Title: Big Screen: Big Impact Big Cost
1Big Screen Big Impact Big Cost? CAA research
to quantify advertising impact cost
2Big Screen Big Impact Big Cost?
CAA research to quantify advertising impact
cost effectiveness
- To answer two specific questions
- How does the impact differ between seeing the
same ad on cinema and TV? - How does the impact of the advertising relate
to the cost?
- Redblue won competitive pitch to conduct research
- Interviewed sample of cinemagoers and TV viewers
exposed to an ad ONCE - 500 within each sample, interviewed day after
exposure - 3 different brands researched
Exposed to ad once (cinema)
Exposed to ad once (TV)
Exposed to ad once (cinema)
Exposed to ad once (TV)
Exposed to ad once (cinema)
Exposed to ad once (TV)
4Advertising Impact
5Results Part 1
Proven Recall is mentioning 1 specific detail
about the actual ad (no misattribution)
Proven recall for 3 ads after one exposure
6Results Part 1
8 times the impact
7Cost Effectiveness
8Results Part 2
How impact relates to cost
8 x impact
15-34 CPT 25
Does this mean cinema 15-34 CPT is 8 times higher
TV CPT is agency estimate - assumes standard
channel mix with average discount
9Results Part 2
How impact relates to cost
8 x impact
15-34 CPT 25
Actual 15-34 CPT 69
2.75 x cost
Cinema CPT assumes average discount figures are
10Results Part 2
How impact relates to cost
How impact relates to cost
8 x impact
2.75 x cost
Cinema CPT assumes average discount figures are
3 times more cost effective
- Results
- Impact weighting of 81 for cinema and TV
- CPT ratio much lower
- Makes cinema 3 times more cost effective than
TV on like for like exposure
12Plus those seeing ad on cinema had
more enjoyment of the ad 12
higher brand awareness 20
improved brand perceptions 21 stylish, 17
quality, 13 fashionable
increased word of mouth 40