Title: Adult education facing future challenges
1Adult education facing future challenges
- Education manager in Finland Futures Research
Centre - Finland Futures Research Centre auxiliary unit in
Turku School of Economics - Research, education and development
- Socrates programs APEL, Promoting reflective
independent learning in HE - Nordic think tank in adult education
3Competence foresight
4Competence development
During the coming years...
Competence Development
During the next few years
Totally new core competencies
Foreseen core competencies
Foreseen core competencies
In the near future...
Preserved core competencies
Preserved core competencies
Present core competencies
Professional competencies onthe specific field
Changing professional competencies
New kind of professional competencies
Opportunistic perspective
Strategic perspective
Visionary perspective
5System Dynamics of Futures Thinking
6Trends and driving forces in adult education
- Individualism - custom made programs, flexibility
of structures and syllabus - Emotions and personal insights spirituality,
teacher student relationship - Experimental learning and experiences in learning
holistic approach in teaching - Genuinely open learning environments
recognition of prior learning - Complexity critical reflections and seek for
7Future challenges
- Cyber infrastructure E-learning
- Demographic change type of learners staff
demographics - Financing, market forces, globalization (research
and education) - Demand for HE labor market and patterns of
student demand - Lack of coherent LL models fragmented systems
- Joining up learning and education
- Creative knowledge economy disappearance of
educational institutions de-schooling
institutions as core social centers
re-schooling - Personalizing education
- Growing international inequality, migration
- Social sustainability responsible practices,
deep learning, learning networks
8Emerging issues - Weak signals
- Coaching, supervision, guidance taking over,
informal peer support - Supporting self reliance
- Listening and equal dialog with learners
- Social inclusion
- Deep quality learning process and new methods
promoting it