Title: Cdric Pruski
1On the Use of Ontologies for an Optimal
Representation and Exploration of the Web
- Cédric Pruski
- LASSY Seminar
- Luxembourg, February 22nd
2Motivations and Problems
3Motivations and Problems
A priori knowledge is needed Query language is
- Related Work
- Our approach
- Data structures and query languages for the Web
- Ontologies
- WPGraph, W3Graph
- Logical formalization
- O3 an optimal algorithm principles and
implementation - Conclusion
5Related Work Web Search
6Related Work Ontologies
- Philosophy
- Ontologies in computer science
- Artificial Intelligence
- Software Engineering
- Ontologies for the Semantic Web
- Metadata
- Ontology languages (DAMLOIL, OWL)
- Problems with ontologies
- Formalization
- Suitability
- Evolution
7Our Approach
8Data Structures for the Web Ontologies
- Oriented, connex graph where vertices are
concepts, and arcs are labelled with the type of
relation binding concepts - Definition
- set of concepts.
- set
of arcs. -
9Ontologies for representing Web Data
- Useful to measure semantic distance between
concepts - Jiang-Conrath MetricJiang97
- Lin Metric Lin98
- Resnik Metric Resnik95
- Hirst-St-Onge Metric Hirst97
- Useful for concepts disambiguation
10Ontologies for exploring the Web
- Ontologies can be used for
- Annotating Web pages
- Query expansion
- Advantages
- Reducing the size of the search domain
- Facilitating the construction of good queries
- No need to enrich existing Web pages in metadata
11Data Structures for the Web WPGraph
- Definition
- set of vertices
- set of edges
- types of objects
- vertices labelling function
- weight function for vertices
- weight function for edges (based
on an ontology)
13Data Structures for the Web W3Graph
- Definition
- set of
vertices - set of edges
- weight function for edges (based
on an ontology)
14ASK A Language for querying Web data structures
- Developed for extracting knowledge contained in
the WPGraphs and W3Graphs - Improves languages of Web search engines
- Integration of new boolean operators
- Integration of document type
- Integration of concept importance
15ASK Syntax and Semantic
- Syntax
- Example
- (mot1mot2)
- (mot1mot2)1 img
16Ontology-based Query Expansion
- Reduce the size of the initial query
- Optimize the search results
- Example
17Logical Formalization for Query Interpretation
- Definition of logical structures for WPGraph,
W3Graph and ontologies - Method for the transformation of ASK queries into
logical formulae - Method for interpretation of logical formulae on
the logical structures
18O3, an Optimal Algorithm for Web Search
19O3, an Optimal Algorithm for Web Search
- Results
- New concepts for Web data representation and
exploration - Improvement of Web information retrieval
- Limits
- Graphs construction needs to much time but can be
used on the top of a search engine - Ontologies are not easy to build
- Perspectives
- Improvement of ontologies (mainly the semantics)
- Development of new metrics
21Questions ?