Title: Introduction to Time Series Regression and Forecasting
1Chapter 14
- Introduction to Time Series Regression and
2Introduction to Time Series Regression and
Forecasting(SW Chapter 14)
3Example 1 of time series data US rate of price
inflation, as measured by the quarterly
percentage change in the Consumer Price Index
(CPI), at an annual rate
4Example 2 US rate of unemployment
5Why use time series data?
6Time series data raises new technical issues
7Using Regression Models for Forecasting (SW
Section 14.1)
8Introduction to Time Series Data and Serial
Correlation (SW Section 14.2)
9We will transform time series variables using
lags, first differences, logarithms, growth
10Example Quarterly rate of inflation at an annual
rate (U.S.)
11Example US CPI inflation its first lag and
its change
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14Sample autocorrelations
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17Other economic time series
18Other economic time series, ctd
19Stationarity a key requirement for external
validity of time series regression
20Autoregressions(SW Section 14.3)
21The First Order Autoregressive (AR(1)) Model
22Example AR(1) model of the change in inflation
23Example AR(1) model of inflation STATA
24Example AR(1) model of inflation STATA, ctd.
25Example AR(1) model of inflation STATA, ctd
26Forecasts terminology and notation
27Forecast errors
28Example forecasting inflation using an AR(1)
29The AR(p) model using multiple lags for
30Example AR(4) model of inflation
31Example AR(4) model of inflation STATA
32Example AR(4) model of inflation STATA, ctd.
33Digression we used ?Inf, not Inf, in the ARs.
34So why use ?Inft, not Inft?
35Time Series Regression with Additional Predictors
and the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ADL)
Model (SW Section 14.4)
36Example inflation and unemployment
37The empirical U.S. Phillips Curve, 1962 2004
38The empirical (backwards-looking) Phillips Curve,
39Example dinf and unem STATA
40Example ADL(4,4) model of inflation STATA,
41The test of the joint hypothesis that none of the
Xs is a useful predictor, above and beyond
lagged values of Y, is called a Granger causality
42Forecast uncertainty and forecast intervals
43The mean squared forecast error (MSFE) is,
44The root mean squared forecast error (RMSFE)
45Three ways to estimate the RMSFE
46The method of pseudo out-of-sample forecasting
47Using the RMSFE to construct forecast intervals
48Example 1 the Bank of England Fan Chart,
49Example 2 Monthly Bulletin of the European
Central Bank, Dec. 2005, Staff macroeconomic
50Example 3 Fed, Semiannual Report to Congress,
51Lag Length Selection Using Information Criteria
(SW Section 14.5)
52The Bayes Information Criterion (BIC)
53Another information criterion Akaike Information
Criterion (AIC)
54Example AR model of inflation, lags 06
55Generalization of BIC to multivariate (ADL)
56Nonstationarity I Trends(SW Section 14.6)
57Outline of discussion of trends in time series
581. What is a trend?
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61What is a trend, ctd.
62Deterministic and stochastic trends
63Deterministic and stochastic trends, ctd.
64Deterministic and stochastic trends, ctd.
65Deterministic and stochastic trends, ctd.
66Stochastic trends and unit autoregressive roots
67Unit roots in an AR(2)
68Unit roots in an AR(2), ctd.
69Unit roots in the AR(p) model
70Unit roots in the AR(p) model, ctd.
712. What problems are caused by trends?
72Log Japan gdp (smooth line) and US inflation
(both rescaled), 1965-1981
73Log Japan gdp (smooth line) and US inflation
(both rescaled), 1982-1999
743. How do you detect trends?
75DF test in AR(1), ctd.
76Table of DF critical values
77The Dickey-Fuller test in an AR(p)
78When should you include a time trend in the DF
79Example Does U.S. inflation have a unit root?
80Example Does U.S. inflation have a unit root?
81DF t-statstic 2.69 (intercept-only)
824. How to address and mitigate problems raised
by trends
83Summary detecting and addressing stochastic
84Nonstationarity II Breaks and Model Stability
(SW Section 14.7)
85A. Tests for a break (change) in regression
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87Case II The break date is unknown
88The Quandt Likelihod Ratio (QLR) Statistic (also
called the sup-Wald statistic)
89The QLR test, ctd.
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92Has the postwar U.S. Phillips Curve been stable?
93QLR tests of the stability of the U.S. Phillips
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95B. Assessing Model Stability using Pseudo
Out-of-Sample Forecasts
96Application to the U.S. Phillips Curve
97POOS forecasts of ?Inf using ADL(4,4) model with
98poos forecasts using the Phillips curve, ctd.
99Summary Time Series Forecasting Models (SW
Section 14.8)
100Summary, ctd.