Title: Policy on Management Resources and Results Structure MRRS
1Policy on Management Resources and Results
Structure (MRRS) Why is it important for public
performance reporting?
DPR Information Sessions May June 2007
2What is the MRRS? An Approach to Enhance
More logical and consistent basis for interaction
TBS Informed decisions on investment choices
based on priorities and value for money
Policy Objective Development of a common,
government-wide approach to the collection,
management, and reporting of financial and
non-financial performance information - to
provide an integrated and modern expenditures
management framework
3The Reporting Cycle and MRRS
Budget (Feb)
Supplementary Estimates B (February)
Supplementary Estimates A (Nov)
Canadas Performance (Oct/Nov)
Main Estimates (Feb)
Departmental Performance Reports (Oct)
Departmental Reports on Plans and
Priorities (March)
Public Accounts (Sept)
RPP Overview for Parliamentarians
4Example of PAA Estimates display
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Safe and Accessible Waterways
Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
Healthy and Productive Aquatic Ecosystems
Oceans Management 20 M
Canadian Coast Guard 689 M
Fisheries Management 346 M
Small Craft Harbours 89 M
Aquaculture 5 M
Habitat Management 79 M
Science (Safe Accessible Waterways) 48 M
Science (Sustainable Fisheries
Aquaculture) 187 M
Science (Healthy Productive Aquatic
Ecosystem) 74 M
5MRRS Basis for reporting in RPP DPR
- The planning and performance story must be told
at the Strategic Outcome and Program Activity
levels - as appropriate identify programs and
their expected results (found at different levels
below the program activity) that are significant
to achieving expected results at the program
activity level and achieving strategic outcomes
6The Program Activity Architecture
- Policy requirements for Strategic Outcomes incl
- Performance Measures
Strategic Outcome
Accountability levels to Parliament (Estimates
Public Accounts) require TB approval, incl.
major minor changes
Policy requirements for each program activity
element include Program title description
Expected results Performance
measures Planned actual spending Target
actual results Governance
Program Activities
Departmental PAA reflect the inventory of all
the programs of a department depicted in their
logical relationship to each other and to the
SO(s) to which they contribute require TBS
Sub-Activity Level
Sub-Sub Activity Level
Lowest Level programs
7 Results logic from the PAA and the
performance story
Strategic Outcome
Mandatory - Performance Reported in DPR
Expected result
Expected Result
Program activity level
Sub activity level
Expected Result
Expected Result
Expected Result
Expected Result
Expected Result
Select, as appropriate, for reporting in DPR
Sub sub activity level
Expected Result
Expected Result
Expected Result
Expected Result
Expected Result
8The MRRS serves integrated purposes and offers
multiple benefits
- Departmental MRRS to provide information on
- What programs are in each department
- What they cost
- How they align to outcome areas in the Whole of
Government Framework - What results they achieve
- What targets they are trying to meet
- Value for money through evaluation of funding and
results - It aims to help departments and central agencies
to - Make informed decisions on program relevance,
effectiveness and value for money - Align government resources with priorities and to
measure and report on results - Make horizontal linkages among programs
- Better inform parliamentarians on spending and
results - A source of current departmental information
- Reflect how a department allocates manages the
resources under its control to achieve intended
results - As needed, update departmental PAAs to reflect
operational and machinery of government changes
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