Title: Solvent%20extraction%20design%20consideration%20for%20the%20Tati%20Activox
1Solvent extraction design consideration for the
Tati Activox Plant
I. Cronje (Hatch), E. Robles (Hatch), G Nel
(Norilsk Nickel)
21. Aim of presentation
- Design considerations and challenges faced
- during design of the SX circuits for the TAP
- Unique process conditions of the TAP
- Multiple SX trains
- Integrated fire management plan
32. Background
- TAP commercialisation of Norilsk Nickel Activox
process - Demonstration plant (1170)
- Phoenix mine site, NE Botswana
- Activox process - UFG autoclave pressure
43. TAP Flowsheet
Feed 506 000 dt/a
Ni 4.2 - 5.3
Cu 2.7 - 5.1
Co 0.11 - 0.18
Fe 47
Product t/a
Nickel metal 25 000
Copper metal 22 000
Cobalt carbonate 639
54. Design Issues related to TAP conditions
- Process conditions in SX circuit dependant on
- Ore type
- Leach conditions reagents
- Type and sequence of processes
- Design requirements due to unique TAP
conditions - Reduce minimise impact of scaling
- Equipment selection for corrosive solutions
- Minimising of crud formation control
- Reliable pH control
64. Design Issues related to TAP conditions
- Conditions for Scaling
- Super-saturation of Ca2SO4.2H2O
- Tati concentrate, pyrrhotite ore with Ca, Mg and
Mn - Addition of limestone to control pH in Fe removal
- Co and Ni SX circuits prone to scaling
- Excessive scaling results in
- Reduced processing production capacity
- Increased energy requirements
- Increased downtime maintenance cost
74. Design Issues related to TAP
conditionsScaling (cont.)
- Design approach to reduce scaling
- Adjustment of Process parameters
- Dilution of Co PLS liquor with 5 filtered raw
water - Temperature control of Co PLS
- pH control to reduce Ca co-extraction
- Piping design
- Material selection has an influence on scale
formation - FRP minimises adhesion of scale
- Pipe spools designed for easy removal descaling
84. Design Issues related to TAP conditions
Scaling (cont.)
- Cleaning and maintenance
- Spare extraction mixer-settler unit in Ni SX
plant - Train layout optimized to ensure access to
equipment - Removable lids on mixer tanks, inspection hatches
on settler roofs - Special nozzles for hydro-blasting from tanks
- Use of synergists
- Combination of reagents to enhance mass transfer
and kinetics - Novel concept, not widely implemented in industry
- Ni-Ca synergist tested at demonstration plant
- Considerable improvement in Ni-Ca separation and
marginal improvement in Ni extraction to be
weighed up against increased cost
94. Design Issues related to TAP
conditionsCorrosive solutions
- Material selection has a large influence on
capex requires careful consideration - TAP design relies on addition of chlorides to
enhance Cu extraction - Tests from demo plant showed SAF 2205 - metal
components in contact with solution - FRP tanks settlers with SAF 2205 internals
104. Design Issues related to TAP conditionsCrud
- Conditions for crud formation
- Ingress of solids/chemical precipitates/insects
into solution - Degradation products from extractant
- Effect of crud
- Reduced settler capacity
- Reduced phase disengagement
- Excessive organic entrainment
- Organic loss
114. Design Issues related to TAP conditionsCrud
formation (cont.)
- Crud control prevention
- PLS Clarification
- Settling ponds prior to SX
- Removal of degradation products
- Isolation of SX mixer-settlers from
- external environment
- Water purification
- pH control
- Crud treatment
124. Design Issues related to TAP conditionspH
- pH Control in Co and Ni SX circuits
- Extraction stages NH4OH
- Stripping stages H2SO4
- Tight pH control in Co SX and Ni SX to prevent
co-extraction of metals - Organic coating and/or scaling of probes can
affect reliability of pH measurements - Dedicated pH pot at feed end of settler connected
with pipe to lower settler wall - Cascading pH control to minimize reagent flowrate
fluctuations and timely identification of pH
13Design Issues related to multiple SX trains
- Optimising plant layout
- Minimise footprint
- Ensure easy access for maintenance
- Safe separation distance (Fire plume analysis)
- Settler selection design
- Minimise turbulence ensure sufficient coalescing
surface ensure sufficient time for phase
disengagement - Insufficient design may result in organic
entrainment and subsequent organic
cross-contamination (loss of organic) - Minimise organic cross-contamination
- Organic carry-over from one SX circuit to the
next - Detrimental effects include process upsets
reduced efficiency metal loss off spec product - Effect reduced by proper selection of organic
removal equipment
14Design Issues related to multiple SX
trainsPlant layout
- Figure 5.1 Miller Side Feed Design
15Design Issues related to multiple SX
trainsSettler design
- Figure 5.2 Mixer Interconnecting pipe
Figure 5.3 Settler internals
16Design Issues related to multiple SX
trainsOrganic recovery equipment
176. Mitigation of Fire Risks
- Integrated fire suppression system
- Hazardous area assessment
- Fire explosion modelling
- Fixed automatic foam-water deluge
- External automatic foam protection of vessels,
tanks etc. - Manually operated foam protection for internals
of vessels - Manual yard hydrants along perimeter of the plant
187. Conclusions
- Process considerations related TAP SX circuits
- Reduced scaling
- Minimise crud formation control
- Efficient pH control
- Design considerations related to Multiple SX
trains - Optimising plant layout
- Suitable settler selection design of internals
- Organic recovery strategy to minimise organic
cross-contamination - Mitigation of fire risks
198. Acknowledgements
- Norilsk Nickel Africa (Pty) Ltd.
- Hatch Africa (Pty) Ltd.
- Graeme Miller
- Multi-disciplinary SX Design Team from Hatch
Brisbane Office
20pH Control
21Organic equipment recovery
22Comparison of SX Circuits
23Fire Plume analysis
- Basis for layout
- Area of fire, volume and type of fuel, climatic
and wind conditions, prsence of other assets and
public access - Plant layout to reduce impact of fire
escalation and increase ease of isolation
containment - SX area divided into zones with bund and sump to
overflow to emergency dump ponds
24Plume analysis