Title: CS 192
1CS 192
- Lecture 14
- Winter 2003
- January 14-15, 2004
- Dr. Shafay Shamail
- Building blocks of a C program
- Each function has a name, which is used to call
the function functions call each other - You will write your own functions, e.g. main(),
and also use pre-written functions from standard
3- / This program contains two functions main()
- and myfunc().
- /
- include ltiostream.hgt
- void myfunc() // myfunc's Protoype
- int main()
- cout ltlt "In main()"
- myfunc() // call myfunc()
- cout ltlt "Back in main()"
- return 0
- void myfunc() // myfuncs Definition
- cout ltlt " Inside myfunc() "
4Function Prototype
- void myfunc() // myfunc's Protoype
- Like variable declaration tells the compiler
about the return type of the function and the
number and type of parameters it needs from the
calling function - return_type functionName (parameter list)
- So, place prototypes before main()
- main() is predefined in C and does not need a
prototype - Cant the compiler look ahead and get
definitions? - Prototype can be omitted if whole function placed
before it is called is that a good practice?
5Returning a Value
- // Returning a value.
- include ltiostream.hgt
- int mul(int x, int y) // mul()'s prototype
- int main()
- int answer
- answer mul(10, 11) // assign return value
- cout ltlt "The answer is " ltlt answer
- return 0
- // This function returns a value.
- int mul(int x, int y)
- return x y // return product of x and y
6Library Functions
- Pre-written functions in libraries that you can
use - Just include the proper header file
- Compiler gets prototype from the header file and
searches appropriate libraries itself to get
function definition - e.g. math library has mathematical functions in
it - include ltiostream.hgt
- include ltmath.hgt //or ltcmathgt
- int main()
- cout ltlt sqrt(9.0)
- return 0
7Scope Rules
- Scope rules tell that a variable is visible to
which parts of your program also define
variables lifetime - 3 types of variables local, global, formal
8Scope Rules - Local Variables
- A variable can be declared inside any block and
is then local to that block - Block
- int main()
- int x 4
- cout ltlt x
- return 0
- error C2065 'x' undeclared identifier
- Memory storage for a local variable created when
entering its block and destroyed when its block
9Scope Rules-Local Variables
- Most common block is a function
- include ltiostream.hgt
- void func()
- int main()
- int x // local to main()
- x 10
- func()
- cout ltlt x // displays ?
- return 0
- void func()
- int x // local to func()
- x -199
- cout ltlt x // displays ?
- -199 10. Each variable x has a separate location
in memory - Identically-named variables in inner block hide
or override those in the outer block Avoid this
10Scope Rules-Local Variables
- include ltiostream.hgt
- int main()
- int i, j
- i 10
- j 100
- if(j gt 0)
- // start of block
- int i // this i is separate from outer i
- i j / 2 // outer j is known here
- cout ltlt first inner i " ltlt i ltlt '\n'
- if(i lt 50)
- i 10 cout ltlt 2nd inner i ltlt i ltlt
endl -
- cout ltlt "outer i " ltlt i ltlt '\n'
- return 0
11Scope Rules-Local Variables
- int main()
- int choice
- cout ltlt "(1) add numbers or "
- cout ltlt "(2) concatenate strings? "
- cin gtgt choice
- if(choice 1)
- int a, b / activate two integer vars /
- cout ltlt "Enter two numbers "
- cin gtgt a gtgt b
- cout ltlt "Sum is " ltlt ab ltlt '\n'
- else
- char s180, s280 / activate two
strings / - cout ltlt "Enter two strings "
- cin gtgt s1
12Scope Rules-Local Variables
- Variables declared in for loops are local
according to current spec for C - for(int i 0 ilt10 i)
- cout ltlt i ltlt " "
- i 100 // Error -- i not known here!
- Does not work on Visual C 6.0 (i.e. no error)
- Can declare a variable within any conditional
expression - if(int x 20)
- cout ltlt "This is x "
- cout ltlt x
- x 2 // Error -- x not known here!
