Title: Trigonometric%20scores%20rank%20statistics
1Trigonometric scores rank statistics
- Olena Kravchuk
- (supervisor Phil Pollett)
- Department of Mathematics, UQ
2Ranks and anti-ranks
First sample First sample First sample Second sample Second sample Second sample
Index 1 2 3 4 5 6
Data 5 7 0 3 1 4
Rank 5 6 1 3 2 4
Antirank 3 5 4 6 1 2
3Simple linear rank statistic
- Let us consider the two-sample location problem.
Assume that the distributions are continuous of
the same location family, f, and may differ in
location, µ, only. The inference is made from
two random samples of size m and n, Nmn, drawn
from the distributions.
4Random walk model
- Let us start a random walk at the origin and walk
on the pooled data sample moving up every time we
see an observation from the first sample and
down every time we see an observation from the
second sample. Let us pin the walk T down by
assigning the appropriate up/down steps, cs.
5Brownian Bridge
Cramer-von Mises statistic
- One of the common form of the statistic is given
below. There di is the difference between the
sample distribution functions at the ith point in
the pooled sample.
6First components of CM
- Durbin and Knott Components of Cramer-von mises
The random variable cos(jpx) is the projection of
a unit vector on a fixed vector where the angle
between the two vectors is distributed uniformly
between 0 and jp. Evidently for testing the
significance of individual components we only
need significance points for the first component.
7Percentage points for the first component
- Durbin and Knott Components of Cramer-von mises
8Percentage points for the first component
- Kravchuk Rank test of location optimal for HSD
9Hyperbolic secant distribution
10Some tests of location
11Random walks under the alternative
12Small-sample power
13Small-sample power
14Trigonometric scores rank estimators
- Location estimator of the HSD
Scale estimator of the Cauchy
Trigonometric scores rank estimator