Title: Reading ASCII Textual File Headers
1Reading ASCII Textual File Headers
- TLMs new standard for SEG-Y will be ASCII rather
than EBCDIC Textual File Headers - To View ASCII Textual File Header
- Use ITS SegyTool
- Panther Segy Edit is no longer supported
- Use gbillings/bin/ythdr
- Use unix more command
2ASCII Textual File Header using SegyTool
File Open Set Format to Ascii Set
Header to Ebcdic Export Header to Ascii
text file (fix coming soon)
3ASCII Textual File Header using
Type gbilling/bin/ythdr filename.sgy Select and
paste to text editor if desired.
4ASCII Textual File Header using more
Adjust xterm window width to 80 ideal size
80x42. Type more filename.sgy Type
q for quit Select and paste to text