Title: Medical Image Computing: From Data to Understanding
1Medical Image Computing From Data to
- Ron Kikinis, M.D.,
- Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School,
Director, Surgical Planning Laboratory, Brigham
and Womens Hospital
Founding Director, Surgical Planning Laboratory,
Brigham and Womens Hospital Principal
Investigator, the National Alliance for Medical
Image Computing, and the Neuroimage Analysis
Center Research Director, National Center for
Image Guided Therapy
- F. Jolesz, C. Tempany, P. Black, S. Wells, CF.
Westin, M. Halle, S. Pieper, N. Hata, T. Kapur,
A.Tannenbaum, M. Shenton, E. Grimson, P.Golland,
W.Schroeder, and many more.
- Introduction
- Science
- EM
- Engineering
- Slicer
- Outlook
Science several hundred peer-reviewed scientific
papers since 1990
4MIC The Problem
- More image data, more complexity
- Medical Image Computing aims to extract relevant
information from images
5MIC The Science
- Algorithm research
- Software tool development
- Biomedical research (applications)
Courtesy R. Jose et al.
Courtesy P. Black et al.
6MIC The Approach
- Research and development conducted by
interdisciplinary teams
Pohl et al.
- Introduction
- Science
- EM
- Engineering
- Slicer
- Outlook
8The SPL
- A local resource with national impact
- Specialized in interdisciplinary research
- Network of strong collaborations
9The SPL Organization
- Team of scientists (Wells, Westin, Halle, Hata,
Talos, Shenton, Tempany) - Software Engineering group (Pieper)
- Develops 3D Slicer and other applications
- Operations group (McKie)
- Maintains IT environment, including servers,
storage, network, mail, web
Jose et al.
10SPL IT Infrastructure
- IT environment designed to enable science
- Sized for easy access No scheduling
- Local Services
- Global Services
- Local Control
Courtesy M. Halle
- Introduction
- Science
- EM
- Engineering
- Slicer
- Outlook
13EM Segmenter
- Evolution 1993-2007
- Segmentation based on statistical classification
- Models of
- Signal Intensities
- Noise
- Regions
- Variability
14EM 1993 Signal Intensities
- Strengths
- Self-adaptive
- Corrects for gain fields
- Weaknesses
- Sensitive to noise
- No anatomical knowledge
- Adaptive Segmentation of MRI Data. WM Wells III,
WEL Grimson, R Kikinis, FA Jolesz. IEEE
15EM 1998
- Adding Mean Field Correction
- Models of Noise
Enhanced Spatial Priors for Segmentation of
Magnetic Resonance Imagery. T. Kapur, W.E.L.
Grimson, W. M. Wells III, R. Kikinis, MICCAI,
Cambridge, MA, Octobery 1998
16EM 2004 Regions
Automated Parcellation K.M. Pohl, et al.
Anatomical Guided Segmentation with
Non-Stationary Tissue Class Distributions in an
Expectation-Maximization Framework, ISBI, pp.
81-84, 2004
17EM 2006 Variability
Log Odds an implicit shape representation
Pohl et al. Logarithm Odds Maps for Shape
Representation. Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Medical Image
Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention
(MICCAI 2006), Copenhagen, Denmark, October 1-6,
2006, LNCS 4191, pp. 955-963.
18EM 2007 Algorithm ? Tool
B. Davis, S. Barre, Y. Yuan, W. Schroeder, P.
Golland, K. Pohl
19CT of the Hand
- EM Segmentation of the Phalanx Bones of the Hand
- Nicole Grosland, Ph.D.,1 Vincent A. Magnotta,
Ph.D.,2 Austin J. Ramme3 - 1 University of Iowa Department of Biomedical
Engineering, 2 University of Iowa Department of
Radiology, 3 University of Iowa Carver
College of Medicine
- Introduction
- Science
- EM
- Engineering
- Slicer
- Outlook
21Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Westin CF, Peled S, Gudbjartsson H, Kikinis R,
Jolesz FA. Geometrical diffusion measures for MRI
from tensor basis analysis. In ISMRM '97.
Vancouver Canada, 19971742.
222D Diffusion tensor display
2D display for visualizing tensors (Peled et al
1998). Blue lines show the in-plain orientation
of the major diffusion direction. Out-of-plane
diffusion component color coded.
