CS4018 Formal Models of Computation weeks 2023 Computability and Complexity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS4018 Formal Models of Computation weeks 2023 Computability and Complexity


fill the kettle. put it on cooker, let it boil, pour water into teapot, add tea, ... Problem 2: How do you make tea, starting from a kettle that's partly filled? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS4018 Formal Models of Computation weeks 2023 Computability and Complexity

CS4018Formal Models of Computation weeks 20-23
Computability and Complexity
  • Kees van Deemter
  • (partly based on lecture notes by Dirk Nikodem)

Second set of slidesSome uncomputable problems
  • The halting problem
  • An uncomputable integer function
  • Noncomputability proofs by reduction
  • Turing Machines
  • Posts Correspondence Problem

Some uncomputable problems
  • Some problems must be uncomputable. (Stronger
    some integer functions must be uncomputable.)
  • But our diagonalisation proof was not
    constructive. Can we find examples of
    uncomputable problems/functions?
  • First example (also historically first) the
    halting problem. Halt(P,I) means that program P
    halts on input I.
  • This is a Boolean problem, so we will also speak
    of decidability instead of computability

Some appetisers (B.Russell)
  • Suppose a barber, John, cuts everyones hair who
    does not cut his own hair (and noone elses).
  • Does John cut his own hair?

Some appetisers (B.Russell)
  • Suppose a barber, John, cuts everyones hair who
    does not cut his own hair (and noone elses).
  • Does John cut his own hair?
  • Suppose he does. Then hes the type of person
    whose hair he doesnt cut.
  • Suppose he does not. Then hes the type of person
    whose hair he does cut.
  • Paradox!

Original home of Russells paradox
(old-fashioned) set theory
  • Assumption 1 Give me a property, then Ill give
    you a set.
  • Assumption 2 Sometimes, a set is a member of
    itself. (E.g., the set of all sets is a set.)
    Thats a property!
  • Let S def x x ? x
  • Is S ? S?
  • If yes (i.e., S ? S) then S ? S, so noIf no
    (i.e., S ? S) then S ? S, so yes

Halt(P,I) P terminates on input I
  • Weve seen examples of programs whose termination
    is unknown
  • It does not follow that no algorithm exists
  • Whats your intuition? Could there exist an
    algorithm for Halt(P,I)?

Halt(P,I) P terminates on input I
  • Suppose P halts on I, then it halts in finite
    time. Consequently, well discover by letting P
    run on I.
  • We say that this makes Halt(P,I) partially

Halt(P,I) P terminates on input I
  • Some problems are neither wholly nor partially
    decidable. (In fact, theres a hierarchy of
    decidability, e.g., Harel Ch. 8)
  • Example of such a highly undecidable problem the
    totality problem, AlwaysHalts(P), which asks
    whether P halts on every input.
  • Now lets have a look at Halt(P,I)
  • Observe that programs may be applied to other
    programs. (E.g., a compiler)

Proof of undecidability of Halt
  • Suppose Halt(P,I) was decidable
  • Then Halt(P,P) would also be decidable
  • Supposing all this, lets cook up a paradoxical

Proof of undecidability of Halt
  • Suppose the programming language L contains a
    construction called loop, which loops forever.
    (E.g., loop while True do)
  • Suppose L also contains a stop.
  • Then heres a paradoxical program S
  • S(P) If Halt(P,P) then loop else stop

Proof (ctd.)
  • S(P) If Halt(P,P) then loop else stop
  • Q Does S(S) halt? S(S) is
  • If Halt(S,S) then loop else stop
  • Suppose S(S) halts. Then Halt(S,S)True, so loop
    is called, so S(S) loops.
  • Suppose S(S) does not halt. Then
    Halt(S,S)False, so stop is called, so S(S)

Proof (ctd.)
  • Weve derived a contradiction from the
  • assumption that Halt(P,I) can be
  • programmed.
  • S(P) If Halt(P,P) then loop else stop
  • Compare Russell
  • loop gt not halt
  • stop gt halt

Proof (ctd.)
  • How satisfying is this proof?
  • We now have an actual example of an undecidable
  • Yet, the proof of its undecidability is rather
  • A diagonalisation perspective
  • consider a table matching programs P with
  • Inputs I, asking whether (P,I) halts

  • P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
  • P1 y n y n
  • P2 n n n y
  • P3 n y y n
  • P4 n y y n
  • P5 y n y y
  • ... ...
  • Diagonal records whether P(P) halts.
  • Recall S(P) says If Halt(P,P) then loop else
  • S is the negation of the diagonal
  • S(P)Halt iff P(P) does not halt
  • S n y n y
  • S differs from every program in the list! It
  • from P1 on argument P1,
  • from P2 on argument P2, etc.

