Title: Writing and Using Assessment Plans to Enhance Teaching, Learning,
1Writing and Using Assessment Plans to Enhance
Teaching, Learning, Curriculum
2Todays Objectives
- Understand some reasons why we need to assess
student learning - Identify and discuss each component of an
assessment plan - Brainstorm about some ways to make assessment
useful and meaningful - Brainstorm about appropriate methods to use when
assessing student learning - Introduce ways that the assessment process can
impact teaching, learning, curriculum, and other
things important to us in the university community
3External Pressure to Assess
- Federal government pressures to assessNCLB Act,
Spellings Commission Reports, etc. - State pressures will not dissipate, given budget
constraints - Regional accreditors (for us, the Middle States
Association) require it - Local constituencies want itthey want to know
how well universities and colleges are adding
value to a students education - The public increasingly expects it
- Even grant funders want itassessment systems
submitted with grant applications, assessment
results included with grant reports, etc.
4Example of Regional Accreditors Review Middle
States Association Suggestion for Binghamton
5Despite External Pressures, There Are Real
Advantages to Program Assessment
- Enables programs to answer external requests for
information - Empowers faculty, not bureaucracies to make
decisions about curriculum, instruction, and
learning - Enhances grant application process
- Empowers faculty to reflect on student teaching
and learning in a way that is non-threatening - Enhances facultys ability to publish
- Improves student learning
6Why An Assessment Plan?
- Facilitates periodic, not episodic assessment of
student learning and program outcomes - Serves as template for conversations about
student learning - Leads to improvement in student learning
- Enables faculty to play central role in managing
student learning - Facilitates information gathering for program
review process - Makes it easier to do something about what
assessments have to say
7Whose Needs Might We Consider When We Develop
Assessment Plans?
8 Speaking Different Languages Assessment
Communities In Practice
University Community
- Federal Guidelines
- State Guidelines
- North-Central Association Guidelines
- Public Expectations and Norms
Regulatory Community
- Mission Statement
- General Education
- Objectives
- Constituent Expectations and Norms
- Faculty Expectations
- Dispositional Expectations
- Professional Standards
- Advisory Board
- Expectations
- Professional Organization Norms and Expectations
- Employer Expectations
Program Community
Assessment Plan
9Reflect on some of the different audiences that
might be interested in or that might require
assessment information about student learning.
What are some of those audiences?
- University Community
- Example Faculty
- Regulatory Community
- Example Federal Government
- Program (or Discipline) Community
- Example National Council on Accrediting Teacher
Education (program accreditor)
10Faculty Involvement Is Crucial
- The focus of assessment is not measurement, but
how assessment information is used by faculty - Only faculty are qualified to make decisions
about how to use assessment information for
enhancing teaching, learning, curriculum, etc. - This is an opportunity, not an obstacle
11Assessment As A Faculty-Based Process
12Components of An Assessment Plan
- Student Learning Objectives
- Assessments
- Plan for Faculty Discussion About Assessments and
How they Lead to Recommendations to Further
Enhance Student Learning Objectives - Plan to Implement Recommendations in Respect to
Curriculum, Instruction, etc.
13Identifying Student Learning Objectives
14Defining Learning Objectives
- Knowledgewhat do we want students to know when
they graduate (i.e., content knowledge, etc.) - Skillsability to perform specific tasks, think
in certain ways, etc. what should a graduating
student be able to do? - Competenciesability to perform specific tasks
in real time, or authentically knowledge
skills ? competencies also, what are some
values, attitudes, behaviors we feel are
important for graduates to have?
15- Listing Student Learning Outcomes By Knowledge,
Skill, and Competency
- Think about some of the knowledge, skills, and
competencies, you would like a student from your
program to graduate with - List them
- Discuss with a partner at your table.
16(No Transcript)
17Assigning Relevant Assessments
18Selecting Appropriate and Meaningful Assessments
- At least one should be a direct assessment of
student learning, meaning that they should
involve observations of actual student
performance - Indirect assessments those that include student
opinions about a programs ability to deliver on
the student learning objectives, etc. can also be
very helpful - Using a combination of thesetwo or threemight
provide meaningful information triangulation
is increasingly being required by evaluators - It is rarely a surprise to find out that
departments and programs initially feel that they
never directly assess student learning, only to
find out after discussion that they have been
doing so, only informally
19Not everything that can be counted counts, and
not everything that counts can be counted.
