Title: Special Topics on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
1Special Topics on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
Lecture 11 Quality of Services on Wireless
- University of Tehran
- Dept. of EE and Computer Engineering
- By
- Dr. Nasser Yazdani
Univ. of Tehran
2Covered topics
- How to support real-time applications on wireless
network? - References
- Chapter 6 of the book
- Protection and Guarantee for Voice and Video
Traffic in IEEE 802.11e Wireless LANs by Yang
Xiao, Haizhon Li and Sunghyun Choi.
Univ. of Tehran
- Quality of Service
- QoS on IP networks
- Integrated Services
- Differentiated Services
- QoS on Wireless Link
- QoS Routing
- Cross layer Design
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4What is QoS?
- Many views. User Satisfaction, etc.
- Some applications require deliver on time
assurances - must come from inside the network
- Example application (audio)
- sample voice once every 125us
- each sample has a playback time
- packets experience variable delay in network
- add constant factor to playback time playback
- Elastic (delay-tolerant)
- Tolerate delays and losses
- Can adapt to congestion
- Non-elastic (Real-Time)
- Needs some kind of guarantee from network
- Main Question? How guarantee Delay and losses
- End to End, is it enough?
- In the Network
- QoS Parameters
- Bandwidth
- Latency
- Jitter
- Loss
6Utility Curve Shapes
Hard real-time
7General view
- QoS depends on all layers.
- Cross layer problem?
- It is a hard problem
- It needs some kind of state maintenance in
contrast to IP design philosophy.
8What we should do?
- Maximize User Satisfaction (U)
- Mechanism?
- Best effort is not enough
- Isolate traffics and flows
- Active queue management
- Policing
- Say no for some traffics
- Admission control
9Integrated ServicesDifferentiated Services
Two Broad Approach
10Integrated Service
- Enhancing IP Service Model
- Add QoS service classes
- Explicit resource management at IP level
- Per flow state maintained at routers which is
- used for admission control and scheduling
- set up by signaling protocol, users explicitly
request their needs. - This is done with RSVP protocol
11Integrated Services Example
- Achieve per-flow bandwidth and delay guarantees
- Example guarantee 1MBps and lt 100 ms delay to a
Path RSVP Message
12Integrated Services Example
- Allocate resources - perform per-flow admission
13Integrated Services Example
14Integrated Services Example
15Integrated Services Data Path
16Integrated Services Data Path
- Per-flow buffer management
17Integrated Services Example
18Service Types
- Multiple service classes
- Service can be viewed as a contract between
network and communication client - end-to-end service
- other service scopes possible
- Three defined services
- Best-Effort for (best-effort or elastic)
- Guaranteed Service for hard real-time (Real-Time
applications) - Controlled Load for soft real-time (tolerant
- Rspec describes service requested from network
- controlled-load none
- guaranteed delay target
- Tspec describes flows traffic characteristics
- average bandwidth burstiness token bucket
filter - token rate r
- bucket depth B
- must have a token to send a byte
- must have n tokens to send n bytes
- start with no tokens
- accumulate tokens at rate of r per second
- can accumulate no more than B tokens
20Per-Router Mechanisms
- Admission Control
- decide if a new flow can be supported
- answer depends on service class and policy
- not the same as policing
- Packet Processing
- classification associate each packet with the
appropriate reservation - scheduling manage queues so each packet receives
the requested service
21What is the Problem?
- Intserv can support QoS, but
- Too complex
- Not scalable
- Queuing scheduling
- Classification speed
- Hardware Restriction
- DiffServ aims at providing QoS with simple
mechanisms so that it scales and can be deployed. - push the complexity to the edges of the
network. - Provide weaker guarantee
22DiffServ Architecture
- Ingress routers (Edge Routers)
- Perform per aggregate shaping or policing
(Behavior Aggregate) - Mark packets with Code Points, each CP represent
a Class of Service (DSCP DiffServ Code Point) - Core routers
- Implement Per Hop Behavior (PHB) for each DSCP
- Process packets based on DSCP
Edge router
Core router
23Differentiated Service (DS) Field
DS Field
Fragment offset
IP header
Header checksum
Source address
Destination address
- DS filed reuse the first 6 bits from the former
Type of Service (TOS) byte - The other two bits are proposed to be used by ECN
24Per Hop Behavior (PHB)
- Define behavior of individual routers rather than
end-to-end services - Two PHBs
- Assured Forwarding (AF, A type)
- Expedited Forwarding (EF, P type)
- Plus, best-effort service!
