Bayesian Metaanalysis and Health Impact Evaluation in the Study of Heat Effect on Mortality - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bayesian Metaanalysis and Health Impact Evaluation in the Study of Heat Effect on Mortality


meta-analytic curves (time-varying coefficient models) some evidence of greater effect ... To assess the impact of high summer temperatures on the health of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bayesian Metaanalysis and Health Impact Evaluation in the Study of Heat Effect on Mortality

Bayesian Meta-analysis andHealth Impact
Evaluation in the Study of Heat Effect on
Mini-symposium Environmental Epidemiology
Thursday 2 August 2007
  • Annibale Biggeri, Michela Baccini
  • Department of Statistics, University of Florence,
  • Biostatistics Unit, CSPO, Florence, Italy

motivating example the PHEWE study
Epidemiological daily time series
Poisson regression
  • PHEWE study (Assessment and Prevention of acute
    Health Effects of Weather conditions in Europe)
    enrolled 15 cities, about 30 million people on
    calendar years 1990-2001.
  • Generalized estimating equation approach was used
    in season-specific analysis, with AR-1 error
    structure and parametric spline or segmented
    regression to model apparent temperature effects.
  • Distributed lag and time-varying coefficient
    models were fitted.
  • Effect Heterogeneity was expected, a priori two
    regions were considered (Mediterrean vs Others).

PHEWE study 1990-2001City-specific curves (GEE
natural cubic spline)Maximum Apparent
Temperature lag03 - All natural deaths - Summer

PHEWE 1990-2001 threshold-slope model
in red Mediterranean cities
  • A pattern was evident, but with large variability
    among cities
  • (we do not discuss here city-specific modelling
  • restricting the analysis by season and using
    Generalized Estimating Equation approach with
    AR(k) working correlation lead to
  • assure appropriate error structure for
    consistency of GEE estimates in case of few long
    time series (Xie and Yang, 2003) on the basis of
    a formalized exploratory analysis (dynamic
    regression models Pankratz, 1991 Chiogna and
    Gaetan, 2005)
  • avoid use of sandwich estimator of standard
    errors (Guo et al. 2005)
  • exposure effects modelling by Cubic regression
    spline with 1 knot every 8 C and straight line
    above a city-specific threshold)

  • The PHEWE study documented
  • heterogenous effect of heat on
  • mortality across Europe
  • Hierarchical Bayesian approach is used
  • to estimate random-effects meta-analytic
  • to perform Multivariate random effect
    meta-analysis and
  • to obtain shrunk estimates of city-specific
  • Montecarlo approach is used in Impact assessment
  • sampling from city-specific posterior
    distributions and
  • modelling climate change effects via
    probabilistic distributions

Statistical modelling - 1
  • In PHEWE, with exception of the description of
    the exposure-response function (where we used a
    fixed-effect approach), the city-specific results
    were combined using
  • Hierarchical Bayesian random-effects
  • Separated meta-analyses performed for two a
    priori defined geographical regions
  • Mediterranean cities
  • Athens, Barcelona, Ljubljana, Milan, Rome, Turin,
  • North-Continental cities
  • Budapest, Dublin, Helsinki, London, Paris, Praha,
  • Zurich.

Hierarchical Bayesian random-effects meta-analysis
  • First level for each cities (c1,,C) we have a
    vector of coefficients Y and
  • the associated
    variance-covariance matrix V (known)
  • Second level the vector of true coefficients
    follows a multivariate Gaussian
  • distribution with vector
    of means ß and var-cov matrix A

  • Inference is based on full posterior
  • we use
  • in the multivariate case direct sampling from
    the marginal posterior distribution of ß (Everson
    and Morris, 2000 TLNise library of R)
  • In the univariate case MCMC methods, using
    WinBugs 1.4

marginal posterior global effect
marginal posterior het variance
marginal posterior city-specific effect
  • Hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis was adopted
    here because
  • Heterogeneity was a study objective (ML
    underestimates it)
  • Multivariate effects are easy to model
  • City-specific posteriors or shrinkage
    distributions which updated first stage estimates
    can be obtained
  • Uncertainty can be incorporated in Impact
    evaluation phase

PHEWE study 1990-2001Meta-analytic curves
Maximum Apparent Temperature lag 03 - All
natural deaths - Summer

ER percent variation in mortality for 1C
increase in apparent temperature.

  • Random effect meta-analysis is difficult to
    interpret because
  • it assumes that the effect is not unique but
    varies among study
  • the overall effect is a weighted average of
    study-specific effects, the weights include
    heterogeneity among studies
  • a paradox arises because the greater the
    heterogeneity the more uniform the weights
  • The purpose of a meta-analysis changes in
    presence of heterogeneity
  • the interest lies in explaining it
  • Ecological bias is an issue
  • the meta-analysis becomes an observational study
  • (the value of proof is weakened)

PHEWE 1990-2001 posteriors threshold-slope
heterogeneity among cities
  • Large heterogeneity for threshold among
    Mediterranean cities was a major result (see
    posterior for het-variance)
  • (varying acclimatization ?
  • east-west gradient ?)

