Motion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Average velocity is the change in position (displacement) divided by the time ... How long does your friend wait for you at the finish line? Practice ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Motion

  • Change in position with respect to change in time

  • The separation from the origin

Position Time
Position-Time Graph
Position-Time Graph (2)
Average Velocity
  • Average velocity is the change in position
    (displacement) divided by the time interval
    during which the displacement took place. If you
    know two of the three quantities in this
    relationship, you can determine the third

Average Velocity
  • 1. A car travels at 55 km/h for 6.0 hours. How
    far does it travel?
  • 2. A missile travels 2500 km in 2.2 hours. What
    is its velocity?
  • 3. How many minutes will it take a runner to
    finish an 11-km race at 18 km/h?

Average Velocity
  • 5. A businesswoman on a trip flies a total of
    23,000 km. The first day she traveled 4000 km,
    the second day 11,000 km, and on the final day
    she was on a plane that could travel at 570 km/h.
    How long was she on the plane the final day?

Instantaneous Velocity
  • The velocity at a single point in time.

Instantaneous Velocity
  • 1. Many cars require an oil change every
    40005000 km. If this car travels without a break
    for 4800 km at 120 km/h, how long will it take to
    simulate one full cycle of time without an oil
  • 2. Some cars have a warranty that lasts for up to
    150,000 km. How long would it take for the
    warranty to run out if the car ran constantly at
    110 km/h?

Instantaneous Velocity
  • 3. A car is tested for 1800 km on one day, 2100
    km another day, and then is driven 65 km/h for 72
    hours. What is the total distance the car has
  • 4. The odometer on a car reads 4100 km after 3
    days of tests. If the car had been tested on one
    day for 1500 km, a second day for 1200 km, then
    how long was the car tested the last day if it
    traveled at 120 km/h while being tested?

Instantaneous Velocity
  • 5. Car A traveled 1200 km in 8.0 h. Car B
    traveled 1100 km in 6.5 h. Car C traveled 1300 km
    in 8.3 h. Which car had the highest average
    velocity. How long would it have taken the
    slowest car to travel the same distance as the
    fastest car?
  • 6. One car tested can travel 780 km on a tank of
    gasoline. How long should the car be able to
    travel at 65 km/h before it runs out of gas? If
    the car has a 53-L tank, then what is the average
    mileage of the vehicle?

Instantaneous Velocity
  • 7. Cars Q and Z are put through an endurance test
    to see if they can travel at 120 km/h for 5.0
    hours. Each car has a 45-L fuel tank. Car Z must
    stop to refuel after traveling for 4.2 hours. Car
    Q, however, travels for 5.4 hours before running
    out of gas. For each car, calculate the average
    kilometers traveled for each liter of gas (km/L).

Instantaneous Velocity
  • 8. Refer to the problem above. How many liters
    does Car Q have left in its fuel tank after
    traveling for five hours at 120 km/h? If you were
    to test-drive Car Q across a desert where there
    were no fuel stations available for 1200 km, how
    many 10-L gas cans should you have in the car to
    refuel along the way?

Motion Diagram
  • Vector
  • A quantity that has both magnitude and direction
  • 3m South (-3y)
  • Scalar
  • A quantity that has only magnitude
  • 3m

Velocity vs. Speed
  • Velocity
  • Total displacement
  • (change in position) with
  • respect to total time
  • Speed
  • Total distance traveled
  • with respect to total time

Motion Diagram
Vector Addition
Vector Addition
Vector Subtraction
Vector Addition
  • Tail to Tip


Vector Addition
Total distance 7m Time elapsed
7s X 4m Y
3m Total displacement sqrt(42
32)5m (a2b2c2)
Velocity 5m/7s 0.7m/s Speed 7m/7s 1m/s
(one second per block)
Practice Problem
  • Joe goes for a run. From his house, he jogs north
    for exactly 5.00h at an average speed of 10.0
    km/h. He continues north at a speed of 10.0 km/h
    for the next 30.0h. He then turns around and jogs
    south at a speed of 15.0 km/h for 15.0h. Then he
    jogs south for another 20.0h at 5.00 km/h. He
    walks the rest of the way home.
  • How many kilometers does Joe jog in total?
  • How far will Joe have to walk to get home after
    he finishes jogging?

  • 1. An airplane travels at a constant speed,
    relative to the ground, of 900.0 km/h.
  • a. How far has the airplane traveled after 2.0 h
    in the air?
  • b. How long does it take for the airplane to
    travel between City A and City B if the cities
    are 3240 km apart?
  • c. If a second plane leaves 1 h after the first,
    and travels at 1200 km/h, which flight will
    arrive at City B first?
  • 2. You and your friend start jogging around a
    2.00x103-m running track at the same time. Your
    average running speed is 3.15 m/s, while your
    friend runs at 3.36 m/s. How long does your
    friend wait for you at the finish line?

  • 3. The graph shows the distance versus time for
    two cars traveling on a straight highway.
  • a. What can you determine about the relative
    direction of travel of the cars?
  • b. At what time do they pass one another?
  • c. Which car is traveling faster? Explain.
  • d. What is the speed of the slower car?

  • 4. You drop a ball from a height of 2.0 m. It
    falls to the floor, bounces straight upward 1.3
    m, falls to the floor again, and bounces 0.7 m.
  • a. Use vector arrows to show the motion of the
  • b. At the top of the second bounce, what is the
    total distance that the ball has traveled?
  • c. At the top of the second bounce, what is the
    balls displacement from its starting point?
  • d. At the top of the second bounce, what is the
    balls displacement from the floor?