25DiffServ Implementations
- Two important proposals
- RIO Mechanism (1 service)
- The Scalable Share Differentiation architecture
(SSD) - Two-Bit architecture
- RFC (2475)
26Two-Bit Architecture
- Proposes three different levels of service
- Premium Service.
- Assured Service.
- Best Effort Service.
- Two-bit architecture
- Packets get differentiated by two bits in their
header. - Premium bit (P-bit)
- Assured Service bit (A-bit)
27RFC 2475 Overall Architecture
- Classifiers
- Multifield Classifier (MF)
- Behavior Aggregate Classifier (BA)
28Traffic Conditioning
- Schedulers Work-conserving or Non-work-conserving
- Traffic conditioning uses Non-work-conserving
ones - Implementations
- Leaky Bucket
- Token Bucket
- Hybrid approaches
- Leaky-Token Bucket
- Dual Token Bucket
29Leaky Bucket
- Smoothes traffic and generates constant rate
b bits
r b/s
30Token Bucket Filter
- Described by 2 parameters
- Token rate r rate of tokens placed in the bucket
- Bucket depth b capacity of the bucket
- Operation
- Tokens are placed in bucket at rate r
- If bucket fills, tokens are discarded
- Sending a packet of size P uses P tokens
- If bucket has P tokens, packet sent at max rate,
else must wait for tokens to accumulate
31Token Bucket Operation
Not enough tokens ? wait for tokens to accumulate
Enough tokens ? packet goes through, tokens
32Token Bucket
- On the long run, rate is limited to r
- On the short run, a burst of size b can be sent
- Token Bucket 3 possible uses
- Shaping
- Delay pkts from entering net (shaping)
- Policing
- Drop pkts that arrive without tokens
- Metering (Marking)
- Let all pkts pass through, mark ones without
33QoS Issues on wireless
- Dynamically varying network topology
- Imprecise state information
- Lack of central coordination
- Error-prone shared radio channel
- Hidden terminal problem
- Limited resource availability
- Insecure medium
Univ. of Tehran
34Different approaches
- MAC layer
- Network Layer
- Cross Layer
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35Flexible QoS Model for MANETs (FQMM)
- FQMM is the first QoS Model proposed in 2000 for
MANETs by Xiao et al. - The model can be characterized as a hybrid
IntServ/DiffServ Model since - the highest priority is assigned per-flow
provisioning. - the rest is assigned per-class provisioning.
- Three types of nodes
- again defined
- Ingress (transmit)
- Core (forward)
- Egress (receive)
36QoS Signaling
- Signaling is used to reserve and release
resources. - Prerequisites of QoS Signaling
- Reliable transfer of signals between routers
- Correct Interpretation and activation of the
appropriate mechanisms to handle the signal. - Signaling can be divided into In-band and
Out-of-band. - Most papers support that In-band Signaling is
more appropriate for MANETs.
37In-band VS Out-of Band Signaling
- In-band Signaling, network control information is
encapsulated in data packets - Lightweight
- Not Flexible for defining new Service Classes.
- Out-of-band Signaling, network control
information is carried in separate packets using
explicit control packets. - Heavyweight
- signaling packets must have higher priority to
achieve on time notification gt can lead to
complex systems. - Scalability. Signal packets dont rely on data
packets - We can have rich set of services, since we
dont need to steal bits from data packets
- INSIGNIA is the first signaling protocol designed
solely for MANETs by Ahn et al. 1998. - Can be characterized as an In-band RSVP
protocol. - It encapsulates control info in the IP Option
field (called now INSIGNIA Option field). - It keeps flow state for the real time (RT) flows.
- It is Soft State. The argument is that
assurance that resources are released is more
important than overhead that anyway exists.
- Reservation Mode (REQ/RES) indicates whether
there is already a reservation for this packet. - If no, the packet is forwarded to INSIGNIA
Module which in coordination with a AC may
either - grant resources ? Service Type RT (real-time).
- deny resources? Service Type BE (best-effort).
- If yes, the packet will be forwarded with the
allowed resources. - Bandwidth Request (MAX/MIN) indicates the
requested amount of bandwidth.
40INSIGNIA Bottleneck Node
- During the flow reservation process a node may be
a bottleneck - The service will degrade from RT/MAX -gt RT/MIN.
- If M2 is heavy-loaded it may also degrade the
service level to BE/MIN where there is actually
no QoS.