An uncomputable integer function
  • Many non-computability results are inferred from
    others. This is called reduction (the third proof
    method after enumeration and diagonalisation).
  • Many noncomputability results are inferred from
    the noncomputability of Halting
  • Before explaining proofs by reduction, lets
    perform diagonalisation once again

Defining an integer function
  • Recall Integer function F N?N
  • Recall most of these functions must be
    uncomputable (proven by enumeration)
  • Yet, examples are difficult to find
  • Enumerate strings, for example in lexicographical
  • wn the n-th string
  • F will hinge on the length of a program, so we
  • Hn the set of programs of length n

Defining an integer function
  • wn the n-th string in the lexicographical
  • Hn the set of programs of length n
  • ----------------------------------------------
  • P(n) the number of the string that results
    when P is applied to wn
  • Were interested in programs that are applied to
    their own length Zn P(n) P ? Hn
  • (Observe for some n, Zn may be empty.)
  • Un MAX(Zn), or 0 if Zn is empty
  • F(n) U(n)1 (i.e., 1 more than the maximum)

  • Zn P(n) P ? Hn
  • Un MAX(Zn), or 0 if Zn is empty
  • F(n) U(n)1 (i.e., 1 more than the maximum)
  • --------------------------------------------------
  • Observe Once the programming language is
  • and the ordering of strings, then F is a
  • total, integer function.
  • Yet, no program can calculate this function.
  • Suppose program P did, while P ? Hj. .
  • How would P(j) F(j) compare with U(j)?
  • U(j) is the largest element of Zj P(j) P ?
    Hj .
  • But P(j)U(n)1, so it purports to be even
  • Since P(j) ? Zj P(j) P ? Hj as well,
  • this is a contradiction.

Our last proof method reduction
  • Problem 1 How do you make tea, starting from an
    empty kettle? Answer
  • fill the kettle
  • put it on cooker,
  • let it boil,
  • pour water into teapot,
  • add tea,
  • wait 2 minutes. DONE

Our last proof method reduction
  • Problem 2 How do you make tea, starting from a
    kettle thats partly filled?

Our last proof method reduction
  • Problem 2 How do you make tea, starting from a
    kettle thats partly filled?
  • Empty the kettle
  • Then do as in solution to Problem 1.
  • Thats the spirit of reduction!
  • Reduction is important in computability,
  • and in complexity as well.

Reduction (informally)
  • Suppose we wonder whether problem P1 is
  • It sometimes suffices to find a mapping between
    P1 and another problem P2, whose computablity is
  • One direction P2 is computable. Mapping should
    transform every P1-problem into a P2-problem.
    Solution of P2 implies solution in P1.
  • Main direction P2 is not computable. Mapping
    should transform every P2-problem into a
    P1-problem. Non-existence of some P2 solutions
    implies non-existence of some P1-solutions.
    Hence, P1 must also be noncomputable.

Reduction (informally)
  • Terminology
  • Hypothetical algorithm for P1 is called an
  • P2 is being reduced to P1.(Easy to get
  • Also P1 reduced from P2.
  • (Deduce contradiction from the assumption
  • that an oracle exists)

Reduction (more formally)
  • Target problem P1 used as oracle for uncomputable
    P2 (e.g., P2Halting)
  • P1 and P2 can have different domains(i.e.,
    different possible inputs) both have Boolean
  • Find function f Dom(P2)?Dom(P1), such that
    P2(x) is true iff P1(f(x)) is true
  • f itself has to be computable

Reduction (more formally)
  • P2(x) is true iff P1(f(x)) is true
  • Note the asymmetry
  • f is a function but not necessarily one-to-one
    (i.e., may not be a bijection)
  • Hence, P1 can be used as oracle for P2, but not
    conversely (unless f is one-to-one)

  • Many reductions are reductions from the Halting
    problem. (Halting is reduced to the new problem
    hypothetical new algorithm is oracle)
  • Halting is (hypothetically) reduced to the target
    problem any solution to the target problem would
    imply a solution to Halting.
  • Some simple examples. (Caveat most reductions
    are much less expected than these.)