Multivariate meta-analysis Time-varying
coefficients model
  • The temperature effect is allowed to vary
    smoothly over time within year (Peng et al., 2004)

sensitivity of the slope to season
definitionmeta-analytic curves (time-varying
coefficient models)

some evidence of greater effect in early summer
Multivariate meta-analysis Distributed lag models
  • Where the coefficients are constrained by a
    polynomial function of grade 5, with lags
    spanning 0,40 (Almon, 1965).

lagged effect / harvesting meta-analytic curves

Statistical modelling 2Impact estimates
Attributable Deaths - YoLL
  • To assess the impact of high summer temperatures
    on the health of European urban populations we
    estimate Attributable Deaths and Years of Life
    Lost associated with high summer temperatures,
    through secondary analysis of mortality versus
    apparent temperature functions derived as part of
    the PHEWE study.
  • For each city we used a probabilistic MonteCarlo
  • observed temperature by day distributions
  • risk distributions (posteriors)

model specifications and assumptions heat
attributable deaths
  • Let us restrict now the attention to attributable
    number of deaths (AD).
  • We assumed that all population was exposed to the
    same daily maximum apparent temperature.
  • We assumed that variations in maximum apparent
    temperature under the threshold do not affect
    mortality and that the effect is linear above the
  • The same temperature threshold by city (t0c) is
    used for all age classes. Thresholds are based on
    posterior city-specific estimates.
  • Above-threshold slopes (bc) are obtained from
    age-class specific meta-analytic posterior
  • y is the death counts

observed temperature by day distributions PHEWE
Posterior distributions of city-specific
thresholdsMaximum Apparent Temperature lag03
SummerPHEWE study 1990-2001
Posterior distributions of city-specific slopes
by age groupsMaximum Apparent Temperature lag03
SummerPHEWE study 1990-2001
computing heat attributable deaths
  • We use a Monte Carlo approach for each city, we
    sampled values from the city-specific posterior
    distributions of the slope and from the
    city-specific posterior distributions of the
    threshold obtained from the Bayesian
  • Then, for each sample, we calculated a time
    series of daily number of attributable deaths
    from the observed time series of daily maximum
    apparent temperature at lag 0-3 and daily number
    of deaths, according to the following formula
  • zero otherwise

  • Independence between threshold and slope was
    checked by sensitivity analysis.
  • We obtained 10000 samples of AD time series by MC
  • Separated AD evaluations were produced by city
    and age group (15-64, 65-74, 75) and scenarios
    (a total of 100001536).
  • For each city, total number of AD was produced by
    summing AD over the three age classes.

Heat alternative scenarios
  • Temperature
  • pseudo-series for
  • Hottest year
  • Coolest year
  • Second-to-coolest
  • Second-to-hottest
  • Average increase
  • in Temperature 1C

details on building scenarios
  • We defined scenarios selecting
  • the summer with the highest mean level of
    apparent temperature.
  • the summer with the lowest mean level of apparent
  • the second to hottest day
  • the second to coldest day
  • for example, for the third scenario we
    considered the hypothetical summer constituted by
    the second to hottest 1st April, the second to
    hottest 2nd April.the second to hottest 30th
  • Exposure scenarios were also defined adding to
    each observed daily apparent temperature a random
    term from a Normal distribution

PHEWE study 1990-2001 Mean number of observed
attributable deaths by calendar day, by city.
PHEWE study 1990-2001Heat attributable deaths /
year, people 75yrs oldobserved temperature
PHEWE study 1990-2001Heat attributable deaths
low - high temperature scenarios
80 Credibility bands
PHEWE study Attributable deaths observed
apparent temperature 1990-2001 versus predicted
series by 1C mean increase scenario

AD attributable deaths AveT average
temperature d days above threshold
  • The PHEWE study documented
  • heterogenous effect of heat on
  • mortality across Europe
  • Hierarchical Bayesian approach is used
  • to estimate random-effects meta-analytic
  • to perform multivariate random effect
    meta-analysis and
  • to obtain shrunk estimates of city-specific
  • Montecarlo approach is used in Impact assessment
  • sampling from city-specific posterior
    distributions and
  • modelling climate change effects via
    probabilistic distributions

  • The PHEWE study group (EU DGR V Framework)
  • Michelozzi, Kirchmayer, Katsouyanni, Biggeri et
    al. Assessment and prevention of acute health
    effects of weather conditions in Europe, the
    PHEWE project background, objectives, design.
  • Environmental Health, 2007 6,12
  • Baccini, Biggeri, Accetta, Katsouyanni et al.
    Effects of Apparent Temperature on Summer
    Mortality in 15 European Cities Results of the
    PHEWE Project. (submitted)
  • Baccini, Kosatsky, Biggeri. Estimating deaths
    attributable to summer heat through climate and
    response scenarios anchored on an 11-year, 15
    European city, temperature/mortality function
    (unpublished manuscript)
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