- INSIGNIA is just the signaling protocol of a
complete QoS Architecture. - INSIGNIA Drawbacks.
- Only 2 classes of services (RT) and (BE).
- Flow state information must be kept in mobile
hosts. - To realize a complete QoS Architecture we also
need many other components as well as a Routing
Protocol (e.g. DSR, AODV, TORA).
42QoS Routing and QoS for AODV
- Routing is an essential component for QoS. It can
inform a source node of the bandwidth and QoS
availability of a destination node - We know that AODV is a successful an on-demand
routing protocol based on the ideas of both DSDV
and DSR. - We also know that when a node in AODV desires to
send a message to some destination node it
initiates a Route Discovery Process (RREQ).
43QoS for AODV
- QoS for AODV was proposed in 2000 by C. Perkins
and E. Royer. - The main idea of making AODV QoS enabled is to
add extensions to the route messages (RREQ,
RREP). - A node that receives a RREQ QoS Extension must
be able to meet the service requirement in order
to rebroadcast the RREQ (if not in cache). - In order to handle the QoS extensions some
changes need to be on the routing tables - AODV current fields.
- Destination Sequence Number, Interface, Hop
Count, Next Hop, List of Precursors - AODV new fields. (4 new fields)
- 1) Maximum Delay, 2) Minimum Available
Bandwidth, 3) List of Sources Requesting Delay
Guarantees and 4) List of Sources Requesting
Bandwidth Guarantees
44QoS for AODV - Delay
- Handling Delay with the Maximum Delay extension
and the List of Sources Requesting Delay
Guarantees. - Example shows how the with the Maximum Delay
extension and the List of Sources Requesting
Delay Guarantees are utilized during route
discovery process.
45QoS for AODV - Bandwidth
- Handling Bandwidth is similar to handling Delay
requests. - Actually a RREQ can include both types.
- Example shows how the with the Minimum Available
Bandwidth extension and the List of Sources
Requesting Bandwidth Guarantees are utilized
during route discovery process.
46QoS for AODV - Loosing QoS
- Loosing Quality of Service Parameters
- if after establishment a node detects that the
QoS cant be maintained any more it originates a
ICMP QOS_LOST message, to all depending nodes. - gt Reason why we keep a List of Sources
Requesting Delay/Bandwidth Guarantees. - Reasons for loosing QoS Parameters.
- Increased Load of a node.
- Why would a node take over more jobs that it can
handle? -
47Protection and Guarantee for Voice and Video
Traffic in IEEE 802.11e Wireless LANs
- Yang Xiao
- Haizhon Li
- Sunghyun Choi
48Goal Provide two level mechanism to enhance IEEE
802.11e (QoS)
- First Level
- Tried-and-known Method (ETD)
- Early protection method (ENB)
- That is to enhance admission control of 802.11e
- Protect the existing voice and video flow from
the new and other existing voice and video flows - The Second Level
- That is to reduce influences on collisions by
data traffic, and more fully utilize the channel
capacity - To protect the existing voice and video flow from
the best effort traffic -
- Admission control is not good enough
- Admission control is good only when the traffic
load is not heavy - Data traffics have influences on QoS flows due to
collisions - Even though much of the channel capacity can be
used many best-effort traffic degrade the
existing voice/video flow since many data
transmissions cause many collisions
50IEEE 802.11 DCF
- Each station check whether the medium is idle
before attempting to transmit - if (idle for DISF period)
- transmit immediately
- else (busy for the medium)
- a. wait until the medium becomes idle
- b. id the channel stays idle during DIFS period
- start a backoff process by selecting a backoff
counter (BC) - Backoff Process
- For (each slot time)
- if (medium is idle)
- BC is decremented
- else
- frozen backoff process
- if(BC 0)
- the frame is transmitted
51802.11 Distributed co-ordination function
52IEEE 802.11e EDCF
- Hybrid Coordination function to support QoS
- Contention based channel access
- Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function
- Considered in this paper due to
- Simplicity
- Can support many QoS applications
- Centrally controlled channel access schemes
- Not considered in the paper
53EDCF TXOP (transmission opportunity)
- TXOP is a time period when a station has the
right to initiate the transmission - Defined by
- Starting time
- Maximum duration