  • Also know as the Totality Problem, or the
    Uniform Halting Problem
  • AlwaysHalt(P) is true iff ?I(Halt(P,I))
  • Intuitively, AlwaysHalt(P) is related to
    Halt(P), and it is harder. Therefore, it is
    natural to reduce it from Halt(P).
  • Reduction is based on the equivalence
  • Halt(P,I) iff AlwaysHalt(f(P))

  • Reduction is based on the equivalence
  • Halt(P,I) iff AlwaysHalt(f(P))
  • f works by incorporating the input I into the
    program P instead of reading it from outside,
    it is represented in the programf(P) (See next
    slide for an example)
  • f(P) does not take any input, hence
    AlwaysHalt(f(P)) just means that f(P) terminates.

  • Recall Algorithm B (input)
  • var xinteger
  • (1) while xltgt1 do if x is even
  • then
    do xx/2
  • else
    do x3x1
  • (2) stop
  • To determine if Halt(B,29), check whether
  • Algorithm f(B)
  • x29
  • (1) while xltgt1 do if x is even
  • then do xx/2
  • else do x3x1
  • (2) stop

Summary of argument
  • Suppose Alwayshalt was computable
  • Consider arbitrary program P, input I
  • From (1) Alwayshalt(f(P)) would be comp.
  • f(P) halts for every input means simplythat
    f(P) halts
  • Outcome of Alwayshalt(f(P)) would tell you
    whether Halt(P,I)(N.B. I is made part of f(P))
  • This cant be true, so (1) must be false.

Another reduction from HaltingProgram
verification sketch
  • Definition Correct(Program,Problem) iff
    Program correctly solves Problem.
  • If Correct(Program,Problem) was computable then
    many computer scientists would be hunting for a
    solution! Unfortunately it is not.
  • Intuition To determine whether
    Correct(Program,Problem), you also have to
    termine when Program terminates. Hence if
    Correct(Program,Problem) was decidable then
    Halting would be decidable.

Reduction is transitive
  • If Halting is reduced to P1 andP1 is reduced to
    P2, then this is an indirect reduction of
    Halting to P2(thereby proving the
    uncomputability of P1 and P2).
  • Thats how many results are proven reductions to
    reductions to () reductions

Turing Machines
  • Historically the first mathematical model of
  • Still the most widely known model
  • Computability can be studied by focussing on
    Turing machines completely
  • We will only take a brief look

TMs as simple models of computation (following
Harel 1987)
  • Advantage a simple model makes it easy to prove
  • Drawback to express an algorithm in TMs is a lot
    of work
  • Simplifying data strings of symbols on tape
  • Simplifying basic operations transform one
    symbol into another
  • Simplifying control moving 1 place along
    tape,left or right, depending on state and data.
    (State can encode memory!)

Turing machines (informal)
  • A head moving over a tape, readingand writing
  • The head can move left as well as right
  • The head can correct the tape, replacing one
    symbol with another
  • Actions determined by the state of the machine,
    and by the symbols encountered ( input)
  • Initial state success states

(No Transcript)
Some observations
  • Start, Success
  • Halting states (4,5)
  • Role of B
  • Symmetry (states 1 and 2)
  • Which strings end in a success state?
  • Give it input string abab

  • a. (0) BBababBB j. (3) BBxxxxBB
  • b. (1) BBxbabBB k. (3) BBxxxxBB
  • c. (3) BBxxabBB l. (3) BBxxxxBB
  • d. (3) BBxxabBB m. (0) BBxxxxBB
  • e. (0) BBxxabBB n. (0) BBxxxxBB
  • f. (0) BBxxabBB o. (0) BBxxxxBB
  • g. (0) BBxxabBB p. (0) BBxxxxBB
  • h. (1) BBxxxbBB q. (0) BBxxxxBB
  • i. (3) BBxxxxBB r. (4) Success!

