Title: Promoting patient care through effective patient flow
1Promoting patient care through effective patient
flow System wide implementation January July
This guide is for Health Services to assist with
key innovations which will make organisational
wide improvements for patient access. It has been
designed to highlight the key innovations which
will promote and improve patient access. The
toolkit has been formatted as a check list, to
enable a planned, system-wide implementation of
improvements between January and June
2005. Additional resources to support the
innovations are available in the Patient Flow
Change Package. For further information on the
Patient Flow Collaborative, please visit
3Governance and vision
4Emergency department
5Length of stay
6Bed management
7Same day surgery
8Waiting list management
Jenny Bartlett Chief Clinical Advisor, Office of
the Chief Clinical Advisor Lee Martin Manager,
Clinical Innovation Agency Director, Patient Flow
Collaborative Marcus Kennedy Clinical Lead,
Patient Flow Collaborative Patient Flow
Collaborative Team Rochelle Condon, Improvement
Lead Ruth Smith, Improvement Lead Fiona Dickson,
Improvement Lead John Walker, Communications and
Logistics Lead Prue Beams, Data Analyst
Support to implement these system wide
initiatives is available via the Patient Flow
Collaborative team who can be contact
via Clinical Innovation Agency Email cia_at_dhs.vi
c.gov.au Phone 9616 7022 Patient Flow
Collaborative Team Lee Martin 9616 7859
Manager, Clinical Innovation Patient Flow
Collaborative Director Rochelle Condon 9616
9026 Improvement Lead Ruth Smith 9616
9025 Improvement Lead Fiona Dickson 9616
9030 Improvement Lead Prue Beams 9616
7742 Data Consultant John Walker 9616
9037 Communications and Logistics Lead