Title: Economics of Idahos Grape and Wine Industry
1Economics of Idahos Grape and Wine Industry
Stacie Woodall Garth Taylor
2Three Integrated Studies!
A. Costs of Establishing a Vineyard
B. Grape and Wine Impacts
C. Valuing Idahos Wineries as Tourism
3The Economic Feasibility of Growing Wine Grapes
in Idaho
Capital Investment for a 35-acre vineyard
Equipment and Machinery 181,600 Other
investments 561,960 Total Capital
Investment 743,560
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6Costs and Returns for Red Wine Grapes (Full
7Contribution of the Grape and Wine Industry to
Idahos Economy
- Size
- Jobs
- Total Sales
- Taxes
- Impact
- Driven by exports (new money)
- Base and non-base industries
- Multiplier effect
9Wine Consumption
Tasting Room Sales
4.2 M on sales of 26,300 cases
All Other Sales
10.7 M on sales of 116,600 cases
In-State Sales
7.9 M on sales of 73,000 cases
7.0 M on sales of 70,000 cases
11Impacts of Idahos Grape and Wine Industry
- As an agribusiness industry
- As tourism or recreation
- The Napa Valley Effect
- Tourism is a category of exports
12What is Wine Agribusiness?
Farm Suppliers
- Agribusiness Examples
- Dairy and Cheese
- Beet farmer and sugar
- Wine Agribusiness foundation The Grape Grower
- Backward links
- Forward links
- Excluded
- Wholesale
- Safeway
Backward Linked
Forward Linked
13Canyon County Impacts
14Idaho Impacts
15Wineries mean tourists!
16Idahos Wine Tourists
- Typically drinks wine on a regular basis
- 14 Every day
- 36 Two three times a week
- 33 Weekly
- 60 come from inside the state
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18Idahos Wine Tourists
- Source of winery information
- Word-of-mouth, Own knowledge, Road Signs
- Which wines to purchase?
- Tasted wine, Word-of-mouth, Sale Reputation
- Wine purchases
- Wineries, Grocery Stores, and Specialty Stores
19Canyon County Tourism Impacts
- Canyon County
- Tourism Multiplier 1.89
- Job Multiplier 17.51
- Scenarios
- Festival (650 groups) 81 from outside
Canyon County - 125,000 sales impact 1.2 jobs
- Annual Visitors (5,000 groups)
- 960,000 sales impact 9 jobs
20Idaho Tourism Impacts
- Idaho
- Tourism Multiplier 2.12
- Job Multiplier 24.88
- Scenarios
- Festival (650 groups) 40 from outside Idaho
- 82,000 sales impact .98 jobs
- Annual Visitors (10,000 groups)
- 1.3m sales impact 15 jobs
21Impact Conclusions
Canyon County Impacts LARGER than Idaho Impacts
22The Recreational Value of Idaho Wineries
- The value of wine tourism, not impact!
- Price or willingness-to-pay for the wine
recreational experience - Demand for wine recreation
- Imputed from visitors travel costs to wineries
- Winery visitors tastes preferences,
substitutes, income, marketing, etc . . .
23Advantages of Winery Tourism
- ? Build brand loyalty
- ? Alternative distribution outlet
- Source of marketing intelligence for wines
- Educational Opportunities
- Explain the demand for wine as a recreational
24In Conclusion . . .