Title: Slot Swapping Applications for CDM
1Slot Swapping Applications for CDM
- P.R. de Waal, NLR
- M.H. van den Briel, Arizona State University
- J.M. van den Akker, Utrecht University
- Introduction
- CDM applications
- Experimental results
- Operational issues
- Conclusions
- Current state of ATFM in Europe
- Central slot allocation CFMU
- All flights are equal
- Slot swapping on ad-hoc basis via telephone
- Airlines
- Insight in commercial sensitivity of flights
- Demand for more flexibility
- Require access to information to support swapping
- EUROCONTROL Performance Review Report 4, 2000
- ATFM delays represent 38 of primary delays
- ATC capacity accounts for 75 of ATFM delays
- Reactionary delays form 39 of departure delays
- Estimated ATFM delay costs
- En-route primary 960 - 1584 Meuro
- Reactionary 336 Meuro
- Passenger costs 1656 - 2160 Meuro
- General Formulation of Slot Swapping
- EEC Note 9/99
- Give Aircraft Operator the possibility to change
the departure order of flights going through the
same regulations at about the same time. - Provide access to information to support requests
- Define new procedures
- Develop new tools
6Application 1 (swap by departure time)
7Application 1 (swap by departure time)
Airport departure Sector
arrival scheduled 0800 0830 actual
0800 (0830) 0830 (0900) scheduled
0800 0830 actual 0830 (0800) 0900
Capacity 1 flight/period
8Application 2 (swap by sector arrival time)
9Application 2 (swap by sector arrival time)
10Application 3 (swap at load contribution)
11Application 3 (swap at load contribution)
12Experimental results
- Test case
- One day air traffic over France 1994
- Slot allocation scheme computed by Optislot
1 Sunday 2 Wed. 3Thurs.
flights 1000 1000 1100 sectors 58 59 63
regulations 1134 1170 1153 delayed
flights 198 145 200
13Experimental results
14Experimental results
15Operational Issues
- Slot swapping
- cannot be done before slot is allocated
- has to be approved by CFMU
- influences all ATC planning processes
- must be done before departure planning is
finalised - requires attention for simultaneous swaps
- Scenarios
- 1. AO searches, checks and proposes swaps CFMU
final check and approval - 2. AO proposes swaps CFMU check and approval
16Operational Issues
- Benefits
- Increased flexibility
- Decrease of reactionary delays
- Reduction of unused slots
- Slot swapping
- Viable CDM application
- Provides increased flexibility to AO
- Needs validation with more recent and detailed