Title: De frequentie van verbeelding
1De frequentie van verbeelding
Deltalezing 4, Hoge School voor de Kunsten,
Utrecht 13 mei 2009, 17u30
2The Frequency of Imagination
Auditory Distress and Aurality in Contemporary
Music Theatre
performative / theatrical
3Geluid als verstoring
- Frequentie aantal trillingen of golven per
seconde (in Herz, Hz.) - Menselijk gehoor tussen 20 en 20,000 Hz.
- Cognitieve dissonantie (Leon Festinger J.
Merrill Carlsmith in 1957) - De frequentie van verbeelding de mate waarin de
luisteraar reageert met haar verbeeldend vermogen
op de verstoring van geluid
4David Rokebys n-Cha(n)t (2001)
5David Rokebys n-Cha(n)t (2001)
- The sense of hearing cannot be closed off at
will. There are no earlids. When we go to
sleep, our perception of sound is the last door
to close and it is also the first to open when we
awaken. These facts have prompted McLuhan to
write Terror is the normal state of any oral
society for in it everything affects everything
all the time. The ears only protection is an
elaborate psychological mechanism for filtering
out undesireable sound in order to concentrate on
what is desirable. The eye points outward the
ear draws inward. It soaks up information.
Wagner said To the eye appeals the outer man,
the inner to the ear. - (R. Murray Schafer 1977 11)
6Muziektheater als verstoring
- Definities van muziektheater in constante crisis
zelfdefinitie, legitimatiestrijd - Omgang met verstoring van geluid geen pasklare
perspectieven die de verstoring compenseren zoals
in de traditie van het drama - Verbeeldingsprincipes van het post-dramatisch
theater verzet tegen drama - Muziektheater als MP3 perspectief in het
luisteren maar niet eenduidig
7La DidoneThe Wooster Group (2007-2009)
- Francesco Cavalli's opera, met libretto van
Francesco Busenello, (1641) -
- Mario Bavas cultfilm Terrore nello spazio
(1965) - synergie tussen vroeg barok en pre-moonlanding
8La DidoneThe Wooster Group (2007-2009)
- http//www.thewoostergroup.org/twg/projects/didone
.html - http//www.youtube.com/watch?vfuFUoe3ruPE
9Acousmatiseringschizofoon perspectief
- Deliberately forgetting every reference to
instrumental causes or preexisting musical
significations, we then seek to devote ourselves
entirely and exclusively to listening, to
discover the instinctive paths that lead from the
purely sonorous to the purely musical. Such
is the suggestion of acousmatics to deny the
instrument and cultural conditioning, to put in
front of us the sonorous and its musical
possibility. - (Pierre Schaeffer 2004 81)
10Acousmatiseringschizofoon perspectief
- If some of sound art is concerned with what
Pierre Schaeffer has called the acousmatic
dimensions of sound, namely sound produced
without visible or even definable source, other
kinds of sound art are interested in the
ambiguous embodiments or fixations of sound.
Ambiguous because, despite all our instincts to
the contrary, there are no sound objects. We
say, hearing a sound, that is a siren, or, that
is the sea, but objects are only the occasions
for sound, never their origins. And there is no
sound that is the sound of one object alone. All
sounds are the result of collisions, abrasions,
impingements or minglings of objects. - (Steven Connor 2005 54)
11Horen en luisteren modaliteiten
- distracted or background-listening as the least
conscious by merely being aware of the ambience - listening-in-readiness as a mode of listening in
which we are only aware of specific, mostly
indexical sounds (associations with sounds that
are built up over time) - and analytical listening or listening-in-search
when we most attentively and actively probe an
acoustic environment with our ears in search of
information. - (Barry Truax 1984 19-24)
12De ruimtelijke impulsspatialisatie
- We never merely hear sound, we are always also
listening to it, which is to say selecting
certain significant sounds and isolating them
from the background noise which continuously
rumbles and rattles, continually on the qui vive
for patterns of resemblance or recurrence. - As with sight, and following Wordsworth, the ear
half-creates what it thinks it hears. This
language of sound is spatial. Why does the
increase in frequency of a sound suggest that it
is getting higher? In other words, the
spatiality of sound is a reflex, formed by the
projective, imagining ear, the ear commandeering
the eye to make out the space it finds itself in.
It is in this sense that ears may be said to
have walls. - (Steven Connor 2005 53)
- http//home.medewerker.uva.nl/p.m.g.verstraete/