Title: Integrated Education
1Integrated Education Where are we heading?
- Dr. Vivian Heung
- The Hong Kong Institute of Education
2Disability Discrimination Ordinance
- Equal Opportunities in access to education
- Meaningful participation
- Positive educational outcome
- Evidence based practice
3Integrated Education
- Slow progress
- Restricted to eight categories of SEN students
HI, VI, PD, ASD, ADHD, SLI, SpLD and ID - Students with challenging behaviors not welcome
- Capacity of schools
- long term goal
4No. of students 2001/02 2005/06 2006/07
Primary School 493075 425864 410516
Secondary School 465403 482273 484195
Special School (including special classes in ordinary school) 9538 7734 7737
Total 968016 915871 902448
Percentage of student studying in special school 0.99 0.84 0.86
No. of schools 2001/02 2005/06 2006/07
Primary School 815 720 668
Secondary School 496 524 528
Special School 74 63 62
Total 1385 1307 1258
Percentage of special school 5.34 4.82 4.93
5Meaning participation
- Opportunities to participate in learning
activities - Changes in pedagogy
- learning outcome
- Cognitive, psycho social gains
6Obligations of Educational Establishments
- Formulate policy
- Effective leadership
- Access to same curriculum
- Effective practice
- Monitoring and accountability
7Obligations of teachers, other professionals and
support staff
- Sound knowledge
- Methods of assessment and discipline
- Tailor the curriculum
- Effective strategies
8The Way Forward
- Timely review
- Positive educational outcomes
- Models of support In-class, out of class
- Direction for achieving inclusive education