Title: New age medical thermography accessible to everybody
1 CEM -Thermography
New age medical thermography accessible to
2 We underestimate our own body temperature!
Our skin emits thermal (infra-red) radiation.
Changes of local surface body temperature are
the main or additional symptom for the majority
of diseases. According to our local temperature
patterns, we can diagnose many diseases at early
stages of their appearance.
How can we use surface body temperature as our
health condition reflector?
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5 What we offer
Innovative local infra-red thermograph User can
visualize changes in skin surface
temperature Build personal thermograms
6 Cardio-vascular diseases number one killer
in the world
460 000 strokes are registered in Russia yearly
(57 of them result in death)
US Census Bureau strokes death rate in 2050 will
be three times higher than in 2000.
7 Projects actuality breast cancer
Every ten minutes 1 out of 10 women in Russia is
diagnosed with breast cancer. Every hour 3 women
die from breast cancer.
Early diagnostics and treatment increase recovery
rate up to 95 percent !
Thermodiagnostics can suspect cancer several
years before other methods (ultrasound,
8 How it works
Step 1. Using the suggested points, patient or
doctor measures temperature in certain
zones Step 2. Special computer program transforms
measurement results to thermograms Step 3.
User sends thermograms to medical consultants
through the Internet Step 4. Patient can
receive on-line or off-line consultation,
evaluate treatment effectiveness
9 What can our thermograph do?
- Early and absolutely safe diagnostics
- Detects most common diseases
- On-line and off-line consultations
- Objective treatment control
10 Competitors
The main competitor is medical thermograph
(thermal imager)
Costs from 25K Euro Cannot be used in home
conditions Not for personal use
11 Competitive advantages
- Easy to use
- Wireless computer connection
- Affordable
- Small size of the product
- (low shipment delivery costs)
- No direct competitors
- 100 patent protection
12 Customers Markets
- Customers
- Thermograph is mainly oriented on people without
medical background, but also can be used by - doctors, nurses, cosmetologists, kinesiologists,
masseurs, veterinaries - Price from 165 to 450 Euro (10 free
teleconsultations), depending on modification.
Markets Home early diagnostics and health
monitoring Diagnostic consultations Telemedicine
Our ideal goal Every family with an average
income should have a thermograph in its first aid
kit by 2020
13 Markets estimation
- Minimal market size
- Developing countries ? 3-5 of the population
- Developed countries ? 5-10 of the population
- Examples
- Russias market volume is about 6,6 million units
- ( 2,9 milliard)
- CIS market is 14 million units ( 6,3 milliard)
- EU market (25 countries) is 24 million units
- ( 10,8 milliard)
- Our main source of income is teleconsulting
services - 50 million annually by 2015.
14 Strategy
- 1st year
- Creation of sales network (direct on-line) in
Russia and CIS - Organization of teleconsulting center
- Beginning of extensive sales in Russia and CIS
- Preparation for international sales
- 2nd year
- Expansion of sales in Russia and CIS
- Beginning of sales in the European Union
- 3rd- 4th year
- Expansion of sales in the European Union
- Start of worldwide sales (South America,
Australia, New Zeeland, Canada, South-Eastern
Asia, Middle East, USA)
15 Sales
- Successful test sales through the companys own
distribution system in Russia. -
- Distribution network of CEM Corporation
includes 120 representative offices in Russia,
Ukraine, and the EU and more than 40 thousand
independent distributors. - More than 100 000 of medical devices of the
similar price category has been sold through this
network to the amount of 50 mil Euro.
16 Company now
- Full cycle researchdevelopmentproductionscaled
distribution network - Completed medical research of products
effectiveness - Development and manufacturing of innovative
products on the up-to-date level - Scientific center for development and patenting
- Modern teleconference center with 8 doctors
(M.D., Doctors of Science, specialists in
thermodiagnostics) and on-line processing of
complicated diagnoses.
17 Stockholders Management
- Yury Tkachenko co-founder and consultant, M.D.
Ph.D., specialist in creation of hi-tech
biomedical equipment, innovative management, and
intellectual property rights protection,
co-founder of Spinor plant successfully
marketed more than 20 new medical products. - Alexander Kozhemyakin co-founder and
consultant, Ph.D. Sci. Tech., Academician of
Russian Academy of Natural Science cofounder and
director of Spinor plant (Tomsk), which has the
State License and European Certificate for
production of medical equipment. - Yulia Potekhina the head of teleconsulting
center and clinical department, D.Sc., M.D.,
Professor of Normal Physiology Department of
Nizhniy Novgorod State Medical Academy. She has
10 Russian patents, 5 monographs, 40 articles in
Russian and international magazines. - Olesya Tkachenko manager of the company,.B.Sc.
Business Administration with Management minor,
Summa cum laude honor, Dickinson State
University, USA Business Administration major,
International Institute, N.Novgorod, Russia she
has American and Russian work experience.
18 Investments
- The company seeks investments in the amount of 2
million Euro. - Purposes of capital investments
- on-line sales and development of associated
services (60) - on-line marketing, mainly in RF, CIS, EU, South
America, South-East Asia (20) - creation of sales platform for on-line sales in
Russia and on international markets (5) - integration with logistic channels for personal
delivery and payment platforms through the means
of electronic commerce (5) - sales support center, customer relationship
management (10).
- Exit of an investor from 2011
- By selling shares to large medical internet-portal
19 Financial forecast
20 Conclusions
- Innovative and patented
- product
- Early and absolutely safe
- medical diagnostics
- Medical consulting in home conditions
- Management team with successful experience of
executing similar projects - High growth potential
21 Contacts
- CEM-Thermography Office
- (7) (831) 434 59 23
- cem.consultant_at_gmail.com
- URL Link
- http//www.cem-tech.ru/thermodiag.html