Title: LongDuration Flare Observed with Hinode EIS
1Long-Duration Flare Observed with Hinode EIS
- H. Hara, T. Watanabe, L. Harra, L. Culhane, P.
Cargill, - G. Doschek, J. Mariska
- Folowing Yohkoh (e.g. Tsuneta et al., 1992), many
imaging observations suggest the existence of
magnetic reconnection processes in the solar
corona - Magnetic reconnection is thought to be a key
process in long-duration event flares (LDE). - This study reports the first LDE observation with
Hinode EIS - EIS has the capability to observe phenomena
related to magnetic reconnection using
spectroscopic observations - Work in progress
- may lead to a direct demonstration of
reconnection velocities - clarify any role of non-thermal processes
3Other Observations
- -CDS with13 min cadence raster
- - EIT
- H? and He I 10830 Å Doppler image at Mauna Loa
4GOES and LASCO Data
- C-class flare
- Temperature increase observed a few hours before
the flare onset - Weak (micro-) flaring activity 7-10 hours before
the flare onset - Related CME observed in LASCO
52006 Dec 17 Flare
- First LDE with cusp-shaped loops observed with
EIS - Observed in Active Region raster scan study
- - long exposure duration of 30sec
- - large area scanned
- - hot solar flare lines not included
- No other active regions on the sun
6EIS Observation Nine Emission Lines
1615 UT
1710 UT
1830 UT
7Cusp and Post-Flare Loops
Image Fe XV 284.2 Å Contour Fe X 184.6 Å
Image Ca XVII 192.8 Å (Fe XI, O V) Contour
Fe XV 284.2 Å
8XRT movie
- No XRT, EIS or RHESSI data at initial phase
- However event does not appear to be impulsive
9EIT Movies
- Large-scale loop gradually expanding before
flare onset - Inflowing motion observed.
10Observation in Ca XVII with EIS
11 Observation in Ca XVII with EIS
Ca XVII O V 192
log I DN
FWHM km/s
Fe XI contribution is largely removed by
subtraction. Instrumental line width is not
Line intensity ratio for temperature estimation
12FWHM in Cusp Structure
FWHM126 km/s
FWHM136 km/s
When this difference is explained by
temperatures, ?T 2.3 MK. When this difference
is explained by nonthermal velocity, ?? 31 km/s
13RHESSI Thermal Hard X-ray Source
- RHESSI thermal spectrum, Te 15 MK (Bone et al.
this meeting) - Bright Ca XVII feature, Te 6 - 7 MK at peak of
G(Te) - - difference 8 MK
- Emission measures
- - Ca XVII EM 2.5.1048
- - RHESSI 1.0. 1047
14Motion of Features 17th December Flare
- Significant field line shrinkage
- is also observed
- (Reeves et al., 2007, Submitted, Ap.J.)
Associated RHESSI source also rises slowly
15Intensity, Doppler, and FWHM from EIS
Fe XII 195
(contains instrumental width)
log N (photons)
scanning direction with time increasing
16Intensity, Doppler, and FWHM from EIS
Fe XV 284
(contains instrumental width)
log N (photons)
scanning direction with time increasing
- Positional relationship between flare arcades and
post-flare loops is clearly observed - Cusp-shaped flare loops have broader line width
component in their outer edges - - Ca XVII ions have larger kinetic energy
towards edges - Plasma motions along post-flare loops are
observed along - with field line shrinkage
- Post-flare loop structure is complex
- - difficult to interpret flow velocities and
line broadenings - Some spectroscopic evidence of reconnection
inflow is observed by EIS (needs confirmation)
loop top of post-flare loop first appears in O V.
Cusp structures also seen in CDS.
Blue shift is observed at the onset of flare.