Title: Remote%20Participation%20in%20JET%20experiments
1Remote Participation in JET experiments
- A prototype system using the RP Tools was
set up based on Linux and Windows operating
systems, it includes - Remote Data Access
- Remote Computer Access
- Teleconferencing
- User Support local technical stuff, seminars
2RDA-Remote Data Access
Transfer of data across the network
- JET RDA - a secure remote read and write access
to JET data using html protocol - prototype system was set up
- MDS - data acquisition visualization system
- It serves as common data access for different
experiments (JET, ASDEX, ) - KFKI RMKI users are going on to use
- IDL and Matlab is used for data analyzes
3RCA-Remote Computer Access
Secure remote logon to JET computers
The most popular working method
- Citrix ICA client was set up for contact to
Citrix Metaframe Servers at JET - JET remote access username/password
Secure ID token card is used at the JET firewall
Logon to JET computers
KFKI RMKI users are remotely working on JET
JET local access username/password
4Telecommunication - Teleconference
- Used tools
- For listen the seminars
- VRVS-Virtual Room Videoconference System
- For screen sharing watch the JTV
- VNC-Virtual Network Computer
- For on-line Text dialogue
The inter-office dialogue between the fusion
laboratories is a problem because of their
different security policy It requires future
KFKI RMKI users are listening the JET seminars on
there desktop