Title: Gweithio Mewn Partneriaeth Working in Partnership
1 Gweithio Mewn Partneriaeth Working in
Jacky Drysdale Ymgynghorydd Datblygur
Gweithlu Workforce Development Adviser Cyngor
Gofal Cymru Care Council for Wales
2Sialensiau Sector Gofal Cymdeithasol Social Care
Sector Challenges
- Diffinior Sector
- Definition of the Sector
- Gwahanrediad
- Distinctiveness
- Delwedd y Sector
- The Image of the Sector
- Recriwtio a chadw
- Recruitment and Retention
- Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol
- National Minimum Standards
- Rheoleiddior Gweithlu
- Regulation of the Workforce
3Deddf Safonau Gofal 2000 Care Standards Act 2000
Comisiynydd Plant ar gyfer Cymru Childrens
Commissioner for Wales
Cyngor Gofal Cymru The Care Council for Wales
Arolygaeth Safonau ar gyfer Cymru Care
Standards Inspectorate for Wales
4Bydd y Cyngor Gofal yn The Care Council will
hybu safonau uchel o ymddygiad ac ymarfer
ymhlith gweithwyr gofal cymdeithasol a safonau
uchel yn eu hyfforddiant promote high standards
of conduct and practice among social care workers
and high standards in their training Deddf
Safonau Gofal 2000 / Care Standards Act 2000
5Mae gan y Cyngor Gofal cyfrifoldeb am The Care
Council has the responsibility for
- Ddatblygu ac hybu Cod Ymarfer
- Developing and Promoting a Code of Practice
- Sefydlu a chynnal Cofrestr
- Setting up and maintaining a Register
- Symud Agenda Datblygur Gweithlu ymlaen
- Taking forward the Workforce Development Agenda
- Reoleiddio hyfforddiant cymhwyso ac ol gymhwyso
- Regulating qualifying and post qualifying
6Mae gan y Cyngor Gofal cyfrifoldeb am The Care
Council has the responsibility for
Wellar warchodaeth ar gyfer rheiny syn derbyn
gwasanaethau gofal cymdeithasol Improving the
safeguards for those receiving social care
Cyfranu at wella proffeil a statws proffesiynol y
rhai syn weithwyr gofal Contribute to improving
the profile and professional status of those
working in the social care sector
7Cyfraniad y Cyngor Gofal i Bobl Cymru The Care
Councils Contribution to Welsh People
Cyfrannu at gynhwysiad cymdeithasol, cyfartaledd,
datblygiad cynnaladwy a phartneriaethau Contribute
to social inclusion, equality, sustainable
development and partnerships
Gwasanaeth o ansawdd da i sicrhau fod pobl yn
ddiogel Good quality service to ensure that
people are safe
Gweithwyr gofal hyfedr, ymarfer safonol Skilled
care workers, standards of practice
Gosod a hyrwyddo safon uchel o ymarfer a
hyfforddiant gweithwyr gofal Cymru
Set and promote a high
standard of training and practice for care
workers in Wales
8 Partneriaethau Partnerships
- Sector Cyflogwyr (Awdurdodau Lleol, Preifat a
Gwirfoddol) Employers Sector
(Local Authorities, Private and Voluntary)
- Addysg Uwch / Addysg Bellach Higher
Education / Further Education
- Darparwyr Hyfforddiant
Training Providers
- Defnyddwr Gwasanaeth Service Users
9 Partneriaethau Partnerships
- Cyrff Proffesiynol Professional Bodies
- Awdurdodau Lleol Local Authorities
- Proffesiynau Iechyd Cymru Health
Professions Wales
- Cynghorau Rheoleiddio (Lloegr, Gogledd
Iwerddon, Yr Alban) Regulatory Bodies (England,
Northern Ireland, Scotland)
10Cynllun Rhagolwg SgiliauSkills Foresight Plan
Cynllun Rhagolwg Foresight Plan
11Y GweithluThe Workforce
Darparwyr Preifat Private Providers
Darparwyr Statudol Statutory Providers
Darparwyr Gwirfoddol Voluntary Providers
12Proffeil y GweithluWorkforce Profile
Tros 35 Over 35
Cymwysterau Priodol Appropriate Qualifications
Tan 25 Under 25
O Leiafrifoedd Ethnig From Ethnic Minorities
Menywod Female
Dwyieithog Bilingual
13 Staff gyda Chymwyster PriodolGweithwyr
Cymdeithasol Staff with Appropriate
Qualifications Social Workers
14 Staff gyda Chymwyster Priodol Cartrefi Plant
Statudol Staff with Appropriate Qualifications
Childrens Homes Statutory
15 Staff gyda Chymwyster Priodol Cartrefi Gofal
Oedolion Staff with Appropriate Qualifications
Adult Care Homes
16 Staff gyda Chymwyster Priodol Gofal
Cartref Staff with Appropriate Qualifications
Domiciliary Care
17Amcangyfrif y Nifer iw Cymhwyson
FlynyddolEstimated Number to be Qualified
- 8,000 Gweithwyr rhwng 2003 a 2005 i fodloni
gofynion y Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol - 8,000 Workers between 2003-05 to meet National
Minimum Standards - 2005 Gofal Cartref/Care Homes
- 2009 Gwasanaethau Cartref/Domiciliary Care
18Amcangyfrif y nifer iw cymhwyson
