Title: Nuclear%20effects%20in%20DIS%20at%20HERMES
1Nuclear effects in DISat HERMES
Erika Garutti (NIKHEF) On behalf of the HERMES
- Inclusive DIS on nuclei (14N and 84Kr)
- Semi-inclusive DIS on nuclei
- Nuclear Attenuation ? Hadron Formation Times
- Link to heavy-ion physics
- Conclusion and Outlook
2Medium modification of Parton Distributions
Late 60s Inclusive high energy DIS of leptons
on nucleons
Parton Distributions
80s Inclusive lepton DIS on nuclei
Medium effects (shadowing,EMC effect)
3 the Q2 dependence
4Medium modification ofParton Fragmentation
Semi-Inclusive DIS of leptons on nucleons
Fragmentation functions from SIDIS multiplicities
Semi-Inclusive DIS of leptons on nuclei
- Nuclear Attenuation
- Reduction of multiplicity of the
- fast forward hadrons due to
- Hard partonic interactions
- Soft hadron interactions.
- Formation time
tf lf / c
- Why is formation time of interest?
- Dependence on hadron type
- Comparison to model predictions
- Link to Heavy Ion physics
- Formation time in Heavy Ion physics
- Initial energy density in Quark Gluon Plasma
- plasma formation time ? Estimate t0
tf (?) - Impact of tpf in dilepton spectrum
- (P.Filip,J.Pisut Phys. Lett. B 411 (1997)
187) - ? Predictions for in
Pb-Pb (LHC, _at_ 160 GeV) depend on tpf
mT transverse mass A collision area of two
nuclei dN/dy rapidity density
6Hadron Attenuation
Multiplicity ratio for A/D
Multiplicity ratio for A/D
z gt 0.8 Unexplored region
- Data Selection
- Kr p, K, (p) from RICH
- 2.5 (4) lt Ph lt 15 GeV
- x gt 0.06 , y lt 0.85
- Q2 gt 1 GeV2 , W2 gt 4 GeV2
- N h, p from Cherenkov
- Ph lt 1.4, 4 lt Pp lt 13.5 GeV
7Gluon Bremsstrahlung Model
- (B.Kopeliovich et al., hep-ph/9511214)
- pQCD based model for high-z mesons
- Highly virtual quark looses energy via gluon
- emission till final meson is formed
- induced radiation
- nuclear suppression
- (dominant)
- ?
- ? cp 1.35 fm/GeV c
- Suppression of high-z mesons
- high-z quarks emit only few gluons
- correspond to small tf
- long time for hadron-Nucleus interaction
tf ch n(1-z)
8Direct Production on 14N
(HERMES Coll., EPJ C20 (2001) 479)
- Phenomenological inter-nuclear
- reinteraction model
- (1-time scale model)
- (Bialas Chmaj, PLB 133(1983) 241)
- tf ch n(1-z)
- s 0
- sh fixed for diff. h-type
Multiplicity ratio for 14N/D
9Hadron Separation vs z
- 1-time scale model fit
- leading hadrons (z gt 0.5)
- ?cp consistent with 14N
- 14N 1.37/-0.18 fm/Gev
- 84Kr 1.49/-0.10 fm/GeV
- ?cp consistent with gluon brems. model
- Th 1.35 fm/GeV
- cp gt cp/K
- att(z)p att (z)K
- ?
- attp gt1 for low z
- rescattering
- attp at high z
- information on Dpq(z)
- (Guo Wang , PRL 85 (2000) 3592)
10Hadron Separation vs n
- Observations
- attp/p- attK/K-
- ? tfp/p- tfK/K-
- attp gt attp
- s(pd) _at_ 3s(pd) _at_ E 1 GeV (?)
- attp lt attp/K
- ? tfp gt tfp/K (?)
- Average kinematics
11Hadron Separation vs n
Enhancement at high n due to rescattering of
produced hadron on target protons Leading
protons have Ratt lt 1
12Fragmentation Function Modification Model
(Guo Wang , PRL 85 (2000) 3592) Modification
of Dhf(z) in medium due to multiple parton
scattering (in QCD)
? Dhf(z) modification increases for small n
? DDhf(z) scales with A2/3 due to LPM
13Parton Energy Loss
(X.N. Wang, hep-ph/0111404, X.N. Wang,
Compared to hadron yield in Au-Au collisions
average over expanding system (QGP)
Dhf (z) Modification equivalent to Dhf (z)
Rescaling by parton Energy loss (DE/E)
? dE/dx 0.25 GeV/fm
- expansion corr. ? hot,dens system
- dE/dxstat dE/dxexp (RA/2t0) 4.5 GeV/fm
- RA 6fm , t0 0.2 fm
- Gluon density in initial stage of Au-Au QGP is
15 times that of cold nuclear matter
Calculated from DIS data cold, static system
? dE/dx 0.3 GeV/fm
14Cronin Effect
In Heavy Ion Collisions Enhancement at high pt
in AA collisions relative to pp collisions.
In DIS on nuclei
Multiplicity ratio for A/D
Agreement with multiple parton scattering model
(E.Wang and X.N.Wang nucl-th/0104031) ?
Transition at pt 1-2 GeV/c
- Similar pt2-enhancement
- Clean information on quark
- transport in cold nuclear matter
15Conclusions Outlook
- Strong nuclear attenuation at high z and low n
- Similar attenuation for p and K
- Observed attp lt attp/K
- Interpretation tfp gt tfp/K (?)
- Nuclear modification of Dhf(z)
unambiguous info - Hadronization times
on quark transport - Parton energy loss and Cronin effect in
cold matter - more to come
- additional HERMES data on 4He and 20Ne
- pt broadening for p, K, p
- comparison to theory for separate hadron type