Title: Hans von Storch
1The utility of long-term reconstructions with
regional climate/earth system models
- Hans von Storch
- Institute for Coastal Research, GKSS Research
Center, Germany - and KlimaCampus, U of Hamburg, Germany
2What is coastDat?
A set of model data(hindcasts, reconstructions
and scenarios for the future) Based on
experiences and activities in a number of
national andinternational projects (e.g. WASA,
atmospheric and oceanographic parameter(e.g.
near-surface winds, pressure, temperature and
humidity upper air meteorological data such as
geopotential height, cloud cover, temperature and
humidity oceanographic datasuch as sea states
(wave heights, periods, directions, spectra) or
water levels (tides and surges) and depth
averaged currents, ocean temperatures) Covers
different geographical regions(presently mainly
the North Sea and parts of the Northeast
Atlantic other areas such as the Baltic Sea,
polar regions or SE-Asia are to be included)
3- Overview
- Construction of CoastDat
- Validation of CoastDat
- Applications N Atlantic Polar Lows
- Applications pathway of gasoline lead
4Downscaling cascade
global model
Insufficiently resolved
Well resolved
Spatial scales
regional model
Insufficiently resolved
Well resolved
Spatial scales
Added value
7Concept of Dynamical Downscaling
Physiographic detail
3-d vector of state
Known large scale state
projection of full state on large-scale scale
Large-scale (spectral) nudging
8Spectral nudging vs. standard formulation
9Extreme wind speeds over sea simulated and
10Interannual Variability of Storm Indices
Storm index Lund red - reconstruction, blue -
(after Bärring and von Storch 2005)
11(No Transcript)
12Interannual Variability Water Levels
(Weisse and Plüß 2006)
Annual mean winter high waters Cuxhavenred
reconstruction, black observations
1320-yr running trends in SST at Helgoland (German
(Meyer et al. 2009)
14- Applications
- a) Assessment of N European Storm Climate and
related issues - Pathway of gasoline lead pollution
15Climate simulations with CLM ( 50km) for Polar
Lows 1948-2007
- Driven by the NCEP reanalysis
- Spectral Nudging
Zahn, M., and H. von Storch, 2008 A longterm
climatology of North Atlantic Polar Lows.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L22702,
16North Atlantic Polar Lows
17Flow and deposition of substances
Lead deposition in Europe
- Many anthropogenic substances released into the
environment are transported over long distances
and are deposited all over Europe and the rest of
the world. - Long term and spatially representative
measurements unavailable. Alternative use of
circulation and precipitation from long-term
weather reconstruction to model fate of
von Storch, H., M. Costa-Cabral, C. Hagner, F.
Feser, J. Pacyna, E. Pacyna, and S.Kolb, 2003
Four decades of gasoline lead emissions and
control policies in Europe A retrospective
assessment, The Science of the Total Environment
(STOTEN) 311, 151-176
18Lead deposition in Europe
19Lead deposition in Europe
Calculated depositionsof lead
20model estimate
21Lead deposition in Europe
22Weisse, R., H. von Storch, U. Callies, A.
Chrastansky, F. Feser, I. Grabemann, H. Günther,
A. Plüss, T. Stoye, J. Tellkamp, J.
Winterfeldt and K. Woth, 2009 Regional
meteo-marine reanalyses and climate change
projections Results for Northern Europe and
potentials for coastal and offshore
applications. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., May 2009