Title: IAS 16 revised 2003 Property, Plant and Equipment
1IAS 16 (revised 2003) Property, Plant and
- To prescribe the accounting treatment for PPE
- Principal issues
- timing of recognition of assets
- determination of carrying amount
- depreciation charges to be recognised
- The Standard applies to all PPE, except where
another IAS requires or permits a different
treatment - Does not apply to biological assets related to
agricultural activity or mineral rights and
reserves. Does apply to PPE used to develop and
maintain these assets
- Property, plant and equipment (PPE) are tangible
assets that - are held for use in the production or supply of
goods or services, for rental to others, or for
administrative purposes - are expected to be used during more than one
- An item of PPE should be recognised as an asset
when - it is probable that future economic benefits
associated with asset will flow to the
enterprise and - cost of asset to the enterprise can be measured
6Initial measurement
- PPE initially measured at cost
- Cost components
- purchase price
- import duties and purchase taxes
- directly attributable costs of bringing asset to
working condition / use - less trade discounts rebates
7Subsequent expenditure
- When should subsequent expenditure be
capitalised? - future economic benefits are probable
- in excess of the originally assessed standard of
performance of the asset
8Subsequent measurement
- Cost model
- cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment
losses - Revaluation model
- Fair value at date of revaluation less subsequent
depreciation, provided fair value can be measured
9Subsequent measurement
- Revaluation increase ? credit directly to equity
- unless it reverses a prior revaluation decrease
recognised in the I/S - Revaluation decrease ? expense in the I/S
- unless any revaluation surplus left
- Depreciation charge ? expense
- unless included in another asset
- The depreciable amount should be allocated on a
systematic basis over the assets useful life - The residual value and useful life should be
reviewed at least annually and adjusted if
- Depreciation methods
- straight-line method
- diminishing balance method
- sum-of-the-units
- Change in depreciation method
- change in accounting estimate
12Impairment losses
- IAS 16 (revised 1998) no longer includes the
requirements for impairment - Impairment of an item of PPE should be dealt
with under IAS 36, Impairment of Assets
13Retirements and disposals
- PPE eliminated from B/S when
- disposed of
- permanently withdrawn from use and no future
benefit expected (ie no sale) - Gains or losses on disposal
- proceeds less carrying amount
- recognised in the income statement
14IAS 38 Intangible Assets
- To prescribe accounting treatment for intangible
assets not dealt with in another Standard - Principal issues
- recognition of intangible assets
- initial measurement
- subsequent measurement
- Applies to intangible assets except
- those covered by another IAS
- mineral rights and certain expenditure in
extractive industry - assets from insurance contracts
- Financial assets
- Applies to expenditure on
- advertising, training, start-up...
- research and development activities
- Intangible asset
- identifiable non-monetary asset
- no physical substance
- held for use or rental
- Asset
- resource controlled by enterprise as a result of
past events - probable future economic benefits
- An intangible asset should be recognised when
- it is probable that future economic benefits
associated with asset will flow to the
enterprise and - cost of asset can be measured reliably
19Initial measurement
- Initially measured at cost
- Cost components where purchased
- purchase price
- import duties and purchase taxes
- directly attributable expenditure of preparing
asset for use - less trade discounts rebates
20Initial measurement
- Acquisition
- Government grants
- Exchange of assets
- Internally generated intangibles
- ? fair value
- ? fair value or nominal amount
- ? fair value, if dissimilar
- ? distinguish research phase (expense) from
development phase
21Internally generated assets
- Research phase
- no intangible asset should be recognised from
research (or the research phase of a project) - all expenditure on research (or on the research
phase) ? expense
22Internally generated assets
- An intangible asset should be recognised in its
development phase if, and only if - definition and recognition are met
- a list of other criteria are met
- technical feasibility
- probability of future economic benefits
- availability of resources...
23Internally generated assets
- Cost
- expenditure from recognition date
- no reinstatement of prior expenses
- includes
- expenditure on materials, services, fees
- direct salaries, wages, etc.
- allocation of direct overheads
24Recognition of Acquired Intangible Assets
Acquired in a business combination
25Subsequent expenditure
- Subsequent expenditure ? expense unless
- probable future economic benefits
- in excess of the originally assessed standard of
performance of the asset - expenditure can be measured and attributed to the
asset reliably
26IAS 38 Intangible Assets Measurement
- Cost model
- Cost less accumulated amortisation and/or
impairment losses - OR
- Revaluation model
- Fair value at date of revaluation less
accumulated amortisation and/or impairment losses - - Provided an active market exist
27Subsequent measurement
- Revalued amount
- fair value should be determined by reference to
an active market - if no active market ? no revaluation
- revaluations should be made
- with sufficient regularity
- for the entire class to which the revalued item
28Subsequent measurement
- Revaluation increase ? credit directly to equity
- unless it reverses a prior revaluation decrease
recognised in the I/S - Revaluation decrease ? expense in the I/S
- unless any revaluation surplus left
- Depreciable amount ? systematic allocation over
the best estimate of the assets useful life - Depreciation charge ? expense
- unless included in another asset
30Useful life
- What factors should be considered in determining
the useful life of an intangible asset?
- Amortisation method ? straight-line
- unless another pattern can be determined reliably
- Amortisation period and method should be reviewed
annually and adjusted if necessary - ? change in accounting estimates
32Retirements and disposals
- Elimination from B/S when
- disposed of
- permanently withdrawn from use and no future
benefit expected (ie no sale) - Gains or losses on disposal
- proceeds less carrying amount
- recognised in the income statement