20Data is the plural of anecdote
21Helpful Tips
- The process of selecting appropriate assessments
is usually dependent on a number of factors
experience in process, resource limitations,
etc. - While the preference is to move toward a
comprehensive assessment system, reality suggests
that the development of an assessment system is
very much developmental it takes time to develop
such a system. - Although the prior point is important to keep in
mind, most program and regional accreditation
organizations are beginning to expect 3-5 years
of periodically collected assessment information - Therefore, begin incrementally. Start with
assessments that create a balance between need to
conserve resources and need to maximize the
meaning gleaned from the process - The most important question to ask at this point
How will this information provide faculty with
legitimate information that will affect learning,
teaching, and curriculum? - A shameless plug Ask the Assistant Provost for
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment for
22Outcomes Assessments from the Perspective of
Different Communities
Assessment Plan
University Community
Examples State Licensure Exams (Passage
Rates) General Education Syllabi Reviews
Regulatory Community
Examples Student Satisfaction Surveys Portfolio
Assessments Graduate Record Exam (GRE) Math
Scores Focus Group Interviews Unstructured
Student Interviews
Examples Capstone Course Case Study
Reviews Advisory Board Input GRE Subject Exam
Disciplinary Standards Community
23- Encouraging Faculty Discussion
24Defining When Faculty Will Discuss Information
- Faculty (or an assessment committee) should be
given information in advance to consider - Focus of meeting is to discuss what assessments
say about student learning objectives and any
recommendations that might stem from such
discussion it should not be a rubber stamping
of findings or solely an opportunity to
complaininstead, the focus should be upon
recommendations - It is important to focus on communicating results
to faculty, and tracking ways that information is
25Tip on Producing An Effective Meeting
- Try to Put Assessment Results on One Page, If
26 Assessment Graduate Alumni Surveys Assessment Graduate Employer Surveys Assessment Expert Panel
NBPTS 1 Teachers Are Committed to Students and Their Learning
1.1 Teachers recognize individual differences in their students and adjust their practice accordingly q8 "Using a variety of methods, strategies, and materials to promote development, learning and cooperation" (3.29--satisfactory) q5 "Using a variety of methods, strategies, and materials to promote development, learning and cooperation" (4.14--good) Graduate students know about a wide range of research-based pedagogies--expert panel average was 3.7 (satisfactory/well prepared)
1.2 Teachers have an understanding of how students develop and learn q4 "Using knowledge of child/adolescent development and relationships with students and families to plan instruction based on abilities, interests and needs" (3.14--satisfactory) q1 "Using knowledge of child/adolescent development and relationships with students and families to plan instruction based on abilities, interests and needs" (4--well prepared) Graduate students know how to teach based upon what is developmentally appropriate--expert panel average was 3.8 (satisfactory/well prepared)
1.3 Teachers treat students equitably q6 "Establishing caring, inclusive, stimulating and safe environments that facilitate learning, collaboration, independence, and intellectual risk taking" (3.0--satisfactory) q3 "Establishing caring, inclusive, stimulating and safe environments that facilitate learning, collaboration, independence, and intellectual risk taking" (3.0--satisfactory) Graduate students have developed a recognition of professional ethics of their discipline--expert panel average was 4 (well prepared)
1.4 Teachers' mission extends beyond developing the cognitive capacity of their students q19 "Helping students explore important life issues, and world issues" (2.57--satisfactory) q16 "Helping students explore important life issues, and world issues" (3.43--satisfactory) Graduate students appreciate how knowledge is linked to other disciplines--expert panel average was 3.4 (satisfactory).
27- Implementing Faculty Recommendations, and
Affecting Learning and Teaching
28Ideas for Using Assessment
- Use information to pursue department or
program-level initiatives or projects on teaching - Incorporate assessment information into
curriculum discussions and recommendations - Have periodic discussions or reflective
discussions on teaching using assessment
information - Use for grant applications
- Use in budget requests
- Use in fundraising letters or alumni functions
- Use to gather further information about student
learning from instructors on a periodic basis
29Ways to Track Effect of Faculty
- Encourage inclusion in annual report (section
under teaching effectiveness) - Encourage submissions of faculty narratives how
were faculty discussions and recommendations used
in course design, selection of courses, etc.? - Track how recommendations were enacted
curriculum process, department/program
initiatives, course sequencing, equipment
requests, etc. - Not so important to make an academic study out of
this, or to make this too huge of a process, but
documentation is helpful when writing annual
reports on assessment, curriculum, instruction
30Future Directions and Vision
- Will ask for report on four questions at end of
each academic year - Focus is not upon reporting for reportings
sake, but instead upon how we can assist - Focus will be upon serving facultyin helping
them in accomplishing the last two of the four
core questions - Focus primarily upon impacthow has process
impacted learning, teaching, and curriculum
- Four foci
- Objectives
- Assessments
- Faculty Usage
- Impact
32All assessment is a perpetual work in progress.
-- Linda Suske, Unknown , May 3, 2005
33In assessment, "the perfect is the enemy of the
good." Let's keep striving for the good. -- Tom
Angelo, Unknown , Unknown
34Questions? Comments?