flynyddolEstimated number to be qualified
Cynllun Rhagolwg SgiliauSkills Foresight Plan
- Oedolion
- Rheolwyr 760
- Gweithwyr- 2686
- Plant
- Rheolwyr 62
- Gweithwyr - 297
- Gofal Cartref
- Rheolwyr 116
- Gweithwyr - 1715
- Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol
- 74
- Adults
- Managers 760
- Workers- 2686
- Children
- Managers 62
- Workers- 297
- Domiciliary Care
- Managers 116
- Workers- 1715
- Social Workers
- 74
19Trosiant gweithwyr gofalTurnover care workers
20Trosiant rheolwyrTurnover managers
21Pen Taith Wedi GadaelDestination After Leaving
22Sialensiaur Gweithlu Workforce Challenges
- Gwybodaeth gwell am y gweithlu
- Better workforce information
- Gwella sgiliau i gyd-fynd ar gwaith
- Improve skills match for the work
- Gwella recriwtio a chadw
- Improved recruitment and retention
- Diffinio safonau cyffredin mewn iechyd a gofal
cymdeithasol - Defining shared standards in health and social
- Moderneiddio darpariaeth hyfforddiant ac addysg
- Modernising training and education provision
targeting resources
- Adnabod a hyrwyddo ymarfer da
- Identifying and promoting good practice
23Cyngor Sgiliau Sector
Sector Skills Councils
- Annibynnol
- Independent
- Sefydliadau Dros DU
- UK Wide Organisations
- Perchenogaeth gan Cyflogwyr
- Ownership by Employers
- Wedi ei trwyddedu gan yr Ysgrifenydd Gwladol dros
Addysg a Sgiliau, mewn ymgynghoriad â
Gweinidogion yn yr Alban, yng Nghymru ac yng
Ngogledd Iwerddon - Licensed by the Secretary of State for Education
and Skills, in consultation with Ministers in
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - Cyfrifoldeb cyflogwyr i ddarparu arweiniad ar
gyfer gweithrediad strategol - Responsibility to employers to provide
leadership for strategic action - Darparu buddsoddiad cyhoeddus sylweddol
- Provide substantial public investment
24Sgiliau GofalSkills for Care
- Perchnogaeth cyflogwyr
- Employer Ownership
- Lleihau bylchau a diffyg sgiliau
- Reducing skills gaps and shortages
- Gwella cynhyrchiant, busnes a pherfformiad
gwasanaethau cyhoeddus - Improving productivity, business and public
service performance
25Sgiliau GofalSkills for Care
- Cynyddu cyfleoedd i wthio sgiliau pawb yng
ngweithlur sector, yn cynnwys gweithrediad ar
gyfleoedd cyfartal - Increasing opportunities to boost the skills of
everyone in the sectors workforce, including
action on equal opportunities - Gwella darpariaeth dysgu, yn cynnwys
prentisiaethau, safonau addysg uwch a safonau
galwedigaethol cenedlaethol - Improving learning supply, including
apprenticeships, higher education and national
occupational standards
26Gweithio Mewn Partneriaeth Working in
Partnership Un Sector, Un Gweithlu One
Sector, One Workforce
National Partnerships Partneriaeth Cenedlaethol
Regional Partnerships Partneriaeth Ranbarthol
Local Partnerships Partneriaeth Lleoliad
27Gwybodaeth Gwell am y Gweithlu Better Workforce
Uned Gwybodaeth Gweithlu Workforce
Intelligence Unit
28Gwella Recriwtio a Chadw Improved Recruitment and
29Gwella Sgiliau syn Cyd-fynd Improved
Skills Match
MSDA/Prentisiaethau Modern
MSDA/Modern Apprenticeships
30Safonau Ymarfer Practice Standards
31Moderneiddior Rhaglen Hyfforddiant ac Addysg
Modernising Training and Education Programme
32Adnabod a Hyrwyddo Ymarfer Da
Identifying and Promoting Good Practice
33Pam Statws CSS? Why SSC Status?
- Gwella profiadau defnyddwyr gwasanaethau
- Improve the experience of service users
- Dylanwad gwell gan cyflogwyr ar ddarparwyr
hyfforddiant - Greater employer influence on training providers
- Perchoreith gan cyflogwyr or agenda gweithlu
- Employer ownership of the workforce agenda
- Gwella gwybodaeth y gweithlu a phartneriaethau
- Improve workforce intelligence and partnerships
- Cyflgwy lyddys dylanedu or agenda polisi
- Informed employers influencing the policy agenda
34Pam Statws CSS? Why SSC Status?
- Gwellar dealltwriaeth or rôl benorth gofal
cymdeithasol - Improve understanding of the distinctive role of
social care - Codi proffil gweithwyr gofal cymdeithasol
- Raise the profile of social care workers
- Sicrhau sylw parhaol ir gweithlu gofal
cymdeithasol - Secure on-going attention to the social care
workforce - Defnyddio cysylltiadau gyda sectorau eraill er
mwyn lledu ein ffyrdd o weithio - Use links with other sectors to broaden our
approaches - Cyngor Gofal Cymru fel amlygiad y CSS yng
Nghymru - Care Council for Wales as the manifestation of
the SSC in Wales