Title: Transitioning to FACT
1- Transitioning to FACT
- Overview for
- Year Two Teachers
2Meeting Purpose
- Formative Assessment and Induction Standards are
changing next year - EBBIC decision was made to keep everything the
same for 08-09 Year Two PTs - SPs overwhelmingly supported providing a choice.
- Understanding of FACT, revised Induction
standards and changes in completion for 08-09 - Clear understanding of choices available for Year
Two PTs - If possible, make an informed decision about next
year -
4Year Two CFASST
- 6 Events
- 1 IIP
- Frameworks
- Self-Assessment
- Instructional Series
- Assessment Series
- Reflection
May be done as combined events
5Year Two Portfolio and PD
- Professional Development Standards 16, 20
- Portfolio Completion
- Standards 15, 16, 20
6To complete the program you started . . . .
- CFASST Events 1-12
- Portfolio for 48 elements for Induction Standards
15-20 - Professional Development for Induction Standards
16,17,18,19, 20 - IIP 1, IIP 2, IIP 3
- Attendance at all required meetings
- Anything else on your credential
7What changes are occurring?
- FACT new formative assessment that has been
updated to better meet the requirements of
Induction - Revision of Induction Standards to eliminate
redundancy - Simplification of portfolio so that the bulk of
evidence comes directly from formative assessment
8Just the FACTs, Maam
- FACT is . . .
- 4 modules
- Context
- Initial Assessment of Practice
- Inquiry
- Summary of Teaching Practice
9(No Transcript)
10Explore the forms
- In table groups,
- Review the Context for Teaching Module
- What is familiar?
- Whats new?
- Repeat for the Initial Assessment Module
- What is familiar?
- Whats new?
- Repeat for the Inquiry Module
- What is familiar?
- Whats new?
11Revision of Induction Standards
New Induction Standards
Current Induction Standards
12Standards Revision
- Revisions are approved as of 7/1/08
- Programs have 1 year to write to new standards
- EBBIC has just completed a formal review and
wont be evaluated again for 6 years provides
some program flexibility for next year
13Exploring Completion with FACT and Revised
- Review a sample Inquiry to notice . . .
- These are in DRAFT form not yet approved!!!!
- Inquiry focus cover
- Requirements for completion- Inside L
- Connections to Standard Inside R
- How does this form of completion better serve the
14Changes in Completion
- EBBIC Task Force worked this year with FACT
materials to develop a more integrated completion
process. - FACT materials were used as the basis of
completion, with Inquiries focused on CSTP
elements and Induction Standards.
15Proposed FACT Timeline
Year Two 08-09 FACT Context FACT Initial Assessment Inquiry Standard 6- Sp. Pops Summary of Teaching
Inquiry Focus to be determined based on PTs
portfolio completion PTs who have not completed
Year One (PD and Portfolio for Standards 17,18,
and 19) may finish their work during Year Two.
16Comparing CFASST FACT
Event 7 - CSDC Event 8 - Frameworks Event 9 - Self-Assessment Event 10 Inquiry Instructional Series Event 11 Inquiry Assessment Series Event 12 Reflection/DOP IIP 3 Context for Teaching Initial Assessment of Teaching Focused Inquiry Selected CSTP and Induction Standards 5/6 Special Populations Summary of Teaching IIP prior to starting Inquiry
PD and Portfolio PD and Portfolio
PD Standard 16, 20 Portfolio Standard 15,16, 20 PD based on IIP hrs. TBD FACT Inquiry is basis of portfolio
17Weighing the Options
- Handout
- Considerations
- This is a PT decision, not to be influenced by
your SPs preference. What will be best for you? - Once a decision is made, it cannot be changed.
- The flexibility EBBIC is offering is the choice
of CFASST vs. FACT with a clean break from Year
One requirements. - There will be some PTs who have completed either
PD or Portfolio in standards that have been
revised. As much as wed like to, we cant mix
and match.
18Proposed Schedule
- 07-08
- 3 District CFASST Mtgs
- 4 SP Wk Sh Mtgs
08-09 4 District CFASST Mtgs 3 SP Wk Sh Mtgs
PD Offerings
Classroom Management Initial and/or series Standard 5 Make Ups Std. 18 Standard 6 Special Populations Std. 20 Standard 6 Equity Make Ups Std. 17
- When do I need to decide?
- When will I get my materials?
- What about SP training?
- What about portfolio items currently not met?
- What about PD that is missing?
- What about the elements (not 17,18,19) that Ive
already done? - What if I dont return to this district next
20Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
- Please complete your Year Two Options form and if
you are ready to decide, turn it in before you
leave. - If you do not notify the program of your choice
in writing by Sept. 30, 2008, completion using
CFASST, Portfolio and PD for Standards 15-20 will
be required.