- Not a good practice
13Scope Rules-Formal Parameters
- Formal parameters variables that receive values
passed to a function - Scope local to the function
- include ltiostream.hgt
- int mult(int, int)
- int main()
- int a 10, b 20
- cout ltlt mult(a, b)
- //cout ltlt x ltlt y // Error --unknown
identifiers x, y - return 0
- int mult(int x, int y)// can have different
names here -
- return xy
14Scope Rules-Global Variables
- Usually declared outside any function have life
as long as the program runs - Can be used by all following functions
- Usually placed at the beginning of program
- Initialized only at the start of the program
uninitialized default to zero - An identically named local variable masks global
15Scope Rules-Global Variables
- include ltiostream.hgt
- void func()
- int i 2 // global
- int main()
- cout ltlt i ltlt endl
- func()
- cout ltlt i ltlt endl
- int i 5 // local. What if i5
- cout ltlt i ltlt endl
- func()
- return 0
- void func()
- cout ltlt i ltlt endl
- int i 3 // local
- cout ltlt i ltlt endl
16Scope Rules-global variables
- include ltiostream.hgt
- include ltcstdlibgt
- void drill()
- int count //count and num_right are global
- int num_right
- int main()
- cout ltlt "How many practice problems "
- cin gtgt count
- num_right 0
- do
- drill()
- count--
- while(count)
- cout ltlt "You got " ltlt num_right ltlt
- right.\n"
- return 0
- void drill()
- int count / This count is local. /
- int a, b, ans
- // Generate two numbers between 0 and 99.
- a rand() 100
- b rand() 100
- // The user gets three tries to get it right.
- for(count0 countlt3 count)
- cout ltlt "What is " ltlt a ltlt " " ltlt b ltlt "?
" - cin gtgt ans
- if(ansab)
- cout ltlt "Right\n"
- num_right
- return
- cout ltlt "You've used up all your tries.\n"
17Passing Pointers to Functions
- No big deal. Just declare parameter as type
_______ ? - include ltiostream.hgt
- void f(int j)//or void f(int )
- int main()
- int i
- int p
- p i // p now points to i
- f(p)
- cout ltlt i // i is now 100
- return 0
- void f(int j)
- j 100 // var pointed to by j is assigned
100 -
18Passing Pointers to Functions
- The pointer variable not necessary. Can generate
and pass the address of i as such to f() - include ltiostream.hgt
- void f(int j)
- int main()
- int i
- f(i)
- cout ltlt i
- return 0
- void f(int j)
- j 100 // var pointed to by j is assigned
100 -
19Passing Pointers to Functions
- include ltiostream.hgt
- int sqr_it(int x)
- int main()
- int t10
- cout ltlt sqr_it(t) ltlt ' ' ltlt t //output?
- int sqr_it(int x)
- x xx
- return x
- IMPORTANT Whats the difference between the
above function, and the ones on previous two
slides? - Here, a copy of the value of t is passed. t
remains unaltered. x is a local variable, which
could have been named t - Called Call by Value
- Previous called Call by Reference where the
original variable (not a copy) is accessed by the
called function
20Passing Arrays to Functions
- What is an array name without index?
- Address of first element passed to function. So
actual array accessed, not a copy. Saves memory - 3 ways to pass this address
- Declare parameter as an array of same type and
size - include ltiostream.hgt
- void display(int num10) //or display(int
10) - int main()
- int t10,i
- for(i0 ilt10 i) tii
- display(t) // pass array t to a function
- cout ltltendl
- for(i0 ilt10 i) cout ltlt ti ltlt ' '
//output? -
- // Print some numbers.
- void display(int num10)
- int i
- for(i0 ilt10 i) cout ltlt numi ltlt ' '
//output? - for(i0 ilt10 i) (numi numi 1)
21Passing Arrays to Functions
- Can also declare as display(int num) i.e.
unsized. Same thing - Internally, compiler converts int num10 or int
num to int - So, why not declare parameter as a pointer to int
- void display(int num)
- int i
- for(i0 ilt10 i) cout ltlt numi ltlt ' '
//or (numi) -
- How is a single element passed? As an ordinary
variable - include ltiostream.hgt
- void display(int num) //each element is of type
int - int main()
- int t10,i
- for(i0 ilt10 i) tii
- for(i0 ilt10 i) display(ti) //only one
element passed -
- void display(int num)
- cout ltlt num ltlt ' '
22Passing Arrays to Functions
- include ltiostream.hgt
- void cube(int n, int num)
- int main()
- int i, nums10
- for(i0 ilt10 i) numsi i1
- cout ltlt "Original contents "
- for(i0 ilt10 i) cout ltlt numsi ltlt ' '
- cout ltlt '\n'
- cube(nums, 10) // compute cubes
- cout ltlt "Altered contents "
- for(i0 ilt10 i) cout ltlt numsi ltlt ' '
- return 0
- void cube(int n, int num)
- while(num)
- n n n n
23Passing Strings to Functions
- What is a string stored as? So what should we
pass? - include ltiostream.hgt
- include ltcstringgt
- include ltcctypegt
- void stringupper(char str)
- int main()
- char str80
- strcpy(str, "this is a test")
- stringupper(str)
- cout ltlt str // display uppercase string
- return 0
- void stringupper(char str)
- while(str)
- str toupper(str) // uppercase one char
- str // move on to next char
24The return Statement
- return statement can be used without a value for
void functions. Must return a value for non-void
functions - Control passed back to calling function when
return encountered or closing curly brace of
function - include ltiostream.hgt
- void power(int base, int exp)
- int main()
- power(2, 10)
- return 0
- void power(int base, int exp)
- int i
- if(explt0) return
- i 1
- for( exp exp--) i base i
- cout ltlt "The answer is " ltlt i ltlt endl
25The return Statement
- Can have multiple return statements. Function
returns as soon as the first one encountered - void f()
- // ...
