Title: Verilog HDL. ?a
- Verilog HDL. ?a ßas???...
2?as??? ??? S?ed?as??
3?? e??a? ? Verilog
- Verilog Hardware Description Language(HDL)
- ??a ?????? ep?p?d?? ???ssa p?? µp??e? ?a
a?apa?aste? ?a? ?a p??s?µ????e? ??f?a??
?????µata. - Hardware concurrency
- Parallel Activity Flow
- Semantics for Signal Value and Time
- ?a?ade??µata s?ed?as?? µe Verilog HDL
- Intel Pentium, AMD K5, K6, Athlon, ARM7, etc
- Thousands of ASIC designs using Verilog HDL
- Other HDL SystemC, VHDL
4??apa??stas? ??f?a??? S?st?µ?t??
- Verilog HDL ???s?µ?p??e?ta? ??a ?a ft???e?? t?
µ??t??? e??? s?st?µat??. - ?????
- requirements specification
- documentation
- testing using simulation
- formal verification
- synthesis
- St????
- most reliable design process, with minimum cost
and time - avoid design errors!
5S?µß?se?? st?? ???ssa Verilog
- ? Verilog e??a? case sensitive.
- ???e?? ??e?d?? e??a? se µ????.
- S???e?a
- G?a µ?a ??aµµ? e??a? //
- G?a p????? / /
- ?as???? t?µ?? 1-bit s?µ?t??
- 0 ?????? t?µ? 0.
- 1 ?????? t?µ? 1
- x ????st? t?µ?
- z as??det? s?µa. high impedance
- ??apa??stas? a???µ??
- ltsizegt ltbase_formatgtltnumbergt
- ltsizegt de???e? t?? a???µ? ap? bits
- ltbase_formatgt µp??e? ?a e??a? d, h, b, o
- ?ta? t? ltsizegt ?e?pe? t? µ??e??? ?a?????eta? ap?
t?? compiler. - 100 // 100
- 4b1111 // 15, 4 bits
- 6h3a // 58, 6 bits
- 6b111010 // 58, 6 bits
- 12h13x // 304x, 12 bits
- Arithmetic - /
- Relational lt gt lt gt
- Equality !
- Logical !
- Bit-wise
- Shift ltlt gtgt
- Conditional x? yz
- Concatenation/Replication A,B 4A
8?e??d?????a S?ed?as??
?e???? s?st?µa ap?te?e?ta? ap? ta Leaf blocks p??
t?????? ??a pa??????a. ?e? ?p???e? program
counter st?? Verilog.
9?as??? Block Module
Name arith
module arith (out1, out2, in1, in2) output out1,
out2 input in1, in2 endmodule
10???te? e??? Module
Name arith1
module arith1 (bi_out, out, in1,
in2, in3) inout bi_out output out input in1,
in2 input in3 endmodule
11Modules vs Instances
- Instantiation e??a? ? d?ad??as?a d?µ??????a?
a?t??e?µ???? ap? t? module.
module nand(out, a, b,) input a, b Output
out wire out out (a b) endmodule
- ?p?ped? ?????
- and, nand, or, nor, xor, xnor, not, buf
- ?a??de??µa
- and N25 (out, A, B) // instance name
- and 10 (out, A, B) // delay
- or 15 N33(out, A, B) // name delay
13?????? ???s?µ???s??
- timescale lttime_unitgt/lttime_precisiongt
- time_unit µ???da µ?t??s?? ??????
- time_precision e????st? ????? ß?µata ?at? t??
p??s?µ???s?. - ????de? ?????? s, ms, us, ns, ps
- lttimegt a?aµ??? ??a ????? lttimegt
- 5 a8h1a
- _at_lts?µagt a?aµ??? µ???? t? s?µa ?a a????e? t?µ?
- _at_ (posedge clk)
- _at_ (negedge clk)
- _at_ (a)
14Module Body
module test(a, b,) input aoutput b reg b wire
c always _at_(posedge a)begin b 2
a end always _at_(negedge a) begin b 2
c end not N1 (c, a) initial begin b
0 end endmodule
- Declarations
- always blocks. ?p??e? ?a
- pe????e? p??? ap? ??a
- initial. ?p??e? ?a pe????e?
- ??a ? ?a???a.
- primitives
- Instantiations
15??p?? µetaß??t?? st?? Verilog
- integer // a???µ??
- wire // ?a??d?? s??µa
- reg // register
- tri // tristate
- S??d?ast??? ?????? (de? ??e? µ??µ?)
- G??f?? e?a?t?se??
- ?p??e? ?a pe??????e? ?a? ?d?a?te?a p???p????
wire sum a b wire c sum b wire a d
wire sum ... assign sum a b
wire muxout (sel 1) ? a b wire op (a
((b) ? c d) (e))
17S??µata ?a? s??d?ast??? ??????
- module endmodule
- ????s? e?s?d?? - e??d??
- Concurrent statements
module adder(a, b, sum, cout) input a,
b output sum, cout wire sum a b wire
cout a b endmodule
18Registers (a???????a?? ??????)
reg a initial begin a 0 5 a 1 end
- St???e?a µ??µ??
- ??t? a?????? µe µetaß??t?? st? C
- ???? registers (??? wires) pa?????? t?µ? se
initial ?a? always blocks. - Synthesizable code
- ??a??se?? ???t?
- ??a??es? test bench
- Hold time
reg q always _at_(posedge clk) begin if (load)
q 2 d end
19Registers ?a? s??d?ast??? ??????
