Title: Ch' 9Optimization: A Special Variety of Equilibrium Analysis
1- Ch. 9 Optimization A Special Variety of
Equilibrium Analysis - 9.1 Optimum Values and Extreme Values
- 9.2 Relative Maximum and Minimum
First-Derivative Test - 9.3 Second and Higher Derivatives
- 9.4 Second-Derivative Test
- 9.5 Digression on Maclaurin and Taylor Series
- 9.6 Nth-Derivative Test for Relative Extremum of
a Function of One Variable
29.1 Optimum Values and Extreme Values
- Goal vs. non-goal equilibrium
- In the optimization process, we need to identify
the objective function to optimize. - In the objective function the dependent variable
represents the object of maximization or
minimization - ? PQ - C(Q)
39.2 Relative Maximum and Minimum
First-Derivative Test9.2-1 Relative versus
absolute extremum9.2-2 First-derivative test
49.2 Critical stationary values
- The critical value of x is the value x0 if f(x0)
0 - A stationary value of y is f(x0)
- A stationary point is the point with coordinates
x0 and f(x0) - A stationary point is coordinate of the extremum
59.2-2 First-derivative test ?
- The first-order condition or necessary condition
for extrema is that f '(x) 0 and the value of
f(x) is - A relative maximum if the derivative f '(x)
changes its sign from positive to negative from
the immediate left of the point x to its
immediate right. (first derivative test for a
69.2-2 First-derivative test ?
- The first-order condition or necessary condition
for extrema is that f '(x) 0 and the value of
f(x) is - A relative minimum if f '(x) changes its sign
from negative to positive from the immediate left
of x0 to its immediate right. (first derivative
test of min.)
79.2-2 First-derivative test ?
- The first-order condition or necessary condition
for extrema is that f '(x) 0 and the value of
f(x) is - Neither a relative maxima nor a relative minima
if f '(x) has the same sign on both the
immediate left and right of point x0. (first
derivative test for point of inflection)
89.2 Example 1 p. 225
9primitive function and 1st 2nd derivatives
109.2 Example 1 (neg) p. 225
11primitive function and 1st 2nd derivatives
129.2 Example 2 p. 226
13plots primitive convex function, as well as1st
2nd derivatives
149.2 Smile test ?
15Primitive function and 1st 2nd derivatives
169.3 Second and Higher Derivatives9.3-1
Derivative of a derivative9.3-2 Interpretation
of the second derivative9.3-3 An application
179.3-1 Derivative of a derivative
- Given y f(x)
- The first derivative f '(x) or dy/dx is itself a
function of x, it should be differentiable with
respect to x, provided that it is continuous and
smooth. - The result of this differentiation is known as
the second derivative of the function f and is
denoted as f ''(x) or d2y/dx2. - The second derivative can be differentiated with
respect to x again to produce a third derivative,
f '''(x) and so on to f(n)(x) or dny/dxn
189.3 Example
19Primitive function and 1st 2nd derivatives
20Example 1, p. 228
219.3-2 Interpretation of the second derivative
- f '(x) measures the rate of change of a function
- e.g., whether the slope is increasing or
decreasing - f ''(x) measures the rate of change in the rate
of change of a function - e.g., whether the slope is increasing or
decreasing at an increasing or decreasing rate - how the curve tends to bend itself (p. 230)
229.3-3 The smile test ? ?
239.3 Example ?
249.4 Second-Derivative Test9.4-1 Necessary and
sufficient conditions9.4-2 Conditions for profit
maximization9.4-3 Coefficients of a cubic
total-cost function9.4-4 Upward-sloping
marginal-revenue curve
259.4-1 Necessary and sufficient conditions
- The zero slope condition is a necessary
condition and since it is found with the first
derivative, we refer to it as a 1st order
condition. - The sign of the second derivative is sufficient
to establish the stationary value in question as
a relative minimum if f "(x0) gt0, the 2nd order
condition or relative maximum if f "(x0)lt0.
269.4-2 Profit function Example 3, p. 238
279.4 Quadratic equation
289.4-2 Profit function example 3, p. 238
299.4 Imperfect Competition, Example 4, p. 240
30Example 4, p. 240TR and 1st , 2nd 3rd
319.4 Strict concavity
- Strictly concave if we pick any pair of points M
and N on its curve and joint them by a straight
line, the line segment MN must lie entirely below
the curve, except at points MN. - A strictly concave curve can never contain a
linear segment anywhere - Test if f "(x) is negative for all x, then
strictly concave.
329.5 Digression on Maclaurin and Taylor
Series9.5-1 Maclaurin series of a polynomial
function9.5-2 Taylor series of a polynomial
functions9.5-3 Expansion of an arbitrary
function9.5-4 Lagrange form of the remainder
339.5-2 Taylor series of a polynomial functions
34(No Transcript)
35Difference Quotient, Derivative Differential
36Exercise 9.5-2(a) Geometric series
37(No Transcript)
385.7 Leontief Input-Output Models Structure of an
input-output model Miller Blair, p. 102
39(No Transcript)
40Diewerts Quadratic Lemma
41Diewerts Quadratic Lemma
42Diewerts Quadratic Lemma
43Diewerts Quadratic Lemma
449.5 Maclaurin Series of a Polynomial Function
459.5 Maclaurin Series of a Polynomial Function
469.5 Taylor Series of a Polynomial Function
479.5 Taylor Series of a Polynomial Function
489.5 Taylor Series of a Polynomial Function
499.6 Taylor expansion and relative extremum
509.6-3 Nth-derivative test
519.5-4 Lagrange form of the remainder
529.5-4 Lagrange form of the remainder
539.6 Nth-Derivative Test for Relative Extremum of
a Function of One Variable9.6-1 Taylor expansion
and relative extremum9.6-2 Some specific
cases9.6-3 Nth-derivative test
549.6-1 Taylor expansion and relative extremum
559.6-2 Some specific cases