Review97 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Review97 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Review97

4D Modeling and Mobile VisualizationJune, 2002
William Ribarsky and Nickolas FaustGVU Center
and GIS CenterGeorgia Institute of Technology
Research Goals
  • What do we do with ever-expanding collections of
    3D data that are being automatically collected
    and modeled from multiple sources?
  • Scalable, hierarchical, fused data organizations
  • For interactive visual exploration
  • For other applications
  • Mobile interfaces
  • Mobile applications

Accomplishments and Collaborations
  • Development of mobile situational visualization
  • User studies of multimodal interface for mobile
    and pervasive computing
  • Development of multiresolution techniques for
    interactive visualization of high detail urban
    scenes (with Avideh Zakhor).
  • Application of transparent dynamic objects and
    new hierarchical, interactive volume rendering
    technique to weather and uncertainty (with Suresh
  • Transition of tools within VGIS to users and
    applications (e.g., Sarnoff, NIMA, etc.)
  • Presentation of mobile emergency response
    application to President Bush and Governor Ridge

Urban Visualization Our Ultimate Goal
To make this...
Urban Visualization
  • To reach this goal requires
  • Hierachical structure
  • Multiresolution methods
  • Geometry-based methods
  • Image-based rendering

Hierarchical, Multiresolution Methods forHighly
Detailed Urban Scenes
Facades Bounding Sphere Hierarchy
Sphere surrounding façade vertex
Divide along longest axis
Continuous LOD Simplification
The initial combination step
This works well with the bounding sphere
hierarchy (there are few sliver triangles or too
many triangles associated with a single points).
Application of Hierarchical Continuous LOD Method
Factor of 50 reduction in textured triangles
Full Resolution (geometry plus texture)
Application of Hierarchical Continuous LOD Method
Factor of 50 reduction in textured triangles
Full Resolution (geometry plus texture)
Transition from Façade-based LODto Block-based
Requires simplification of façade to a few
textured polygons
Hierarchical, Multiresolution Methods forHighly
Detailed Urban Scenes (cont.)
View-Dependent LOD
Global quadtree
Bounding box
Selected LOD
Automatic Identification and Placementof Trees,
Shrubs, and Foliage
This can be used with Avideh Zakhors results to
automatically identify, remove, and model foliage.
Application to Tree Modeling
Automated identification and modeling of trees
Multiresolution, Embedded Vector Features
Road, river, boundary or other vector features
that continuously change LOD as one flies in
Fly-in to Korea
This can be combined with Suresh Lodhas
feature-preserving techniques
Multiresolution, Embedded Vector Features
Terrain-following feature
Interactive, Hierarchical Rendering of
Non-Uniform Volumes Weather and Uncertainty
Dynamic 3D structure
Volume rendering of reflectivity of severe storm
passing over 2 Doppler radars
Doppler reflectivity over North Georgia
Doppler velocity magnitude
Situational Visualization
  • Mobile, interactive visualization with real-time
    inputs based on location, orientation, and
  • Awareness based on where you are, where you are
    going, and what you are doing
  • Requires mobile computing and new type of

Situational Visualization Applications
  • Based on visual computing that you can take with
    you anywhere.
  • Nano-Forecaster
  • Mobile Surveyor (building personal worldview)
  • Traffic Situator
  • Situational Awareness Game
  • Mobile pathfinder (e.g., entryways for disabled
  • Venue Director
  • And many other possible mobile applications

Applications Nano-Forecaster
Events severe storm cells, mesocylones, tornado
Tornadic signatures
Mesocyclones over detailed map
User position
Multimodal Interface Motivation
  • For wearable or ubiquitous computing, traditional
    computer interaction often fails
  • For wearable or ubiquitous computing, user is
    often employing hands for other tasks
  • Ever smaller devices will carry ever larger
    capacity for computing, storage, and networking.
    The interface must be enriched to successfully
    use all this.
  • For these reasons...
  • We are investigating new interaction techniques
  • speech, gesture, and in combination for
    multimodal interaction
  • two-handed interaction

  • VGIS,
  • a 3D terrain visualization
  • environment
  • Gesture Pendant, a chest mounted camera and
    gesture recognition software

Gesture pendant (worn on chest)
Infrared lights
Camera with Infrared filter
Speech and Gesture
  • Speech
  • a rich channel for human-to-human communication
  • provides rich command and query interfaces
  • Gestures
  • complement speech with redundancy, emphasis
  • provides concise spatial references and
  • can be used where speech is inappropriate or in
    use for other actions

Multimodal Interfaces
  • Multimodal interfaces appear to be well suited
    for spatio-visual interfaces
  • May be able to combine the strengths of speech
    and gesture
  • Provides a large repertoire of commands, allowing
    users to chose their means of expression
  • Mutual disambiguation may allow more robust
    recognition by examining data from both interface

  • IBM ViaVoice speech recognition software
  • Software to integrate speech and gesture commands

Speech Interface
  • The speech interface uses IBM ViaVoice
  • Recognized speech utterances are time-stamped and
    transferred over the network.
  • Limited vocabulary
  • Command synonyms

Types of 3D Interaction
Selection Navigation Manipulation
  • Bowman (Ph.D. Thesis, Georgia Tech, 1999) has
    studied these techniques for 3D interaction in
    virtual environments

  • Complex due to the large range of scales involved
  • Methods must work at all scales
  • Including scale, seven degrees of freedom must be
  • Constrained navigation in 3 modes (orbital, fly,

Speech Interface
  • Continuous Movement
  • Move In, Out, Forwards, Backwards
  • Move Left, Right, Up, Down
  • Move Higher, Lower
  • Discrete Movement
  • Jump Forwards, Backwards
  • Jump Left, Right, Up, Down
  • Jump Higher, Lower

