Title: Calculus : Integration
1Calculus Integration
2What we will do
- Integration as the Process of Summation
- Integration as the Reverse of Differentiation
- Techniques of Integration
- Integration by substitution
- Integration by parts
- Integration by partial fractions
- Integration of special functions
3What we will do
- Some Consequences of the Fundamental Theorem of
Calculus - Applications of Integration Areas Bounded by
Curves and Volumes of Revolution - Reduction Formula
4Integration Concept and Theory
- We know how to find the area of simple geometric
shapes such as the triangle below
5Integration Concept and Theory
- But how do we find the are of geometric object
which do not have straight edges ?
6Integration Concept and Theory
- So, how do we go about finding the area under the
curve f(x), between xa and xb ? - Well,
- we can divide the area under the curve into
separate rectangles - find the area of each rectangle
- and then sum these areas in order to find an
approximate answer to area under curve
7Integration Concept and Theory
- Find area of each rectangle
- then sum all areas between xa and xb
8Integration Concept and Theory
- Example
- A10.5
- A20.625
- A31
- A41.625
- Total A 3.75
- exact A 4.67
9Integration Concept and Theory
- Example
- A10.625
- A21
- A31.625
- A42.5
- Total A 5.75
- exact A 4.67
10Integration Concept and Theory
- Problem answers are too small of too big. How
to improve result ? - Answer make strips thinner
11The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- Consider 1 very thin strip height yi width dx
12The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- Then
- between xa and xb (i1 n)
13The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- In the limiting process (i ? infinity)
14The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
15The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- So finding area under curve y gt integration
- and this is expressed symbolically as
- this is one part of the fundamental theorem of
16The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- We now know integration concept of area
- but how to actually perform integration ?
- It can be shown that integration can be performed
as the reverse of differentiation
17The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- To see this consider curve with variable x coord
- Then there is a function A(x) which area under
curve so far
18The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- Consider now the sequence of areas under yx2
- Between x0 and x1 area 0.333333
- Between x0 and x2 area 2.666666
- Between x0 and x3 area 9
- Etc
- This sequence of numbers happens to be the answer
to evaluating an area function A(x)
19The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- From previous fundamental theorem of calculus we
have - i.e. there is a function which represents area
under curve y
20The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- Consider extending this theorem to find the area
between 0 and xdx - and let dx ? x
21The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
22The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- We then consider the elemental area
- hence
23The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- then
- this is the other part of the fundamental theorem
of calculus
24The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- This means that as dx ? x we recover the function
A(x) from the 1st part of the theorem - hence A (the answer we are looking for) is
obtained by finding a function which
differentiates to give y