Title: Approximation methods in Quantum Mechanics
1Approximation methods in Quantum Mechanics
Kap. 7-lect2
Introduction to
Time dependent
Time-independent methods
Methods to obtain an approximate eigen energy, E
and wave function
perturbation methods
Methods to obtain an approximate expression for
the expansion amplitudes.
Ground/Bound states
Continuum states
Perturbation theory
Variational method
Scattering theory
Non degenerate states
Degenerate states
Perturbation theory
Variational method
3Example 3 He ground state - Variation vs. 1.
Order perturbation
Perturbation theory
0. Order
1. Order
4Final 1. Order Result
Discuss H-, Li, etc!
5Variational method
Reasonable Trial Function
Expectation value of Z
2.68 for Z2
Final Result
6Comparison - Example 3
Variational method
Perturbation theory
7Degenerate time independent perturbation theory
Assume the Hamiltonian can be written as a sum of
two parts
This is valid for all ms!
8We obtain an eigenvalue problem for the energy
Energy (The degeneracy is removed.)
0th order 1st order
9Degenerate Example The Linear Stark effect.
Consider an excited n2 hydrogen atom, exposed to
a linear electric field
Unperturbed Hydrogen atom -gt
g4 -gt 1. St order energy correction from
Even/Odd symmetry in the integrals
10The degeneracy is partly removed
11Example 5 - Long range forces between atoms
- The fact that neutral atoms attract each other at
long distances is a mystery in classical physics!
- If the entire human knowlegde should be packed
into one sentence it should beMatter consists
of atoms - which attract each other at long
distances and repel at short distances
R. P. Feynmann
12Unperturbed state
Energy correction
0 (zero level)!
0 due to symmetry!
A similar treatment at short distances give the
Lennard-Jones potential
Comments Large betwen metals, smaller betwen
oxydes, small between inert atoms etc etc.
13Approximation methods in Quantum Mechanics
Kap. 7-lect2
Introduction to
Time dependent
Time-independent methods
Methods to obtain an approximate eigen energy, E
and wave function
Golden Rule
perturbation methods
Methods to obtain an approximate expression for
the expansion amplitudes.
Ground/Bound states
Continuum states
Perturbation theory
Variational method
Scattering theory
Non degenerate states
Degenerate states