Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven
1Chapter Twenty-Seven
Special Occasion Speeches
2Chapter Twenty-Seven
- Table of Contents
- Functions of Special Occasion Speeches
- Types of Special Occasion Speeches
3Functions of Special Occasion Speeches
- Special occasion speech a speech prepared for a
specific occasion and for a purpose dictated by
that event
4Functions of Special Occasion Speeches
- Entertainment
- Celebration
- Commemoration
- Inspiration
- Social Agenda Setting
5Functions of Special Occasion SpeechesEntertainm
- The main purpose is to entertain.
- Listeners expect a lighthearted speech that
amuses them.
6Functions of Special Occasion SpeechesCelebratio
- Recognize the person(s) or event being
celebrated. - Praise the subject of celebration and cast him or
her in a positive light.
7Functions of Special Occasion SpeechesCommemorat
- To remember by ceremony a notable person, place,
or event - Occur on important anniversaries
8Functions of Special Occasion SpeechesInspiratio
- Inspire audiences as well as pay homage to the
person or event being commemorated.
9Functions of Special Occasion SpeechesSocial
Agenda Setting
- Establishing or reinforcing the goals and values
of the group sponsoring the event
10Types of Special Occasion Speeches
- Speeches of Introduction
- Speeches of Acceptance
- Speeches of Presentation
- Roasts and Toasts
- Eulogies and Other Tributes
- After-Dinner Speeches
- Speeches of Inspiration
11Types of Special Occasion SpeechesSpeeches of
- A short story that prepares the audience for the
speaker and motivates them to listen.
12Types of Special Occasion SpeechesSpeeches of
- When Giving an Introduction Speech
- Describe the speakers background
- Briefly preview the speakers topic
- Ask the audience to welcome the speaker
- Respond to introduction
13Types of Special Occasion SpeechesSpeeches of
- A speech in which the recipient expresses
gratitude, and acknowledges others who have
contributed to his or her success
14Types of Special Occasion SpeechesSpeeches of
- When Giving an Acceptance Speech
- Prepare
- React genuinely and with humility
- Thank those giving the award
- Thank others who have helped you
15Types of Special Occasion SpeechesSpeeches of
- A speech in which the speaker communicates the
meaning of the award and explains why the
recipient is receiving it.
16Types of Special Occasion SpeechesSpeeches of
- When Giving a Presentation Speech
- Convey the meaning of the award
- Talk about the recipient of the award
- Consider the physical presentation
17Types of Special Occasion SpeechesRoasts and
- Roast a humorous tribute to a person, one in
which a series of speakers will jokingly poke fun
at him or her - Toast a brief tribute to a person or event being
18Types of Special Occasion SpeechesRoasts and
- When Roasting or Toasting
- Prepare
- Highlight remarkable traits of the person being
honored - Be positive
- Be brief
19Types of Special Occasion SpeechesEulogies and
Other Tributes
- Eulogy a tribute praising a deceased person
20Types of Special Occasion SpeechesEulogies and
Other Tributes
- When Delivering a Eulogy
- Balance delivery and emotions
- Refer to the family of the deceased
- Commemorate lifenot death
- Be positive but realistic
21Types of Special Occasion SpeechesAfter-Dinner
- A lighthearted and entertaining speech delivered
before, during, or after a meal
22Types of Special Occasion SpeechesAfter-Dinner
- When Making an After-Dinner Speech
- Recognize the occasion
- Avoid stand-up comedy
- The after-dinner speech serves as a form of
social agenda setting
23Types of Special Occasion SpeechesSpeeches of
- A speech that seeks to uplift the audience and
help them see things in a positive light
24Types of Special Occasion SpeechesSpeeches of
- When Making an Inspirational Speech
- Use real-life stories
- Be dynamic
- Make your goal clear
- Use a distinctive organizing device
- Close with a dramatic ending