Title: Digipede Technologies Many Legs Make Light Work
1Digipede TechnologiesMany Legs Make Light Work
- High Throughput Computing Week
- Introduction to the Digipede Network
- Introduction to the Digipede Network
- System Overview
- Components
- Concepts in the Digipede Network
- Job templates, jobs, and tasks
- FileDefs, parameters, and other settings
- Using the Digipede Network with no programming
- Designing jobs using wizards in Digipede
Workbench - Using designers
3What is the Digipede Network?
- A Windows-based
- grid computing solution
- middle-tier, distributed computing solution
- tool to improve application performance,
scalability, through-put, and reliability.
The Digipede Network is a set of tools that make
it easy to distribute an applications execution
onto a network.
4Digipede NetworkInstallation overview
5Digipede NetworkComponents
- Infrastructure
- Digipede Server
- Digipede Agent
- Administration
- Digipede Control
- Job Submission
- Digipede Workbench
- Digipede Framework SDK
- PowerShell or JobSubmit.exe
6Digipede NetworkInstallation Overview
- Infrastructure
- The Digipede Server
- A Digipede Agent on each compute node
- Job creation/submission tools
- Digipede Workbench
- Digipede Framework SDK
7Concepts to Know Job Templates, Jobs, and Tasks
- Job Templates
- Defines how to work on a class of jobs
- Describes files to move and cache
- How to invoke the job
- Jobs
- Run against a job template
- May contain data or files that apply just to that
job - Task
- Part of a job
- Executed on one machine atomic unit of work
- May contain data or files that apply just to that
8Basic Concepts
Job Template Task Parameter
Job File Definition Job Defaults
9Digipede NetworkFile Definitions
- File Definitions describe the files that will be
moved as part of a job or task - Relevance
- JobTemplate
- JobPlaceholder -gt Input
- InputPlaceholder -gt Input
- ResultPlaceholder -gt Result
- File Transfer
- Streamed (Digipede API apps only)
- Hosted
- Location
- Transfer Types
10Digipede NetworkParameters
- Parameters are name-value pairs that can be used
to pass information with a job template, job, or
task - Relevance
- JobTemplate
- JobPlaceholder - Input
- InputPlaceholder - Input
- Substitution Variables
- (tmpfile) - A unique temporary file name
- (JobID) The Job ID of the Job
- (string) The variable is replaced by the value
of the parameter or file name of the file
indicated by string.
11Digipede NetworkJob Defaults
Minimum CPU Maximum Assignments
Minimum RAM Maximum Failures
Reassignment Interval
12Digipede NetworkJob Template
- File Definition
- Job Defaults
- Application Control
- Command line
- .NET
- Version
13Digipede NetworkJob
- File Definitions
- Parameter
- Settings
- Collection of tasks
14Digipede NetworkTask
- File Definitions
- Result Files
- Parameters
- Command line (can be combination of hardcoded
text, parameters, and file names)
15Digipede NetworkDigipede Workbench Wizards
Job Template Wizard
16Digipede NetworkDigipede Workbench Wizards
Job Wizard
17Digipede NetworkDigipede Workbench Designers
Job Template Designer
18Digipede NetworkDigipede Workbench Job Tracking
19Digipede NetworkDigipede Control Monitoring
Job Page
20Hello, World!
- Stage the files
- Manually deploy to each node
- Or put in an accessible (via copy or HTTP)
location - Create a Job Template (and Job) in Digipede
Workbench - Define common file (HelloWorld.exe)
- Create tasks (use a Range parameter)
- Tell it the command line
- In advanced options, make sure you select Save
Standard Output
21Install and Start Workbench
- Open a browser and navigate to \\HTC-Server\Digip
edeControl, and log in. Use your PC name as a
login and password (e.g., LABPC04).Then, click
on Digipede Workbench and follow installation
instructions. During the install, the server
name is HTC-Server and the login/password is your
PC name. - Start Workbench (Start Menu -gt Programs -gt
Digipede -gt Workbench)
22The Job Wizard
- Start Job Wizard
- Existing? No
- Name your job
- Move files via Share
23Define Files and Parameters
- One common file
- Browse and select
- No Job or Task files
- One parameter
- Define range parameter
24Finish and Submit
- No result files or Digipede API
- Define command line
- Add TaskID to the command lineHelloWorld.exe
(TaskID) - No notifications
- Select Advanced Options, Save Standard
Output - Finish and run!