiment data for heat transfer is often
    represented by a simple power-law relation of the

Analogies Between Momentum and Heat Transfer
  • The Reynolds analogy can be extended to a wide
    range of Pr by adding a Prandtl number

Reynolds analogy
  • Radiation
  • Frederick Ferguson
  • North Carolina AT State University
  • September 13, 2007

  • Unlike conduction and convection, radiation does
    not require the presence of a material medium to
    take place.
  • Electromagnetic waves or electromagnetic
    radiation - represent the energy emitted by
    matter as a result of the changes in the
    electronic configurations of the atoms or
  • Electromagnetic waves are characterized by their
    frequency n or wavelength l
  • c - the speed of propagation of a wave in that

Thermal Radiation
  • Engineering application concerning
    electromagnetic radiation covers a wide range of
  • Of particular interest in the study of heat
    transfer is the thermal radiation emitted as a
    result of energy transitions of molecules, atoms,
    and electrons of a substance.
  • Temperature is a measure of the strength of these
    activities at the microscopic level.
  • Thermal radiation is defined as the spectrum that
    extends from about 0.1 to 100 mm.
  • Radiation is a volumetric phenomenon. However,
    frequently it is more convenient to treat it as a
    surface phenomenon.

Blackbody Radiation
  • A body at a thermodynamic (or absolute)
  • temperature above zero emits radiation in
  • all directions over a wide range of
  • wavelengths.
  • The amount of radiation energy emitted
  • from a surface at a given wavelength
  • depends on
  • the material of the body and the condition of its
  • the surface temperature.
  • A blackbody - the maximum amount of radiation
    that can be emitted by a surface at a given
  • At a specified temperature and wavelength, no
    surface can emit more energy than a blackbody.
  • A blackbody absorbs all incident radiation,
    regardless of wavelength and direction.
  • A blackbody emits radiation energy uniformly in
    all directions per unit area normal to direction
    of emission.

  • The radiation energy emitted by a blackbody per
    unit time and per unit surface area
    (StefanBoltzmann law)
  • s5.67 X 10-8 W/m2K4.
  • Examples of approximate blackbody
  • snow,
  • white paint,
  • a large cavity with a small opening.
  • The spectral blackbody emissive power

  • The variation of the spectral blackbody emissive
    power with wavelength is plotted.
  • Several observations can be made
  • from this figure
  • at any specified temperature a
  • maximum exists,
  • at any wavelength, the amount of
  • emitted radiation increases with
  • increasing temperature,
  • as temperature increases, the curves
  • shift to the shorter wavelength,
  • the radiation emitted by the sun
  • (5780 K) is in the visible spectrum.
  • The wavelength at which the peak occurs is given
    by Wiens displacement law as

  • We are often interested in the amount of
  • radiation emitted over some wavelength
  • band.
  • The radiation energy emitted by a
  • blackbody per unit area over a
  • wavelength band from l0 to l l1 is
  • determined from
  • This integration does not have a simple
    closed-form solution. Therefore a dimensionless
    quantity fl called the blackbody radiation
    function is defined
  • The values of fl are listed in Table 122.

Table 12-2 - Blackbody Radiation Functions fl
Radiative Properties
  • Many materials encountered in practice, such as
    metals, wood, and bricks, are opaque to thermal
    radiation, and radiation is considered to be a
    surface phenomenon for such materials.
  • In these materials thermal radiation is emitted
    or absorbed within the first few microns of the
  • Some materials like glass and water exhibit
    different behavior at different wavelengths
  • Visible spectrum - semitransparent,
  • Infrared spectrum - opaque.

  • Emissivity of a surface - the ratio of the
    radiation emitted by the surface at a given
    temperature to the radiation emitted by a
    blackbody at the same temperature.
  • The emissivity of a surface is denoted by e, and
    it varies between zero and one, 0e 1.
  • The emissivity of real surfaces varies with
  • the temperature of the surface,
  • the wavelength, and
  • the direction of the emitted radiation.
  • Spectral directional emissivity - the most
    elemental emissivity of a surface at a given

  • The total hemispherical emissivity
  • Since Eb(T)sT4 the total hemispherical
    emissivity can also be expressed as
  • To perform this integration, we need to know the
    variation of spectral emissivity with wavelength
    at the specified temperature.

Absorptivity, Reflectivity, and Transmissivity
  • When radiation strikes a surface, part of it
  • is absorbed (absorptivity, a),
  • is reflected (reflectivity, r),
  • and the remaining part, if any, is transmitted
    (transmissivity, t).
  • Absorptivity
  • Reflectivity
  • Transmissivity

The View Factor
  • Radiation heat transfer between surfaces depends
    on the orientation of the surfaces relative to
  • each other as well as their radiation
  • properties and temperatures.
  • View factor is defined to account for the
  • effects of orientation on radiation heat
  • transfer between two surfaces.
  • View factor is a purely geometric
  • quantity and is independent of the surface
    properties and temperature.
  • Diffuse view factor - view factor based on the
    assumption that the surfaces are diffuse emitters
    and diffuse reflectors.
  • Specular view factor - view factor based on the
    assumption that the surfaces are specular

View Factors for Selected Geometries
Radiation Heat Transfer Black Surfaces
  • Consider two black surfaces of arbitrary shape
  • maintained at uniform temperatures T1 and T2.
  • The net rate of radiation heat transfer
  • from surface 1 to surface 2 can be expressed as
  • Applying the reciprocity relation A1F1?2A2F2?1
  • For enclosure consisting of N black surfaces

Radiation Heat Transfer in Two-Surface Enclosures
  • Consider an enclosure consisting of two opaque
    surfaces at specified temperatures.
  • Need to determine the net rate of
  • radiation heat transfer.
  • Known T1, T2, e1, e2, A1, A2, F12.
  • The net rate of radiation transfer is
  • expressed as

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