Title: Fay Frederick, Director
1AutomatedCorrective Action Management
- Fay Frederick, Director
- Quality Systems and Services Division
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- September 2006
2Introduction We use ACTS
- Experience, lessons learned and customer feedback
- An easy to use automated tool to manage
corrective actions - Integration with other systems
- Capabilities for data analysis
- Exceptional reporting functionality
3ACTS supports our feedback and improvement
- Captures significance of issues applying graded
approach - Serious
- Important
- Minor
- Bins data into various categories and types
- Enables trending of issues
- Provide feedback to line
- Ensures continuous performance improvement
4ACTS Reporting Capabilities
- Reporting by
- Multiple levels
- Charts and data by
- Management system
- Organizational
5Quarterly Updates to Managers
6Operational AwarenessProgram
Lessons Learned
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9 Questions?
Email frederickaf_at_ornl.gov Phone (865)
10Example Institutional Level Report
7 Days Overdue Notice
11Example Facility Level Report
12Example Activity Level Report
Mgmt System Nuclear Facility Safety
Directorate ESHQ
Significance Important
Type Observation
Nuclear Safety Activity
13Reports in Chart Format
Open Issues by Directorate
Open Issues by Management System
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15Significance - Definitions
- Serious
- An issue that can result in severe consequences
to public or personnel safety, the environment,
compliance with the law, contract agreement or
regulation, or severe negative impact to ORNL's
mission or public perception. - Important
- An issue that can result in moderate consequences
to public or personnel safety, environment,
compliance with the law, contract agreement or
regulation, ORNLs mission or public perception. - Minor
- An issue that can result in minor consequences to
public or personnel safety, environment,
compliance with the law, contract agreement or
regulation, ORNL's mission or public perception
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