Title: Vertex Finding in AliVertexerTracks
1Vertex Finding in AliVertexerTracks
- E. Bruna (TO), E. Crescio (TO), A. Dainese (LNL),
M. Masera (TO), F. Prino (TO)
2Vertex Finding
- First estimation of vertex position to be passed
to the fitter - Calculation of dispersion s (AliVertexGetDispers
ion() ) of tracks around the found vertex - can be used to select good secondary vertices
- Five algorithms for vertex finding implemented in
AliVertexerTracks - Can be selected with AliVertexerTracksSetFinderA
lgorithm - fAlgo1 or 2? approximate tracks as straight
lines and calculate the minimum-distance point
among all the tracks at once - fAlgo3 ? average among DCA points of all
possible pairs of tracks treated as Helices - fAlgo4 or 5 ? average among DCA points of all
possible pairs of tracks approximated as straight
lines - Default fAlgo1 (which gives the best resolution,
see next slides)
3StrLinVertexFinder (fAlgo 4,5)
- Approximate tracks as straight lines (analytical
method) - See next slide
- Build all possible pairs of tracks
- Calculate the point of minimum distance (DCA) of
the 2 lines - Reject tracks with DCA gt fDCAcut
- Calculate the intersection point of the 2
tracks on the DCA segment - Possibility to use (fAlgo4) or not (fAlgo5)
track parameter errors as wieghts - Calculate the vertex position as the average of
the intersections of all pairs of tracks - Calculate the dispersion as the standard
deviation of the intersection points around the
found vertex
track 3
track 1
track 2
4Straight Line Approximation
- Geometrical calculation of the error introduced
by approximating the track (helix) with a
straight line close to the primary vertex. - Good approximation error is negligible w.r.t.
tracks rf d0 resolution ( 100 mm for 0.5 GeV/c
5HelixVertexFinder (fAlgo3)
- Same algorithm (based on DCA of track pairs) as
StrLinVertexFinder - Tracks treated as helices
- DCA calculation no more analytical, but based on
minimization - Sometimes does not converge (GetDCA stopped at
not a minimum error) - Reject tracks with DCA gt fDCAcut
- Tracks propagated to the DCA points
- Intersection points calculated from DCA track
points after propagation - Possible improvement on vertex precision and
track 3
Track DCA distribution from 10000 pp events
track 1
track 2
intersection points
6StrLinVertexFinderMinDist (fAlgo1,2)
- Calculate the point of minimum distance from
tracks - Tracks approximated as straight lines (analytical
method) - Minimize the quantity D2d12d22d32 where
- All tracks at once, no pairing
- Errors sx, sy and sz used for fAlgo1 and not for
fAlgo2 - The dispersion s is given by
track 3
track 1
track 2
7Comparing the VertexFinders (I)
- Case of 3 charged body ( D ?Kpp ) decay vertex
reconstruction - The method based on the minimization of the
distance from all tracks at once (fAlgo1)
provides the best resolution
8Comparing the VertexFinders (II)
- Different finder algorithms maintained because of
different features that can be exploited - StrLinVertexFinder (fAlgo4,5) and
HelixVertexFinder (fAlgo3) - Possibility of track selection based on DCA
- Useful for rejection of displaced secondary
tracks (mainly from strange particles) in primary
vertex calculation when no information on the
(x,y) beam position in the LHC fill is available - StrLinVertexFinderMinDist (fAlgo1)
- Better resolution ? better vertex determination
- Better calculation of track dispersion, useful
for secondary vertex selection (see next slides)
9D mesons in ALICE central barrel
- No dedicated trigger in the central barrel ?
extract the signal from Minimum Bias events - Large combinatorial background (benchmark study
with dNch/dy 6000 in central Pb-Pb ) - SELECTION STRATEGY invariant-mass analysis of
fully-reconstructed topologies originating from
displaced vertices - build pairs/triplets/quadruplets of tracks with
correct combination of charge signs and large
impact parameters - particle identification to tag the decay products
- calculate the vertex (DCA point) of the tracks
- good pointing of reconstructed D momentum to the
primary vertex
10D mesons hadronic decays
- Most promising channels for exclusive charmed
meson reconstruction
Meson Final state charged bodies Branching Ratio Branching Ratio
D0 ?K-p 2 3.8 3.8
D0 ?K-ppp- 4 Total 7.48
D0 ?K-ppp- 4 Non resonant 1.74
D0 ?K-ppp- 4 D0 ?K-pr0 ? K-ppp- 6.2
D ?K-pp 3 Total 9.2
D ?K-pp 3 Non resonant 8.8
D ?K-pp 3 D ?Kbar0(892)p ? K-pp 1.29
D ?K-pp 3 D ?Kbar0(1430)p ? K-pp 2.33
Ds ?KK-p 3 Total 4.3
Ds ?KK-p 3 Ds ?KKbar0?KK-p 2.0
Ds ?KK-p 3 Ds ?fp?KK-p 1.8
11Vertex finder D?Kpp
bending plane
12Vertex finder Ds?KKp
R. Silvestri, E. Bruna
- Better resolution for D due to larger average
momentum of daughter tracks
13Vertex finder D0?Kppp
R. Romita, G. Bruno
xreco-xtrue cm
yreco-ytrue cm
- 4 body decay vertex
- For comparison pT integrated resolutions for 3
body decays
D?Kpp 120 120 127
Ds ? KKp 140 140 138
D0 ? Kppp 195 245 205
zreco-ztrue cm
14Vertex selection D ?Kpp
- Vertex quality selection based on track
dispersion (AliVertexGetDispersion()) around
the found vertex - Distribution of track dispersion for Kpp triplets
from D decay (signal) and combinatorial triplets
(background) - Fraction of selected signal and background
triplets as a function of the cut on track
dispersion ( s ).
BLACK signal (Kpp from D) RED BKG (Kpp
Accepted triplets with s lt sMAX
BLACK signal (Kpp from D) RED BKG (Kpp
BLACK signal (Kpp from D) RED BKG (Kpp
sMAX (cm)
sMAX (cm)
15Decay vertices in AliVertexerTracks
- AliVertexerTracksVertexForSelectedTracks is the
method for secondary vertex determination - Arguments (NEW version presently under test)
- TObjArray (or TTree) of AliESDtracks
- Bool_t optUseFitter if kFALSE the fitting step
is not performed and the vertex given by the
finder is used - Bool_t optPropagate if kTRUE after the fitter
tracks are propagated to the found vertex. - Track selection
- PrepareTracks just propagate tracks to the x, y
of the primary vertex - No rejection of tracks based on impact parameter
(assume that user macro already did the
16Summary on heavy flavour vertices
- AliVertexerTracks used for D?Kpp reconstruction
in PbPb and pp - Vertex position is obtained with a resolution
100 mm - A quality parameter (the dispersion) is
calculated and is used for vertex selection - See Elena Brunas PhD thesis for more details
- Ongoing studies on
- D0?Kppp
- Ds?KKp
- B ?J/Y ?ee- (G.Bruno)
- Next step include kinematical constraint for the
resonant decay chains (e.g. Ds? KK0? KKp or
Ds? fp? KKp) - Need (especially in pp) to remove the candidate
secondary tracks from the primary vertex
determination - See Andreas talk about the fitter