23Tracking of WM Fibers
green corpus callosum fiber disruption by GBM
red optic radiation green genuculocalcarine
tract light green auditory radiation
Provided by Meier, Mamata, Westin et al. 1999
24DT-MRI Tractography
Provided by Westin, Mamata, et al, 2000
25Fiber Clustering
- Fiber bundle clustering using spectral methods
- Pair-wise fiber affinities are inserted in a
large matrix - Eigenvectors of this matrix define manifold
Provided by A. Brun
- Automatic extraction of anatomically meaningful
fiber bundles. - Advanced Rendering methods for segmentation
results using photon mapping
Rendering provided by Banks, Data by Odonnell,
Shenton, Westin, et al., 2006
Courtesy L. Odonnell
- Validation is a keystone of the scientific method
- How do we validate these advanced mathematical
concepts? - Validation is an elusive goal in MIC
28Validation using Histology
In vivo DT-MRI Macaque monkey Craniotomies
were performed and 4 WGA-HRP was
pressure-injected into primary visual cortex
(V1), primary motor cortex Ex vivo DT-MRI of
fixed brain 4.7T using spin-echo DWI (30
directions, b-values of 1000 s/mm2), with voxel
dimensions 0.5x0.5x1mm3
CF Westin, LMI, SPL Sharon Peled HCNR, Harvard
Medical School Richard Born, Department of
Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School Vladimir
Berezovski, Department of Neurobiology, Harvard
Medical School
Using procedures approved by the Harvard Medical
Area Standing Committee on Animals
30Coronal Sectioning with Cryostat
Digital imaging during sectioning was performed
in order to capture the undistorted brain in a
fixed coordinate system for subsequent 3D
- Sectioning at Neurobiolgy (V. Berezovski)? - 25
Mpixel Hasselblad camera (P. Ratiu)?
31Validation HRP histology
Scanned 80 ยต thick histological section showing
WGA-HRP-stained tracts. Five tracts can be seen
originating in the post-central gyrus
(somatosensory cortex).
3D Histological Reconstruction of Fiber Tracts
and Direct Comparison with Diffusion Tensor MRI
Tractography Julien Dauguet, Sharon Peled,
Vladimir Berezovskii, Thierry Delzescaux, Simon
K. Warfield, Richard Born, Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Ninth International Conference on Medical Image
Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention
(MICCAI'06), Copenhagen, Denmark 2006
32Validation Tractography
Top Histology Bottom DTI
Dauguet J, Peled S, Berezovskii V, Delzescaux T,
Warfield S, Born R, Westin C. Comparison of fiber
tracts derived from in-vivo DTI tractography with
3D histological neural tract tracer
reconstruction on a macaque brain. Neuroimage.
2007 Aug 1537(2)530-8.
- Introduction
- Science
- EM
- Engineering
- Slicer
- Outlook
34HPC in IGT
Nikos Chrisochoides Center for Real-Time
Computing The College of William and Mary
- fast ( lt 5 min end-to-end time)?
- fault-tolerant (many CoWs)?
- easy-of-use with 3D Slicer over the Internet
() Supported in part by NSF grants CSI-0719292,
ITR-0426558, ACI-0312980 and John Simon
Guggenheim Foundation.
35Current Implementation
Toward real-time image guided neurosurgery using
distributed and grid computing (with Andriy
Fedorov, Andriy Kot, Neculai Archip, Peter Black,
Olivier Clatz, Alexandra Golby, Ron Kikinis, and
Simon K. Warfield. In Proceedings of the 2006
ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, Tampa,
Florida, November 11- 17, 2006.
() Non-rigid alignment of preoperative MRI,
fMRI, DT-MRI, with intra-operative MRI for
enhanced visualization and navigation In
image-guided neurosurgery (with N. Archip, O.
Clatz, A. Fedorov, A. Kot, S. Whalen, D. Kacher,
F. Jolesz, A. Golby, P.Black, S. Warfield) in
NeuroImage, 35(2)609-624, 2007.
