Title: Rabbit
1Rabbit Clicker Training
By Amanda Greening
Clicker Training is a very cheap hobby to get
into. Some equipment you will need is
- Rabbit
- Clicker
- Rewards
- Nice, quiet room
- A lot of patience!
3How Can Clicker Training Strenghthen Your Bunnies
Relationship With You?
Clicker training does require a lot of effort and
positive reinforcement, which gives you and your
rabbit plenty of time to get to know each other.
The more positive encouragement you give, the
more your rabbit will begin to like you, and
understand you. You can learn your rabbits
favourite treats, where he/she likes to be
scratched and its likes and dislikes. All in
all, clicker training can come in handy in more
ways than one.
4What Is The Right Reward For My Bunny
Many rabbits have different preferences for
treats. Some of them are
- Food (Carrot, Parsley, Lettuce etc.)
- Attention
- Free Time
- Grooming
- Playing A Game With Them (Like Playing Fetch With
A Ball Of Paper)
5As long as you give a constant effort, any rabbit
can learn clicker training. Yes, some of the
duller rabbits will take a bit longer to teach,
but you should give lessons every day and never
give up if your rabbit is giving you a hard time.
Some rabbits will get the idea after only three
sessions, but some can takes two or three weeks.
Can Just Any Rabbit Learn?
Doing this can also help tame shy or feral
rabbits by teaching them that you will give them
food, attention and such.
6Begining The Training
When you start, you should slowly introduce the
clicker and only have 5-7 minute classes.
Remember to click, than give the treat, so that
your bunny learns that click means good. Soon
your bunny should come up to your hand looking
for your treat, meaning that they fully
understand the concept of the click. After that,
whenever your rabbit moves , click. Then they
learn that you want them to move when you click.
A command can be a signal with your hands, or
words. You guide the rabbit to what or where you
want it to go or do and say the command, then
click. For instance, guiding a rabbit over a jump
and clicking while saying Jump will teach it
that that command means to do that. Personally, I
would do vocal commands because they are easier
to teach and much easier for your bunny to
understand. You must remember to be VERY PATIENT
while teaching your rabbit commands, because it
is like you learning to talk.
A Very Well Trained Rabbit
8Your shy rabbit will learn through clicker
training that everything good comes through you,
and nothing else. This will be rather time
consuming. Through a 24 hour period you should do
around seven sessions because it will be harder
with a new rabbit since you have to get it to
trust you. To these kinds of rabbits, timing is
VERY IMPORTANT! If you do it even a second to
early or late could give you another full day of
training, trying to cover your mistake, so with a
not very tame or new rabbit, be sure to do it
right, or not do it at all.
Taming The Shy Bunny With Clicking
9Making An Enviroment For Sucess
This room to the right would be a really good
example if it had carpet. ---------------
This area should be distraction free. Take away
anything that your bunny may want to sniff, push,
pull, chew or play with. It should be totally
bunny proof, (No wires, loose cords, etc.) It
should not be a large area, so your rabbit will
not have the temptation to completely ignore and
leave you clicking like an idiot in the middle of
the room. Make sure there is no TV with loud,
distracting sounds. Make sure theirs carpet for
101. Make sure that you rabbit is healthy and has
enough nutrition.
2. Use a variety of treats, so it dosen't get
4. Provide your bunny with a comfort zone.
5. Start inside the house, then slowly work
11TIPS Pg.2
6. Use a low distraction enviroment.
7. Keep sessions short, 5 minutes is PLENTY.
8. Rabbits are easily bored, repeat things a
session only a few times
9. Use several different types of treats.
10. Use jackpots!
12Follow These Laws
- Make realistic goals.
- Study one trick at a time.
- Use good reinforcement.
- When teaching a new trick temporarily relax the
old ones. - Plan ahead.
- Dont change trainers.
- Ask another trainer for advice.
- Dont interrupt training.
- If they forget, review.
- Make the end memorable.
13What Other Bunny Activities Can Clicker Training
Help Me In?
A lot of activities can be done with a clicker
trained bunny! Some of them are
- Target Training
- Rabbit Hopping/Agility
- Teaching Your Bunny Cute Tricks
14Target Training And
Target Training First you must clicker train
your bunny, than you get to start target
training! (See Pic Below For Target) You put the
targets on the floor and then put the bunny on
the floor. Than, whenever your bunny comes near
the target, click. It will learn to follow the
target. If you want to see a quick video of
target training, go to This Link.
Rabbit Agility Also known as rabbit hopping is a
fun and very active activity for both you and
bunny. Rabbits have been known to enjoy this so
much that the will eagerly race ahead of the
handler to the next jump!!
Rabbit Agility
15Picture Sources
And My Personal Pics
16Thanks For Watching!