Better names for states 0-5?
States as control/memory
  • 4success
  • 5failure
  • 1 a found gt b found
  • 2 b found gt a found
  • 0 and 3 a found b found
  • 0 looking for more (towards right edge)
  • 3 moving back to the left edge

Turing machines (formal)TM ltQ,?,?,?,q0,B,Fgt
  • Q set of states
  • ? set of allowable tape symbols
  • B ? ? is blank (or boundary)
  • ? ? ?-B is finite input alphabet
  • ? Q x ? ? Q x ? x ,-
  • q0 ? Q is the initial state
  • F is the (nonempty) set of success states
  • (Note ? may be a partial function)

Express example TM in these terms
  • Function ?
  • Please specify as pairs ((state,symbol),(state,sym
  • A representative sample of pairs will do

Example TM in formal terms
  • Q 0,1,2,3,4,5
  • ? a,b,x,B
  • ? a,b
  • ? ((0,a),(1,x,)), ((1,a)(1,a,)),
  • q0 0
  • F 4
  • (failure state 5 does not require explicit

Does this formal apparatus remind you of anything?
Finite State Automata
  • (Also called Deterministic Finite Automata)

Turing machines
  • TMs are formal automata, like Finite State
    Automata and pushdown store automata
  • TMs are the strongest automata that tend to be
    studied. Generating power equals that of
    Type-0rewriting systems ??? ? ??? ,
    stronger than regular grammars, context free
    grammars, and even context-sensitive grammars
  • Hopcroft Ullman 1979, Introduction to Automata
    Theory, Languages and Computation See also
    course on formal languages

FSA ltQ,?,?,q0,Fgt
  • Q set of states
  • ? finite input alphabet
  • ? Q x ? ? Q is a transition function
  • q0 ? Q is the initial state
  • F is the (nonempty) set of success states
  • Example

  • abna (ngt0)

  • FSA corresponds to a tape being read
  • from left to right after a transition, move
  • to the symbol to the right on the tape

Turing Machines
  • The head can move left as well as right (as in
    two-way finite automata, seeHopcroft Ullman
  • The head can correct the tape, replacing one
    symbol with another
  • Therefore, ? Q x ? ? Q (in FSAs) becomes ?
    Q x ? ? Q x ? x ,- (in TMs)

Play with TMs. E.g.,
  • Build TM that recognises exactly all palindromes
    in the alphabeth a,b.(See Harel 87 for a

  • Fiddling with TMs does not extend or diminish
    their generating power. E.g.,
  • Multiple tapes (more)
  • Nondeterminism (more)
  • Multidimensionality (more)
  • More than one head (more)
  • At most three states (less)
  • (E.g., Hopcroft Ullman 79, chapter

TM a very robust notion
  • Cf. the speed of light given that nothing can go
    faster than light, there must be something
    important about it.

Another noncomputability resultPosts
Correspondence Problem (PCP)
  • Another uncomputable problem
  • Proven by reduction from Halting
  • This reduction is less obvious
  • Many other problems have been proven undecidable
    by reduction from PCP
  • General statement of the problem (example in
    lecture notes)

Viewed as a puzzle
  • Can pieces be joined in such a way that
  • top row symbols bottom row symbols ?

  • In this case yes (but its hard in general)
  • oxx xx xx o xxx xxx

Posts Correspondence Problem (PCP)
  • Given n pairs of finite strings p1 lts11,s12gt
    ,, pn ltsn1,sn2gt
  • n size of problem
  • Notation First(pi) si1, Second(pi) si2
  • Does there exist a sequence of pairs (possibly
    with iterations) ltpi1,,pikgt, such
    thatFirst(pi1) First(pik)Second(pi1)

Expressing example in this way
  • Strings from alphabeth o,x
  • Size of problem2 p1lts11,s12gt, p2lts21,s22gt
    ltoxx,ogt, ltxx,xxxgt
  • Solution ltp1,p2,p2gt, sinceoxxxxxxoxxxxxxox
  • Does it matter that repetitions are allowed?

Looking ahead to complexity
  • If repetitions were not allowed then the problem
    would be finite and therefore decidable (for all
    sizes n).
  • n pairs can be ordered in maximally n! ways,
    e.g., 3 pairs a,b,c can be ordered abc,
    acb bac, bca, cab, cba
  • Worst case, there are n! orders to check

Posts Correspondence Problem (PCP)
  • p1 lts11,s12gt ,, pn ltsn1,sn2gt ,
  • Size of problem n
  • Decidability
  • Size2 is decidable
  • Size7 is undecidable
  • Sizes in between are unknown

  • Some reductions are quite unexpected
  • Whether a problem is computable can be difficult
    to predict

Where this comes from, there is much more
  • E.g., Rices Theorem
  • Only syntactic properties of programs
  • are computable
  • (Read Harel, one of the two books)

Remember high uncomputability
  • AlwaysHalt
  • Little brain teaser Suppose we fix the program P
    and the input I. Does there exist an algorithm
    for determining whether Halt(P,I)?
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