36Integration with 3D Slicer
Interface to Slicer through plug-in module
Courtesy N. Chrisochoides
- Introduction
- Science
- EM
- Engineering
- Slicer
- Outlook
38Slicer 3
- Next Generation
- At least 80 of code rewritten
- gt 500K lines of code
- Improved Look and Feel (KWWidgets)
- Improved Modularity
- Analysis routines can be used as plugins or
command line executables for batch processing - Draws on Multi-Institution Community
Courtesy S. Pieper
39Slicer Features
- Multi-Plattform
- Visualization
- Filtering
- Registration
- Segmentation
- Quantification
- IGT Capabilities device interfaces
- Plug-in architecture
- Interfaces into informatics frameworks
- Specialties Involved
- Medical Imaging
- Applied Math
- Software Engineering
- Visualization
- Statistics
- Computer Vision
- Neuroscience
- Robotics
- User Interface
- Information Design
Courtesy W. Plesniak
Courtesy S. Pieper
41Beyond Medical
From Nanometers to Parsecs
Exploring Astrocytes Courtesy Brian Smith, Mark
Ellisman et al. National Center for Microscopic
Imaging Research
Detecting Outflows from Young Stars Courtesy of
Michelle Borkin, M. Halle, A Goodman et al.
Initiative in Innovative Computing, Harvard
42Image Gallery
Many More Examples
- Introduction
- Science
- EM
- Engineering
- Slicer
- Outlook
44Beyond the SPL
- How do we make our science accessible beyond our
collaborators? - Dissemination using web, presentations,
publications - Sharing science and tools through
- Free Open Source Software (FOSS)
- Training and collaboration
- A community of developers and users
- Partnerships with Industry on our terms
- National Alliance for Medical Image Computing
- From local to wide-area
- One of seven National Centers for Biomedical
Computing funded by NIH
Al Hakim et al.
46NA-MIC An Alliance of Peers
- Leadership
- BWH Ron Kikinis, (Overall PI)?
- Core 1 Algorithms
- Utah Ross Whitaker (Core 1 PI), Guido Gerig?
- MIT Polina Golland, Eric Grimson
- UNC Martin Styner
- MGH Bruce Fischl, Dave Kennedy
- GaTech Allen Tannenbaum
- Core 2 Engineering
- Kitware Will Schroeder (Core 2 PI)?
- GE Jim Miller
- Isomics Steve Pieper
- UCSD Mark Ellisman, Jeff Grethe
- UCLA Art Toga
- Core 3 DBP 2004-2007
- BWH Martha Shenton
- Dartmouth Andy Saykin
- UCI Steve Potkin
- UofT Jim Kennedy
- Core 4 Service
- Kitware Will Schroeder
- Core 5 Training
- MGH Randy Gollub
- Core 6 Dissemination
- Isomics Steve Pieper, Tina Kapur
- Core 7 Management
- BWH S. Manandhar, R. Manandhar
Provided by Pieper, Kikinis
47NA-MIC is Big Science
- Plus
- Big Science can be a force multiplier
- Development and adoption of best practices
- Faster and higher-quality dissemination of new
techniques and of new science - Minus
- Change in culture needed
- Replace
- My research
- with
- Our research
- Free
- Open Source
- No restrictions on use
- No requirement to give back derived code (you
decide how much you want to share)? - Software
I. Courouge et al.
49The FOSS Value Proposition
- Cost effective Reduced duplication
- High quality Openness enables validation,
debugging and local control - Lowers barriers for scientific exchange
Fletcher et al.
50The NA-MIC Kit
- Designed for Research (but compatible with
commercial activities) - FOSS 3D Slicer, ITK, VTK, KWW
- Software engineering methodology
- Portable multi-platform cmake
- Multi-site development nightly builds dart
- Quality assurance automated testing ctest
Fischl et al.
51MIC Outlook More and More
- More Data
- Acceleration of data production
- Will drive the need for
- More Algorithms
- New classes of algorithms
- More Software
- An increasing number of tools will be needed
- More Application Packages
- Automated analysis as a method of data reduction
Levitt et al.
52And What Else?
- Many of these concepts are expandable
- Beyond imaging
- NA-MIC kit software methodology adopted by the
KDE community - Beyond biomedical
- Astronomical Medicine
53More Information
- SPL website
- http//www.spl.harvard.edu
- NA-MIC wiki
- http//wiki.na-mic.org
- 3D Slicer
- http//www.slicer.org