  • 5. You are making a map of some of your favorite
    locations in town. The streets run northsouth
    and eastwest and the blocks are exactly 200 m
    long. As you map the locations, you walk three
    blocks north, four blocks east, one block north,
    one block west, and four blocks south.
  • a. Draw a diagram to show your route.
  • b. What is the total distance that you traveled
    while making the map?
  • c. Use your diagram to determine your final
    displacement from your starting point.
  • d. What vector will you follow to return to your
    starting point?

  • 6. An antelope can run 90.0 km/h. A cheetah can
    run 117 km/h for short distances. The cheetah,
    however, can maintain this speed only for 30.0 s
    before giving up the chase.
  • a. Can an antelope with a 150.0-m lead outrun a
  • b. What is the closest that the antelope can
    allow a cheetah to approach and remain likely to

  • 7. The position-time graph to the right
    represents the motion of three people in an
    airport moving toward the same departure gate.
  • a. Which person travels the farthest during the
    period shown?
  • b. Which person travels fastest by riding a
    motorized cart? How can you tell?
  • c. Which person starts closest to the departure
  • d. Which person appears to be going to the wrong

  • 8. A radio signal takes 1.28 s to travel from a
    transmitter on the Moon to the surface of Earth.
    The radio waves travel at 3.00x108 m/s. What is
    the distance, in kilometers, from the Moon to

  • 9. You start to walk toward your house eastward
    at a constant speed of 5.0 km/h. At the same
    time, your sister leaves your house, driving
    westward at a constant speed of 30.0 km/h. The
    total distance from your starting point to the
    house is 3.5 km.
  • a. Draw a position-time graph that shows both
    your motion and your sisters motion.
  • b. From the graph, determine how long you travel
    before you meet your sister.
  • c. How far do you travel in that time?

  • 10. A bus travels on a northbound street for 20.0
    s at a constant velocity of 10.0 m/s. After
    stopping for 20.0 s, it travels at a constant
    velocity of 15.0 m/s for 30.0 s to the next stop,
    where it remains for 15.0 s. For the next 15.0 s,
    the bus continues north at 15.0 m/s.
  • a. Construct a d-t graph of the motion of the
  • b. What is the total distance traveled?
  • c. What is the average velocity of the bus for
    this period?

Position vs. Time
Review 2.1
  • 1. What is a motion diagram?
  • A series of images showing the position of a
    moving object at equal time intervals.
  • 2. How is a particle diagram different from a
    motion diagram? Which diagram is simpler?
  • The particle model is a motion diagram in which
    the object has been replaced by a series of
    single points. The particle model is simpler than
    the motion diagram.
  • 3. What are the two components used to define
  • Place and time
  • 4. Give three examples of straight-line motion.
  • Car, meteor, light

Review 2.2
  • 1. What is the primary difference between a
    scalar and a vector?
  • A vector has both magnitude and direction, while
    a scalar only has magnitude.
  • 2. What is a resultant?
  • A resultant is the sum of two or more vectors.
  • 3. A student walks 4 blocks north then stops for
    a rest. She then walks 9 more blocks north and
    rests, then finally another 6 blocks north. What
    is her displacement in blocks?
  • ?d df- di
  • If the students starting point is defined as
    zero, the equation
  • becomes
  • ?d df.
  • Thus, the students displacement is equal to his
    or her final position and the
  • final position is equal to the sum of all of the
    displacements. So,
  • ?d d1d2d3
  • ?d (4 blocks N)(9 blocks N)(6 blocks N) 19
    blocks N

Review 2.2
  • 4. A runner runs 6 km east, 6 km north, 6 km
    west, and finally 6 km south. What is his total
    displacement? Draw a diagram.

6 km West
6 km South
6 km North
Starting Point
6 km East
Review 2.3
  • 1. On a position-time graph, which of the two
    variables is on the x-axis? Which is on the
  • Time is represented on the x-axis and position is
    represented on the y-axis.
  • 2. If the plotted line on a position-time graph
    is horizontal what does this indicate?
  • The object the graph represents is not moving.
  • 3. Can the plotted line on a position-time graph
    ever be vertical? Explain your answer.
  • This is unlikely, as this would represent an
    object moving at an infinite speed.

Review 2.3
  • 4. A position-time graph plots the course of two
    runners in a race. Their lines cross on the
    graph. What does this tell you about the
  • They are in the same place at the same time.
  • 5. Does the intersecting line on a position-time
    graph mean that the two objects are in collision?
  • The objects are in the same place at the same
    time, but they are not necessarily in collision.
    All that is known is that their position with
    reference to the origin is the same.

Review 2.4
  • 1. What is the difference between speed and
  • Speed does not contain a direction component and
    velocity does. In other words, speed is a scalar
    quantity and velocity is avector quantity.
  • 2. What is the difference between average
    velocity and instantaneous velocity? Give an
    example of each.
  • Average velocity is the total distance traveled
    divided by the total time of travel. An example
    of average velocity is a 120-mile car trip that
    takes 2 hours, average velocity was 60 mph.
  • Instantaneous velocity is the velocity at one
    given instant. An example of instantaneous
    velocity is the velocity recorded by a police
    radar gun.
  • 3. Define all three variables in the equation
    v?d/?t and indicate the appropriate label for
    each in SI terms.
  • v is velocity in m/s,
  • t is time in s,
  • d is distance in m.

Review 2.4
  • 4. What is the average velocity of a car that
    travels 450 km in 9.0 hours?
  • v?d/?t
  • 450km/9.0h 5.0x101
  • 5. How far has a cyclist traveled if she has been
    moving at 30 m/s for 5.0 minutes?
  • v?d/?t
  • ?dv?t
  • (30m/s)(3.0x102 s) 9000m

Velocity vs. Time (Ch 3)
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