Title: Chronology of Events in the Life of
1Chronology of Events in the Life of Muhammad
November 19, 2003 Ramadan 24, 1424
Prepared by Amin Kamel
2Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Brief Description of the Event
Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
3Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Brief Description of the Event
Names of the prophets children from Khadija???
4Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Brief Description of the Event
5Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Brief Description of the Event
6Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Brief Description of the Event
7Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Brief Description of the Event
8Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Brief Description of the Event
9Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Brief Description of the Event
10Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Brief Description of the Event
11Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Brief Description of the Event
12Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Brief Description of the Event
13Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Brief Description of the Event
14Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Brief Description of the Event
15Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Brief Description of the Event
16Age of the Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Brief Description of the Event
17Age of the Holy Prophet according to Lunar
Calendar (Approximate Date)
Approximate Hijra dates (BHBefore Hijra
AHAfter Hijra)
Brief Description of the Event
Inna lillahe wa inna elaihe rajioon