Title: Mahinda Chinthana Vision for a new Sri Lanka
1Mahinda ChinthanaVision for a new Sri Lanka
- A Ten Year Horizon Development Framework
- 2006 2016
S Amarasekara Secretary Ministry of Highways
2RandoraInfrastructure Development
ProgrammeRoad Sector Development
- To provide accessibility to entire population of
the country and to have high quality road network
for the rapid and safe transportation of
passengers and goods
41.0 Objectives
- 1.1 To construct strategically important
economically maintainable optimal road network
for the country - 1.2 To contribute for accelerated economic
growth and balanced regional development
through high mobility road network connecting
all regions in the country - 1.3 To facilitate greater mobility, shorter
travel time and provide easy accessibility with
improved safety for the people
52.0 Key Issues Identified
- 2.1 Most roads were built more than 50 years
ago and traffic levels now exceed the design
capacity - 2.2 Roads are often narrow, winding and with
mountainess terrain and used by all modes of
traffic - 2.3 Low design Life of roads ( 10 to 20 Years)
- 2.4 Original design limits the average speed to
30 km/hr - 2.5 60 of roads are in bad or poor condition
62.0 Key Issues Cont
- 2.6 High level of traffic accidents
- (19 fatal accidents /10000 vehicles)
- 2.7 Uncontrolled roadside developments
- 2.8 Insufficient road maintenance
- 2.9 High road user cost
- 2.10 Scarcity of road construction materials.
- 2.11 Inadequate Private Contractor capacity
- 2.12 Absence of a proper system to facilitate
private sector financing in the road sector - 2.13 Scarcity of experts in the private sector
limits the outsourcing of design, construction
management and supervision work.
73.0 Strategy
- 3.1 Strategically important and economically
maintainable Expressways and National Highways
will be constructed and improved. - 3.2 Public Private Partnership will be
encouraged for higher operational efficiencies. - 3.3 Road agencies in the road sector (including
provincial and local government) will be
further strengthened. - 3.4 Regulatory framework will be strengthened to
achieve higher efficiency in returns in project
implementation and assets management. - 3.5 Domestic construction industry will be
84.0 Development Programme (2006 -2016)
- 4.1 Programme for Construction of Expressways (
600 Km) - 4.2 Programme for Upgrading of the selected
National Highways (A Class) into four-lane ( 150
Km) and - Programme for Upgrading of the National
Highways - ( A B Class) into two-lane (5000 Km)
- 4.3 Programme for Rehabilitation of Tsunami
affected roads (AB Roads -807km, 4 Causeways
and 13 Bridges ) - 4.4 Programme for Rehabilitation of roads in
conflict affected areas (AB Roads -233km) - 4.5 Programme for Rehabilitation of 6000 Km of
Provincial Roads - 4.6 Programme for Rehabilitation of 20000 km of
Rural Roads - 4.7 Programme for reduction of traffic congestion
94.1 Construction of Expressways
- Southern Expressway (2006 2011) 126km
- Colombo to Katunayake (2006 2010) 26km
- Outer Circular (2006 2010) 28km
- Colombo to Kandy (2006 2016) 98 km
- Northern Expressway (2007 2016) Approx. 300 km
104.2 Upgrading of National Highways
- Selected 150 Km of A class highways within
traffic congested townships will be upgraded into
four lanes - Selected 5000 Km of A B highways which exceeds
3000 vehicles per day will be upgraded into
divided two lanes with hard shoulders and bus
bays. - 2000 Km of cycle lanes specifically in two lane
roads will be constructed within townships and
its close proximities.
114.5 Provincial Roads
Provincial roads will facilitate connectivities
for national highways where rural producer will
be able to access urban centers and international
- Currently there are three (3) on going foreign
funded projects to rehabilitate provincial roads.
- Road Sector Development Project (ADB) covering
810 km in four provinces ( Western, North
Western, Uva and North Central) - Provincial Road improvement project (JBIC)
covering 600 km in two provinces ( Central and
Sabaragamuwa) - Road Sector Assistant Project (WB) covering 635
km in three provinces (Southern, Uva and North
Central) - In addition approximately 6000 km are expected
to rehabilitate across all 9 provinces for which
funding is yet to be found.
124.6 Rural Roads
- There was no specific programme for rural roads
development in the past. - Maga Neguma rural roads programme was
initiated with an objective of assisting local
government bodies to develop rural roads. - This programme is implemented with community
participation of which they provide labor and
possible materials and undertake the maintenance. - 90 of project cost will be financed by the
government and balance 10 will bear by the
beneficiaries. - Approximately 2000 km rural roads at a cost of Rs
3 bn will be improved or repaired annually under
Maga Neguma programme. In addition, approx, Rs
6-7 billion will be spent for rural roads through
various rural development programms. - RDA provide technical and procument support to
local government bodies and community based
organizations to implement this programme. -
134.7 Reduction of Traffic Congestions
- 32 By passes (alternate roads) will be
constructed in congested town ships - 25 Pedestrian under passes will be constructed in
congested areas. - Interchanges will be constructed for 25 Junctions
- Signal Light Systems to be installed for 255
145.0 Investment Plan (2006 -2016)( in Rs.
156.0 Expected Outcome by 2016
- 6.1 600 Km of Expressways in use
- 6.2 250 Km. of Four Lane Highways in use
- 6.3 8000 Km. of Two Lane Highways in use
- 6.4 3300 Improved Junctions in use
- 6.5 2000 km. of Cycle Lanes in use
- 6.6 30 Pedestrian under passes in use
- 6.7 32 By pass roads in use
- 6.8 Approx 8000 km rehabilitated provincial roads
in use - 6.9 Approx 20,000 km improved rural roads in use
167.0 Benefits Expected from this Programme by 2016
- 7.1 Average Travel Speed will be increased from
30 Km/Hr to 50 Km /Hr. - 7.2 Fatal Accident rate will be reduced from
2500 accidents /year to 1500 accidents / year
17Thank you !