Title: The LUCAS project Land Use Cover Area Frame Survey
1The LUCAS project Land Use / Cover Area Frame
Marco FRITZ European Commission Eurostat, E1 -
Agricultural Statistics. Methodology LUCAS
Office address BECH C2/614 5, rue Alphonse
Weicker, L-2721 Luxembourg Tel. 352 4301 35113
Fax 352 4301 37317 e-mail marco.fritz_at_ec.europ
a.eu http//forum.europa.eu.int/irc/dsis/landstat/
2- What is LUCAS?
- Methodology
- Results
- Conclusions
3What is LUCAS?
- An area frame survey
- Statistical method based on the visual
observation of sampled geo-referenced points to
compute area estimates - Objectives
- To obtain harmonised data at EU25 level on
- Land use and Land cover
- Environmental features
- To provide a common methodology-nomenclature
ensuring full comparability of results - To calculate early estimates of areas (main
crops) in June/July - To analyse the interaction agriculture-environment
-landscape (multi-purpose survey)
4What is LUCAS? - Calendar of activities
- 2001 - survey carried out in 13 MS
- 2002 - survey carried out in UK and IE and in
EE-HU-SI - 2003 - survey carried out in 15 MS Hungary
- 2005 - survey carried out in LT-LV-PL
- 2006 - survey carried out in 11 MS
- PHARE Multi-Country 2000 and 2003 Programmes
on Sectoral Pilot Projects in Agriculture and
Environment Statistics
5What is LUCAS? Coverage 2001
88030 points surveyed
6What is LUCAS? Coverage 2006
169943 points surveyed
7- What is LUCAS?
- Methodology
- Results
- Conclusions
8Methodology Sampling Design
- Base sample
- Uniform square grid of 1km side length over the
entire territory of the EU Member States - ETRS89 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area coordinate
reference system (ETRS-LAEA) - Centre point 52North 10 East
- Origin 4.321.000 meters west, 3.210.000 meters
south of centre point - 4.025.583 nodes base sample points
- Master sample (even points of the base sample)
- 2km grid about 1 Mio sample points
- Photo-interpretation of all master sample points
into 7 strata - arable land
- permanent crops
- grassland,
- wood/shrubland,
- bare land, low or rare vegetation,
- artificial land
- water
9Methodology Stratification results
10Methodology Process
Image 2000
1.000.000 points
250.000 points
Compute statistics
11Methodology Data collected
- 407 surveyors and 39 supervisors have collected
the following data - Land cover
- Land use
- Point and crop photos
- Landscape photos (5 to 6 photos/point in 2006
1.000.000 photos. Estimated size 1.5 Tb) - On average
- 13 points surveyed/day
- 400 points/surveyor
- 30 days of work/surveyor
12Methodology Nomenclature
55 classes
33 classes
13Methodology Observations on the ground...
Reaching the points
Observing the features in the field
14(No Transcript)
15(No Transcript)
16- What is LUCAS?
- Methodology
- Results
- Conclusions
17Results Comparison Stratification/Ground survey
18Results Accuracy
- Accuracy required by Council Regulations (EEC) N
959/93 on other crop statistics and (EEC) N
837/90 on cereals production
19Results LUCAS 2006 Survey CZ (before QC)
20Results LUCAS 2006 Survey EU11
21Results LUCAS 2006 Survey CZ
22- What is LUCAS?
- Methodology
- Results
- Conclusions
- LUCAS is not covering all countries
- Sampling focused on agricultural area but also
covering all strata - Stratification available
- Around 1.000.000 photos taken. Photos have to be
checked and anonymised before transmission - Follow-up evaluation of landscape classification,
Grid data combination, comparison with other
surveys, further use of LUCAS data, technological
watch. Call for tender for erosion risk
features - Photo-interpretation is not an easy process
without ground information (confusion matrix)
24Further conclusion
- nor is it observing on the ground!