Title: Access
Part II
2More on Queries
query types relationships joins mulitable
queries creating a calculated field creating
summary queries
3Query Types
On the design query table pane, right click and
the cascading window will appear.
4There are 5 general query types
- Select
- crosstab
- parameter
- action
- Select query - retrieves the specific data you
request from one or more tables, then displays
the data in query datasheet in the order you
specify. - This is the most common type of query. (also the
one we have concentrated on)
- Crosstab query - Summarizes large amounts of data
in an easy-to-read, row-and-column format
- Parameter query - Displays a dialog box prompting
you for information, such as criteria for
locating data. - For example, a parameter query might request
beginning and ending dates, then display all
records matching dates between the two specified
8Action query
- Makes changes to many records in one operation.
- There are 4 types
- make-table - creates a new table from selected
data in one or more tables - update - makes update changes to record, such as
when you need to raise the cost of material by 5 - append - add records from one or more tables to
end of other tables - delete - deletes records from a table or tables
- Created using SQL (Structure Query Language)
- an advanced programming language used in Access
10Working with more than one table
- Large tables are difficult to manage
- most likely will have redundancy
- A join is an association that tells Access how
data between tables is related - A relationship is established between tables
usually through at least one common field.
11Related tables
- Tables that are related must share at least one
common field - The data type for the common field must be the
same in tables being related - you cannot relate a text field to a date/time
field - Often the fields have the same name, but this is
not a necessary requirement.
12Joining Tables
- To join tables, you first bring both tables to
the upper pane of the design query window. - Access will draw a line, called a join line,
between matching fields from either table. - Matching fields are fields with the same name
where one of fields is a primary field. - This is called a default join or an inner join.
13Joining Tables
- If you fail to give the matching fields the same
name, Access will not automatically insert the
line and create the join. - You can create the join manually by dragging form
one common field to to the other. - The join instructs the the query to check for
matching values in joined fields. - When matches are found, the matching data is
added to the query datasheet as a single record
14Three types of relationships
- one-to-many
- many-to-many
- one-to-one
- A record in table A can have many matching
records in table B, but a record in table B have
only one matching record in table A - Example one instructor may teach one or more
- A record in table A can have many matching
records in table B, and a record in table B can
have many matching records in table A - Example Instructors can teach many courses.
17Example of a many-to-many using a third linking
- A record in table A has only one matching record
in table B, and a record in table B has only one
matching record in table A. - Example an employee information table and an
employee compensation table
- using Tools-gtRelationships, you can define
permanent relationships between tables that will
enforce the rules of referential integrity
20Two tables in a one-to-one relationship. When the
Employee ID fields of the two tables are joined,
a query can be created using data from both tables
Employees Enployee ID Hire Date Last Name First
Name ...
Location Employee ID Location Job Title
(Joined on common field)
21Design Query
Customers Customer Id First Name Last Name Age
Credit Card Customer Id Credit limit ...
Display in alphabetical order the last names of
customers that have a credit card with us
First Name
Last Name
Customer Id
Credit Card
22The Results
- A list will appear when the run command is
clicked, the ! Icon.
First Name Adam Eve Susan John Joseph Harold
Last Name Abrahams Cane Duly Done Jackson Smith
Customer Id 14566 34564 56734 59432 57778 89576
Both tables must contain matching records in
order for a record to appear in the querys result
23Calculated Field
- A calculated field enables you to draw the data
form other field columns and perform a
mathematical calculation on a row-by-row based - Generally, if a value can be calculated for
display, it should not be stored permanently in
the database
- Select an empty field column in the query design
grid, click the expression builder to help you to
enter expression. (the magic wand) - example syntax
- Nameof field in datasheet windowexpression
- example NEW GRADE expression
- Select an empty field column in the query design
grid, click the expression builder to help you to
enter expression. (the magic wand) - syntax
- Name of field in datasheet windowexpression
- Expression - can use a field name, operators and
numbers - example
- multiply the field purchase ( in table Customers)
by 5 and call this field Tax - TaxCustomers!purchase .05
26Creating Summary Queries
- Enables to perform aggregate calculations to
summarize a group of data. - Right click on the design grid and a cascading
menu will appear, the top will be be Totals.
Select totals, an extra row will appear in the
design grid called Totals - select a cell in the Total row of the desired
27Select a calculation option
28First and Last
- The First and Last functions are most useful in
calculated controls on a report. For example, if
you have an Order report that is grouped on a
ShipCountry field and sorted on an OrderDate
field, you can use the First and Last functions
in calculated controls to show the range of
earliest to latest order dates for each grouping.