Title: American College of Chest Physicians ACCP
1American College of Chest Physicians
(ACCP) Health and Science Policy Committee
Orientation Program Part 6 Future Direction,
More Information, and Contacts
2Future Directions
- Continue its efforts to be the foremost
developer of high quality evidence-based clinical
practice guidelines on issues related to
pulmonary medicine. - Will look at broader topics that impact issues
related to practice such as continuing education
and practice management. - Expanding the methodological expertise within
the Health and Science Policy Department to
enhance the guideline development process - Educating ACCP staff and members in using
evidence-based medicine and appropriate research
3The HSP Web site
- An explanation what evidence-based clinical
practice guidelines are - A step-by-step approach and specific resources to
produce strong evidence-based clinical practice
guidelines - A venue to submit evidence-based clinical
practice guideline topics for potential
development - Links to important websites related to
evidence-based medicine
4ACCP HSP Staff Contacts
Ed Dellert, RN, MBA Vice President, Educational
Resources edellert_at_chestnet.org Beth
Corey Administrative Assistant bcorey_at_chestnet.org
Julia Heitzer, MS Research Specialist jheitzer_at_c
hestnet.org Carla Herrerias, MPH Clinical
Research Analyst cherrerias_at_chestnet.org Sandy
Lewis, PhD Research Specialist/Quality
Improvement Liaison slewis_at_chestnet.org