- switch(c)
- case 'a' return
- case 'b' // ...
- case 'c' return
- if(countlt100) return
- // ...
26The return Statement
- non-void functions return values to the calling
function. Therefore, can call a non-void function
and use that call as an operand in an expression
(as it has a value) in the calling function - x power(y)
- if(max(x, y)) gt 100) cout ltlt "greater"
- switch(abs(x)) ...
- Dont necessarily have to store the returned
value in a variable - include ltiostream.hgt
- include ltcstdlibgt
- int main()
- int i
- i abs(-10) // stored
- cout ltlt abs(-23) // just used
- abs(100) // returned value discarded
- return 0
27Multiple return Statements
- include ltiostream.hgt
- int find_substr(char sub, char str)
- int main()
- int index
- index find_substr("three", "one two three")
- cout ltlt "Index of three is " ltlt index //
index is 8 - return 0
- int find_substr(char sub, char str)
- int t
- char p, p2
- for(t0 strt t)
- p strt // reset pointers
- p2 sub
- while(p2 p2p)
- // check for substring
- p
- p2
- / If at end of p2 (i.e., substring), then a
match has been found. / - if(!p2)
- return t // return index //of
match -
- return -1 // no match found
28Returning Pointers
- char get_substr(char sub, char str)
- int t
- char p, p2, start
- for(t0 strt t)
- p strt // reset pointers
- start p
- p2 sub
- while(p2 p2p)
- //check for substring
- p
- p2
- / If at end of p2 (i.e., substring), then
a match has been found. / - if(!p2)
- return start / return pointer to
beginning of substring /
- include ltiostream.hgt
- char get_substr(char sub, char str)
- int main()
- char substr
- substr get_substr("three", "one two three
four") - cout ltlt "substring found " ltlt substr
- return 0
29Command Line Arguments
- To pass info to main() from the command line
- e.g. cl hellouser
- Here, cl and hellouser are command line
arguments - main() receives infor about these arguments in
two parameters - int main( int argc, char argv)
- argc (argument count) parameter is an integer
that holds the number of arguments on the command
line. Always at least 1, as program name also
counted - argv (argument variable) parameter is a
null-terminated array of pointers to strings - argv0 points to program name on command line,
argv1 points to the first argument, and so on.
30Command Line Arguments
- include ltiostream.hgt
- int main(int argc, char argv)
- if(argc!2)
- cout ltlt "You forgot to type your name.\n"
- return 1
- cout ltlt "Hello " ltlt argv1 ltlt '\n'
- return 0
- If we name this program as greeting, then after
making an exe file we can type greeting Shamail
at the command prompt and the program will
execute and output Hello Shamail - Spaces and tabs usually separate strings for a
longer string, use quotes e.g. greeting Shafay
Shamail outputs Hello Shafay Shamail
31Command Line Arguments
- Can access individual characters in the command
line strings by using a double subscript. See the
program echo below -
- include ltiostream.hgt
- int main(int argc, char argv)
- int t, i
- for(t0 tltargc t)
- // t denotes the tth string
- i 0
- while(argvti)
- // ti accesses the ith character of t
- cout ltlt argvti
- i
- cout ltlt ' '
- cout ltlt ' '
- return 0
32Passing Numeric Command Line Arguments
- Want to pass numbers to main( ), but it takes
strings - Use atof(), atoi(), atol()
- include ltiostream.hgt
- include ltcstdlibgt
- int main(int argc, char argv)
- double a, b
- a atof(argv1)
- b atof(argv2)
- cout ltlt a b
- return 0
- atoi(2) gives 2 atof(-11.11) gives -11.11
33Command Line Arguments
include ltiostream.hgt int main(int argc, char
argv) while(--argc gt 0) cout ltlt argv
ltlt endl return 0
include ltiostream.hgt int main(int argc, char
argv) for(int j0 jltargc j) cout
ltlt argvj ltlt endl return 0
- include ltiostream.hgt
- include ltcstdlibgt
- int main(int argc, char argv)
- double a, b
- a atof(argv1)
- b atof(argv2)
- cout ltlt a b
- return 0
include ltiostream.hgt include ltcstdlibgt int
main(int argc, char argv) char argvector
argv double a, b a atof(argvector)
b atof(argvector) cout ltlt a b
return 0