Title: Design Patterns and Graphical User Interfaces
1Design Patterns and Graphical User Interfaces
- Horstmann 5-5.4.1, 5.4.3-5.7
2Design patterns
- Design Patterns
- Iterator
- Model-View-Controller and Observer
- Strategy
- Composite
- Decorator
3Design patterns
- For each design pattern
- Prototypical example
- Context, problem
- Solution, decoupling/interface
- UML diagram
- Patterns
- Iterator, observer, strategy, composite,
4Design patterns
- Design Patterns
- Iterator
- Model-View-Controller and Observer
- Strategy
- Composite
- Decorator
5Example accessing elements in an ArrayList
- ArrayListltStringgt filmList new
ArrayListltStringgt() - filmList.add(E.T.) filmList.add(Gran
Torino) - Printing all elements
- for (String film filmList) System.out.println(fi
lm) - Printing all elements using iterator
- IteratorltStringgt iter filmList.iterator()
- while (iter.hasNext()) System.out.println(iter.nex
t()) - Printing all elements manually
- for (int i0 ilt filmList.size() i)
- System.out.println(filmList.get(i))
6Example Accessing elements in arbitrary
- public Class FilmCatalogue
- private String films Dogville,Chinatown
- public String get(int i) return filmsi
- public int size() return films.length
- Uses encapsulation YES
- Fully decoupled NO
- Only manual printing of elements in a
FilmCatalogue object possible - very inefficient if array representation changed
to linked lists
7Better decoupling with iterator
- public class FilmCatalogue implements
IterableltStringgt - public IteratorltStringgt iterator()
- return new IteratorltStringgt()
- private int position 0
- public boolean hasNext() return
positionltfilms.length - public String next()
- if (hasNext()) return filmsposition
- else return null
- ... ...
8Example accessing elements in iterable
- FilmCatalogue filmList new ArrayListltStringgt()
- filmList.add(E.T.) filmList.add(Gran
Torino) - FilmCatalogue filmList new FilmCatalogue()
- Printing all elements
- for (String film filmList) System.out.println(fi
lm) - Printing all elements using iterator
- IteratorltStringgt iter filmList.iterator()
- while (iter.hasNext()) System.out.println(iter.nex
t()) - Printing all elements manually
- for (int i0 ilt filmList.size() i)
- System.out.println(filmList.get(i))
9Iterator Pattern
- Context
- An aggregate object contains element objects
- Clients need access to the element objects
- The aggregate object should not expose its
internal structure - Multiple clients may want independent access
- Solution
- Define an iterator that fetches one element at a
time - Each iterator object keeps track of the position
of the next element - If there are several aggregate/iterator
variations, it is best if the aggregate and
iterator classes realize common interface types.
10Iterator Pattern
11Iterator Pattern
Iterator ltStringgt
Iterable ltStringgt
next() ! hasNext() next()
- public Class FilmCatalogue
- private ArrayListltStringgt films . . .
- public IteratorltStringgt iterator()
- return films.iterator()
- public Class FilmCatalogue
- private LinkedListltStringgt films . . .
- public IteratorltStringgt iterator()
- return films.iterator()
- public Class FilmCatalogue
- private String films . . .
- public IteratorltStringgt iterator()
- return new IteratorltStringgt() . . .
- Which of a,b,c fits iterator pattern?
- None
- a
- b
- c
- ab
- ac
- bc
- abc
13Design patterns
- Design Patterns
- Iterator
- Model-View-Controller and Observer
- Strategy
- Composite
- Decorator
Extra/changed view transparent to content
- Model data structure, no visual representation
- Views visual representations
- Controllers user interaction
- Views/controllers update model
- Model tells views that data has changed
- Views redraw themselves
17Button / Listener
- recall old example
- helloButton.addActionListener(newActionListener()
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent
event) - textField.setText("Hello, World")
- )
18Observer Pattern
- Model notifies views when something interesting
happens - Button notifies action listeners when something
interesting happens - Views attach themselves to model in order to be
notified - Action listeners attach themselves to button in
order to be notified - Generalize Observers attach themselves to
19Observer Pattern
20Observer Pattern
Display Components
Button Components
- Frame is Model
- Display Components are Views
- Buttons are Controllers
- Model is not visible, but contains a number
- Display Components are Views
- Listeners attached to Buttons are Controllers
- Observer
- A Button is a Subject
- A Listener attached to a button is an Observer
- Which interpretations are reasonable?