- Station cannot transmit a frame beyond TXOP
- In case of larger frames, fragmentation may be
54EDCS Access categories and priorities
- Four access categories
- Eight different priorities
- Differentiated ACs are achieved by
differentiatin - AIFS (Arbitration Inter Frame Space)
- CWmin
- CWmax
- If one AC has a smaller AIGS or CWmin or CWmax,
the ACs traffic has a better chance to access the
55EDCF medium control in a nutshell
- Each queue acts as a independent MAC entity with
a different AIFS, different initial window and
different max. window size. - Each queue has its own backoff counter BOi
- If more than one queue finishes the backoff at
the same time higher AC is preferred by the
virtual collision handler
56EDCF timing diagram
57First Level Protection and Guarantee
- Goal
- To protect existing QoS flows, whether a new flow
can enter the system or not - Components
- Work as follows
- QAP calculates budgetAC and announces via
beacon - The budget is allowable transmission time per AC
in beacon interval - If budget 0 then new flows wont be allowed to
gain medium - QSTA calculates its local transmission limit per
AC - The real transmission time per AC lt transmission
limit per AC
58DAC Procedure at QAP
- QAP transmits Qos Parameter Set Element (QPSE) to
QSTAs via beacons - CWmini, CWmaxi, AIFSi (i 0 3)
- TXOPBudgeti surplusFactori (i 1,2,3)
- TXOPBudgeti additional amount of time
available for AC i during next interval - surplusFactori ratio of over-the-air bandwidth
reserved for AC i to the bandwidth of transported
frames required for successful transmission.
59DAC Procedure at QAP
- TXOPBudgeti Max(ATLi TxTimei
surplusFactori , 0) - ATLi max amount of time that may be used for
transmission of AC i, per beacon. - TxTimei time occupied by transmissions from
each AC during the beacon period, including SIFS
and ACK times - Set to zero immediately following transmission of
a beacon - For each data transmission QAP adds the time
equal to frame transmission time and all overhead
involved (SIFS and ACK) to TxTime counter.
60DAC procedure at each QSTA
- When a transmission budget for an AC is depleted
- New QSTAs cannot gain transmission time
- Existing QSTAs cannot increase transmission time
per beacon interval - Thus above mechanism protects existing flows
61DAC local variables maitained by each QSTA
- TxUsedi time occupied by transmission
irrespective of success or not - TxSuccessi transmission time for successful
transmission - TxLimiti station shall not transmit if doing
so gt TxUsedi gt TxLimiti - TxRemainderi TxLimiti TxUsedi
- Carry over to next beacon if station cant
transmit - TxMemoryi resources utilized during a beacon
interval. - f damping function
62DAC procedure at each QSTA at each target beacon
- For new QSTAs which start transmission with this
AC in the next interval - If TXOPBudgeti 0
- TxMemoryi TxRemainder 0
- If TXOPBudgeti gt 0
- TxMemory 0, TXOPBudgeti / SurplusFactori
- For other QSTAs
- If TXOPBudgeti 0
- TxMemoryi is unchanged
- If TXOPBudgeti gt 0
- TxMemoryi fTxMemoryi (I -
f)(TxSuccessi SurplusFactori
TXOPBudgeti) - TxSuccessi 0
- TxLimit TxMemoryi TxRemainderi
- Enhancement with required throughputs and/or
delays (tried-and-known) - By observing several beacon intervals, the
information whether the currently available
capacity can accept a new flow can be determined - DAC ETD
- Enhancements with a non-zero budget values
(early-protection) - When the budget is below some threshold, new
flows are not allowed to enter. - DAC ENB
64The Second Level Protection and Guarantee
- Data traffic will affect existing voice and video
flow - Goal is to reduce the number of collisions or
collision probability, caused by data traffic - Dynamically control data traffic parameters
- Window increasing factor changes with the backoff
65Fast backoff
- siwindow increasing factor (any real no gt 1) for
backoff stage i (i 1 Lretry) - Fast Backoff
- 2 lt s1 lt ltsretry
- Fast backoff achieves a larger window size much
quicker and becomes faster when backoff stage is
66Dynamically adjusting parameters when fail /
consecutive success
- When a frame reaches retry limit and is dropped
- CWmin0 T CWmin0 (T gt 1)
- AIFS0 AIFS0 / ? (? gt 1)
- When station successfully transmits m consecutive
frames - CWmin0 CWmin0 / T (T gt 1)
- AIFS0 AIFS0 / ? (? gt 1)
- Fast Backoff plus dynamic adjustments
67With or without DAC
68Voice, video and data traffic