Speech Interface
  • Speed
  • Slower, Faster, Stop
  • Direction
  • Turn Left, Right
  • Pitch Up, Down
  • Modes of Navigation
  • Orbit, Fly, Walk

Gesture Interface
  • The Gesture Pendant
  • Chest mounted BW video camera
  • A series of IR LEDs illuminate the users hand
  • A IR pass filter prevents other light sources
    from interfering with segmentation
  • Gestures are with respect to the body

Gesture Interface
  • Gesture recognition software segments the video
    image into blobs, based on preset thresholds
  • If the blob conforms to trained height, width,
    and motion parameters, particular gestures are

Gesture Interface
  • Pan Left/Right
  • Zoom In/Out
  • Pan Up/Down
  • Stop

Multimodal Interface
  • Users first give a speech command.
  • The Gesture Pendant tracks the fingertip,
    allowing gestures to describe the speed of the
    command, i.e. how fast to turn or move.

Metrics for Multimodal Interface
  • Voice Gesture recognizability and
  • Speed efficient task completion
  • Accuracy target proximity
  • Ease of learning
  • Ease of use
  • User comfort

Multimodal Task
  • Users trained speech recognizer (not necessary in
    latest version)
  • Users were shown how to position their hands for
    the Gesture Pendant
  • Experimented with multimodal interface

Multimodal Task
  • The navigation task began in high orbit
  • traveled west into the Grand Canyon
  • traveled east into Atlanta
  • in fly mode, traveled to the Georgia Tech campus
  • in walk mode, parked in from of Tech Tower

  • Users could remember both the voice and gesture
    commands and some felt they were easier to learn
    than keystroke commands.
  • It is important that commands be mapped to some
    action in every navigation mode. If users try a
    command in the wrong mode and it does nothing,
    users will conclude it does not exist.
  • For better results, gesture recognition should be
    improved and lag lessened.
  • Alternative gestures should be evaluated.

  • There were some issues with speech recognition
    lag. This has since been improved by restricting
    the vocabulary and grammar and improvements in
    network code.
  • Users would sometimes move their hands out of the
    camera field of view. Displaying cursor to
    indicate hand position may address this.

Future Work
  • Work on faster recognition, especially for
    gesture interface
  • Gesture recognition using a neural network
  • Larger vocabulary possible
  • Developing new version of the Gesture Pendant
  • For outdoor use
  • Stereo camera pair
  • Laser grid and structured light

Future Work
  • Developing other capabilities for 3D interaction
  • Two-handed interface (two twiddlers with
    flywheels and orientation tracking)

  • We published three papers on this work
  • David Krum, William Ribarsky, Chris Shaw, Larry
    Hodges, and Nickolas Faust Situational
    Visualization, pp. 143-150, ACM VRST 2001
  • David Krum, Olugbenga Omoteso, William Ribarsky,
    Thad Starner, and Larry Hodges Speech and
    Gesture Multimodal Control of a Whole Earth 3D
    Virtual Environment, pp. 195-200,
    Eurographics-IEEE Visualization Symposium 2002.
    Winner of SAIC Best Student Paper award.
  • David Krum, Olugbenga Omoteso, William Ribarsky,
    Thad Starner, and Larry Hodges Evaluation of a
    Multimodal Interface for 3D Terrain
    Visualization, to be published, IEEE
    Visualization 2002. This is a formal user study
    of the multimodal interface.

Situational Visualization System
Laptop with wireless Wavelan GPS
Full color, video resolution display
Situational Visualization Demonstration
ofEmergency Response to Terrorist Attack
Sarin gas cloud
GPS positions of first responders
Overview and fly-in to attack point on Georgia
Tech campus
Demonstrated to President Bush and Governor Ridge
on March 27, 2002.
Next Phase Work
  • Scalable multiresolution framework for urban
    landscape geometry and textures (so that one can
    navigate smoothly from a close-up of a building
    façade to an overview of several city blocks).
  • Initial work on image-based rendering techniques
    applied to cityscapes (these will be needed for
    overviews when one collects hundreds of city
    blocks with tens of thousands of buildings)
  • Use of the mobile geospatial database with
    computer vision techniques to determine position
    and orientation when sensor data are inaccurate
    or missing.
  • Further work on uncertainty visualization in the
    VGIS environment

Next Phase Work
  • Further Situational Visualization applications.
  • Continued development and evaluation of
    multimodal interface for 3D interaction.
  • Transfer of mobile visualization applications to
    a networked PDA.

Additional Publications on this Work
  • William Ribarsky, Towards the Visual Earth,
    Workshop on Intersection of Geospatial
    Information and Information Technology, National
    Research Council (October, 2001).
  • William Ribarsky, Christopher Shaw, Zachary
    Wartell, and Nickolas Faust, Building the Visual
    Earth, Vol. 4744B, SPIE 16th International
    Conference on Aerospace/Defense Sensing,
    Simulation, and Controls (2002).
  • William Ribarsky, Tony Wasilewski, and Nickolas
    Faust, From Urban Terrain Models to Visible
    Cities, to be published, IEEE CGA.
  • Justin Jang, William Ribarsky, Chris Shaw, and
    Nickolas Faust, View-Dependent Multiresolution
    Splatting of Non-Uniform Data, pp. 125-132,
    Eurographics-IEEE Visualization Symposium 2002.

User Studies of Multimodal Interface (cont.)
Demonstration of use of gesture pendant to
recognize hand gestures
User task objects are located, navigated to, and
  • Results
  • Mouse interface has best performance, then speech
    alone, multimodal, and gesture alone.
  • When mouse is not available or easy to use, a
    speech interface is a good alternative for
    navigation tasks.
  • Better, faster recognition of gestures could
    significantly improve performance of the
    multimodal interface.
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