2What is RefWorks?
- A web-based bibliographic and database manager
- Creighton University faculty, students, and staff
have access to this resource at no cost to the
individual user
3What is RefShare?
- RefShare is a module within RefWorks that
provides users with a way to share all or part of
their database with others - Users may share their RefWorks references with
both members of their own institution and
globally with others having Internet access
4What can RefWorks do for you?
- RefWorks allows users to
- Create and organize a personal database online
- Integrate with Microsoft Word to format in-text
citations and bibliographies - Import references from a variety of databases,
including Medline, CINAHL, and PubMed - Share references among collaborating researchers
5How do you access RefWorks?
- Go to
- http//hsl.creighton.edu
- and click on the blue RefWorks tab
- (upper right of screen)
6Creating a RefWorks Account
- Access RefWorks at the Health Sciences Library
home page at http//hsl.creighton.edu - Click on the RefWorks tab (upper right of screen)
7Creating a RefWorks Account (cont.)
- 3. Click on RefWorks Login page
- 4. Click on Sign up for an Individual Account
(blue link on left side of screen)
8Creating a RefWorks Account (cont.)
- 4. Completely fill out form login name and
password do not need to be your Creighton login
name and password - 5. Click on Register at bottom of form
9Building your RefWorks Database
- Exports citations directly from online databases
- Imports text files of citations from online
databases - Manually enter references
- Import items directly from CLIC (Creighton
Libraries Information Catalog)
10Building your RefWorks Database (cont.)
- Exports citations directly from online databases.
(See Export Directions on HSLs RefWorks
page.) - Imporst text files of citations from online
databases. (See Export Directions on HSLs
RefWorks page.)
11Building your RefWorks Database (cont.)
12Import items directly from CLIC
- For directions, go to
- http//hsl.creighton.edu
- See CLIC (Creighton Libraries Information
Catalog) under Export Directions
13Creating Folders for your Citations
- Log in to your RefWorks account
- Under the Folders tab, select Create New
Folder - Type the folder name in the New Folder Name
box and click on the OK button
14Copying Citations to Folders
- Under the Folders tab, select View
- From View, select a folder
15Copying Citations to Folders (cont.)
- Place a checkmark in the box in the upper left-
hand corner of the references you would like to
copy to another folder - Go to the Put in Folder drop down menu and
select the folder where the references will be
copied to
16Copying Citations to Folders (cont.)
- Once a folder is selected, a message will appear
that asks, Are you sure you want to put the
selected items in the name of folder folder? - Click on OK
17Using Write-N-Cite (WNC) to Insert Citations
Create Bibliographies
- Write-N-Cite (WNC)
- Only compatible with Microsoft Word
- Only compatible with Internet Explorer and
Foxfire browsers - Needs to be downloaded and configured for
off-campus access (if applicable) - How to do this? For directions go to
http//hsl.creighton.edu and click on the blue
RefWorks tab
- Under the Folders tab, select Share Folders
- Click on the Share Folder tab next to the
folder you wish to share
19RefShare (cont.)
- In the middle of the screen that appears to the
right of the blue url is an E-mail URL tab - Click on the E-mail URL tab
20RefShare (cont.)
- Enter the e-mail address(es) of the intended
recipient(s) and click on the Send Email tab near
the bottom of the screen
22RefShare (cont.)
- Remember, any individual with Internet access
may be a RefShare recipient the recipient does
not need to have a RefWorks account in order to
receive shared folders.
23RefWorks Help
- Online tutorials and online help can be located
at the RefWorks page on the Health Sciences
Library website - Go to http//hsl.creighton.edu and locate the
gray RefWorks tab - refdesk_at_creighton.edu or 280-5138
24RefWorksWrite-N-Cite (WNC)
- Allows you to
- insert citations to a word document that you have
saved in a RefWorks folder - Create references in your document
- Formats your citations in a the style of your
choice, such as APA - Creates bibliographies
25RefWorks WNC
26RefWorks WNC
- WNC has been preloaded on to your computer
- If you are using another computer check the
RefWorks page on the Librarys web page for
instruction on how to load - You will need access to the Internet to use this
27RefWorks WNC
- Using WNC with Microsoft Word
- Begin typing your paper in Microsoft Word
- Title your document and save it
- When you want to add a reference, click on the
WNC toolbar button or log in to your RefWorks
28RefWorks WNC
- Log into RefWorks
- use the View menu in WNC if you would like to
select a specific folder of references - click the Cite link next to the correct reference
29RefWorks WNC
- Minimize WNC
- After you click on the Cite link, WNC inserts a
placeholder citation into your paper this
will be formatted later, according to the output
(citation) style selected
30RefWorks WNC
- The Edit Citation feature that appears in
the upper right of the WNC window when you click
on the Cite link. If you need to edit a citation,
click on the Edit Citation link. (This feature is
not available for Mac users.) -
31RefWorks WNC
- When you have finished writing your paper save
the document - Bring the WNC window back up
- Click on the Bibliography tab
32RefWorks WNC
- Select the Output Style to apply
- Select Create Bibliography
33RefWorks WNC
- WNC will give you a no errors messag
- Click on the Back to Reference List
- Minimize WNC
- Check the document for mistakes including
citations format - Save your revised document
- Close WNC when you are finished
34RefWorks WNC
Notice that you now have your references in your
chosen format and you now have a References
list below.
35RefWorks WNC
- Check the document for mistakes including
citations format - Save your revised document
- Close WNC when you are finished
36RefWorks Must Dos
- You must first create a RefWorks database before
using Write-N-Cite to insert citations into your
text and/or create bibliographies. Any item that
is to be used with Write-N-Cite must first be in
your RefWorks database.
37RefWorks Must Dos
- Turn pop-up blockers in all browsers OFF
- check here in your web browser
- Tools
- select Pop-Up Blocker
- turn off Pop-Up Blocker, as needed
- check here in your web browser
- Tools
- Internet Options
- Privacy (near the bottom you will see a Block
pop-ups box it should be unchecked)
38RefWorks Must Dos
- Check here in your web browser
- Tools
- Internet Options
- Security
- Custom Level tab scroll down to select
Disable for the pop-up blocker - Also, turn off any pop-up blockers that come with
any toolbars you may have, such as Google or
Yahoo! Toolbars
39RefWorks Must Dos
- Make RefWorks a Trusted Site in your browser
- Click on Tools in your web browser
- Click on Internet Options
- Click on Security
- Click on the Trusted Site check mark
- Click on the Sites tab
- Add https//www.refworks.com
- Click on OK
40RefWorks on HSL
Additional tutorials and information on the
Librarys RefWorks site. Contact Reference if
you have any questions.