- None
- a
- b
- c
- ab
- ac
- bc
- abc
22Design patterns
- Design Patterns
- Iterator
- Model-View-Controller and Observer
- Strategy
- Composite
- Decorator
23GUI components and containers
3 button components
textfield component
label component
frame container with 5 components (textfield, 3
buttons, label)
24Layout Managers
- User interfaces made up of components
- Components placed in containers
- Container needs to arrange components
- Swing doesn't use hard-coded pixel coordinates
- Advantages
- Can switch "look and feel"
- Can internationalize strings
- Layout manager controls arrangement
25Layout Managers
26Layout Managers
- JPanel decDisplay new JPanel()
- final JTextField digits new JTextField(98",15)
- decDisplay.add(new JLabel("Decimal"))
- decDisplay.add(digits)
JPanel Default FlowLayout
- JPanel display new JPanel()
- display.setLayout(new BorderLayout())
- display.add(decDisplay, BorderLayout.NORTH)
- display.add(binDisplay, BorderLayout.SOUTH)
- JPanel keyboard new JPanel()
- keyboard.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2))
- keyboard.add(new JButton("0"))
- keyboard.add(new JButton("inc"))
- keyboard.add(new JButton("1"))
- keyboard.add(new JButton("dec"))
JFrame Default BorderLayout
- JFrame f new JFrame()
- f.add(display,BorderLayout.NORTH)
- f.add(keyboard,BorderLayout.CENTER)
29Strategy Pattern
- Pluggable strategy for layout management
- Layout manager object responsible for executing
concrete strategy - Generalizes to Strategy Design Pattern
- Other manifestation Comparators
- Comparator comp new CountryComparatorByName()
Collections.sort(countries, comp)
30Strategy Pattern
- Context
- A class can benefit from different variants for
an algorithm - Clients sometimes want to replace standard
algorithms with custom versions - Solution
- Define an interface type that is an abstraction
for the algorithm - Actual strategy classes realize this interface
type. - Clients can supply strategy objects
- Whenever the algorithm needs to be executed, the
context class calls the appropriate methods of
the strategy object
31Strategy Pattern
32Strategy Pattern
33Strategy Pattern
- public class Game
- Robot r new Aggressor()
- public Game()
- r.activate()
- public class Game
- public Game(Robot r)
- r.activate()
- Which versions of Game class use strategy
pattern? - None
- a
- b
- a, b
35Design patterns
- Design Patterns
- Iterator
- Model-View-Controller and Observer
- Strategy
- Composite
- Decorator
36Containers and Components
- Containers collect GUI components
- Sometimes, want to add a container to another
container - Container should be a Component
- Composite design pattern
- Composite method typically invoke component
methods - E.g. Container.getPreferredSize invokes
getPreferredSize of components
37Composite Pattern
- Context
- Primitive objects can be combined to composite
objects - Clients treat a composite object as a primitive
object - Solution
- Define an interface type that is an abstraction
for the primitive objects - Composite object collects primitive objects
- Composite and primitive classes implement same
interface type. - When implementing a method from the interface
type, the composite class applies the method to
its primitive objects and combines the results
38Composite Pattern
39Composite Pattern
- class Rectangle
- public void paint(Graphics2D g)
- g.draw(. . .)
- class Composite
- private ArrayListltRectanglegt cubes
- public void paint(Graphics2D g)
- for (Rectangle r cubes)
- r.paint(g)
- Does UML and code for paint methods realize
composite design pattern? - Yes, both UML and code
- Only UML
- Only code
- Neither UML nor code
41Design patterns
- Design Patterns
- Iterator
- Model-View-Controller and Observer
- Strategy
- Composite
- Decorator
42Scroll Bars
- Scroll bars can be attached to components
- Approach 1 Component class can turn on scroll
bars - Approach 2 Scroll bars can surround
componentJScrollPane pane new
JScrollPane(component) - Swing uses approach 2
- JScrollPane is again a component
43Decorator Pattern
- Context
- Component objects can be decorated (visually or
behaviorally enhanced) - The decorated object can be used in the same way
as the undecorated object - The component class does not want to take on the
responsibility of the decoration - There may be an open-ended set of possible
decorations - Solution
- Define an interface type that is an abstraction
for the component - Concrete component classes realize this interface
type. - Decorator classes also realize this interface
type. - A decorator object manages the component object
that it decorates - When implementing a method from the component
interface type, the decorator class applies the
method to the decorated component and combines
the result with the effect of the decoration.
44Decorator Pattern
45Decorator Pattern
- class Rectangle
- public void paint(Graphics2D g)
- g.draw(. . .)
- class Decor
- private Cubism cube
- public void paint(Graphics2D g)
- g.draw(new Rectangle2D(. . .))
- g.draw(... cube ...)
- Does UML and code for paint methods realize
decorator design pattern? - Yes, both UML and code
- Only UML
- Only code
- Neither UML nor code