?? ? s????t?s? F() e??a? p???p???? t?te
reg out always _at_(in1 or in2 or in3) out lt
S??d?ast??? ?????? F()
reg out always _at_(in1 or in2 or in3) out lt in1
(in2 in3)
wire out in1 (in2 in3)
- blocking
- always _at_(posedge clk)
- begin
- a b
- c a // c pa???e? t?µ? t?? b
- end
- non blocking lt
- always _at_(posedge clk)
- begin
- a lt b
- c lt a // c pa???e? pa??? t?µ? t?? a
- end
21Assignment Example
- time 0 a 10 b
- time 10 c a
- a(t10) b(t0)
- c(t10) a(t10) b(t0)
10 time 10 a b time 10 c
a a(t10) b(t10) c(t10) a(t10) b(t10)
time 0 a lt 10 b time 0 c lt a a(t10)
b(t0) c(t0) a(t0)
22???s? ?a??st???s?? st?? Verilog
- Functional Verification (RTL Model)
- ? ?a??st???s? e??a? p??se???st???. ?.?.
- always _at_(posedge clk) d lt 10 q // FF µe 10
µ???de? ?a??st???s? - S?????? ?e????µe ?t? ? s??d?ast??? ?????? de?
??e? ?a??st???s?.p.?. - wire a (b c) d // µ??? t?? ?e?t?????a ???
?a??st???s? p???? - ? ?a??st???s? ???s?µ?p??e?ta? ?????? st?
testbench ??d??a ??a ?a ft?????µe ta inputs. - Timing Verification
- ??a??t??? ???e p??? ??e? ?a??st???s?.
- S?????? ????µe timing verification se gate-level
model t? ?p??? ft????eta? ap? ??a synthesis ? PnR
23?a???e? ???t?? Module
- ?a input ?a? inout ????? t?p? wire µ?sa st?
module - Ta outputs µp??e? ?a ????? t?p? wire ? reg
24S??d?se?? µeta?? Instances
- ?e ß?s? t?? ??s?
- module adder(Sum, In1, In2)
- adder (A, B, C) // Sum A, In1 B, In2 C
- S?s?et????ta? ???µata
- module adder(Sum, In1, In2)
- adder (.In2(B), .In1(A), .Sum(C))
- // Sum C, In1 A, In2 B
Name arith2
module arith2 (out, in1, in2) output 10
out input 10 in1, in2 endmodule
26Buses (cont)
- ?aµ?a d?af??? st? s?µpe??f???
- S?µß?se??
- high low
- msb lsb
- ???s??? st?? s??d?se?? e?t?? t?? module
module adder(a, b, sum, cout) input 70 a,
b output 70 sum output cout wire
80 tmp a b wire 70 sum
tmp70 wire cout tmp8 endmodule
27G????µ? ??d??a
- ? ?e?t?????a ???? module µp??e? ?a ???ste? µe
d??f????? t??p??? - Behavioral (ep?ped? p?? ???t? st?? ??????)
- ?a??µ??a µe t?? C ? ??d??a? de? ??e? ?µes?
s??s? µe t? hardware. - p.?. wire a b c
- Gate level/structural (ep?ped? ???t? st?
hardware) - ? ??d??a? de???e? p?? p?a?µat??? ???p??e?ta? se
p??e? ? ??????. - p.?.
- wire sum a b
- wire cout a b
28Synthesizable Code
- ? Synthesizable ??d??a? µp??e? ?a ???e?
synthesize ?a? ?a p????µe gate-level µ??t??? ??a
ASIC/FPGA. - p.?.
- wire 70 sum tmp70 8a
- wire cout tmp8
- Non-synthesizable ??d??a? ???s?µ?p??e?ta? µ???
??a p??s?µ???s? ?a? pet??ta? ?at? t?? d?ad??as?a
t?? synthesys. - p.?.
- initial begin
- a 0 b 0
- 5 a 1 b 1
- end
Hierarchical Testing
- Block-level simulation
/ System-level
30???se???se?? ??a ??e??? s?st?? ?e?t?????a?
???s????s? 1
- Testbench top module p?? ???e? instantiate t?
module p?? test????µe, d?µ?????e? t?? t?µ?? t??
e?s?d?? t?? ?a? e????e? ?t? ?? ???d?? t??
pa?????? s?st?? t?µ??.
???s????s? 2
31??a ap?? test bench
module adder(a, b, sum, cout) input a,
b output sum, cout wire sum a b wire
cout a b endmodule
- module test
- reg a, b
- wire s, c
- adder add0(a, b, s, c)
- initial begin
- a 0 b 0
- 5 display("a x, b x, s x, c x", a, b,
s, c) - a 1
- 5 display("a x, b x, s x, c x", a, b,
s, c) - b 1
- 5 display("a x, b x, s x, c x", a, b,
s, c) - a 0
- 5 display("a x, b x, s x, c x", a, b,
s, c) - end
- endmodule
32?et??t?? 8 bits
module counter(clk, reset, out) input
clk, reset output 70 out wire 70
next_value out 1 reg 70 out always
_at_(posedge clk) begin if (reset) out 2
8b0 else out 2 next_value end endmodule
module clk(out) output out reg out initial
out 1b0 always out 25 out endmodule
33?et??t?? 8 bits (2)
initial begin reset 1 _at_(posedge clk)
_at_(posedge clk) reset 2 0 _at_(posedge clk)
300 end endmodule
module test wire clk reg
reset wire 70 count clock
clk0(clk) counter cnt0(clk,
reset, count)
34?et??t?? 8 bits (3)
- ??? t?p?? statements
- initial
- always
- ??s?d?? - ???d??
- input, output
- ?p?te??sµata
- display
- Cadence waves
- S??d?ast??? ??????
- wire
- ????????a?? ??????
- reg
- Buses
- highlow
- ?a??ste??se??
- t
- _at_(posedge )