Title: Cardiovascular Consequences of Diabetes: An Epidemiologic Overview
1Cardiovascular Consequencesof DiabetesAn
Epidemiologic Overview
- Darren K. McGuire, MD, MHSc
- Donald W. Reynolds Cardiovascular Clinical
Research Center - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
at Dallas - 5th Annual Diabetes Summit Linking Science to
Medicine - November 12, 2005
2Thanks to Our Sponsors
Pfizer Guidant Cordis Sankyo Takeda Novartis CV
Therapeutics The Medicines Company
3(No Transcript)
4Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1985
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
5Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1986
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
6Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1987
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
7Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1988
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
8Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1989
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
9Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1990
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
10Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1991
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
11Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1992
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
12Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1993
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
13Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1994
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
14Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1995
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
15Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1996
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
16Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1997
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
17Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1998
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
18Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS1999
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
19Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS2000
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
20Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS2001
JAMA 199928216, JAMA 200128610.
21Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS2002
22Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS2003
23Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS2004
24(No Transcript)
25Obesity and Physical Inactivity in Children A
Call to Arms
- US Children
- 15 are overweight
- Type 2 DM now exceeds type 1
- 2/3 have ?1 component of the Metabolic Syndrome
- 10 have Metabolic Syndrome
- 1/3 of US children born in 2000 likely to develop
type 2 DM during lifetime
Pediatrics. August 2003 De Ferranti et al.
Circulation 2004 110 2494-2497 Narayan KMV et
al. JAMA 2003 290 1884-1890
26Metabolic Syndrome Beyond Hyperglycemia
of Population
Ford ES, et al. JAMA. 2002287356-359.
27Opportunities for improvement
- Identify the patients with DM
- Continue to expand therapeutic focus
- Apply the existing evidence for CVD risk
28Looking but not seeing.
29(No Transcript)
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32Opportunity 2 Redirect the Focus Patient
Beliefs about Diabetes Risks
ACC/ADA Diabetes knowledge survey n2008
33Diabetes Mellitus A Cardiovascular Disease
United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study n3867
UKPDS Investigators. Lancet 1998 352 837
34Opportunity 3 Apply the Evidence
35(No Transcript)
36Our Presidents Lead The Way!
37Physical Inactivity A Call to Arms
10,000 Steps Daily
30 minutes most days
38Portion Distortion
Hardee's "Monster Thickburger 2 1/3-pound slabs
of Angus beef 4 strips of bacon 3 slices of
cheese Mayonnaise Buttered sesame seed bun
1420 Calories 107 g Fat
39Preventing Diabetes Results from the Diabetes
Prevention Program
Placebo (n1082)
Metformin (n1073, plt0.001 vs. Placebo)
Lifestyle (n1079, plt0.001 vs. Metformin ,plt0.001
vs. Placebo)
Risk reduction 31 by metformin 58 by lifestyle
NEJM 346393-403, 2002
40Diabetes Prevention Program3-year Follow Up
The DPP Research Group. Diabetes Care 2005 28
41ADA Standards of Medical Care Primary
Cardiovascular Risk Modification
- Lifestyle counseling
- Smoking abstinence Exercise Weight Control
Diet - Aspirin for agegt40 OR another CRF
- Lipids
- For agegt40, statin regardless of baseline LDL
- TGslt150 and HDLgt40
- Blood pressure target of lt130/80
- ACEI, ARB, Thiazide, BBlocker, CCB
- independent of BP for agegt55 another CRF
Diabetes Care 2005 28 (supp) S4-S36
42Suboptimal CVD Risk Modification in DM Patients
NHANES 1999-2000
N370 with DM age 20
Saydah et al. JAMA 2004 291 335-342
43(No Transcript)
- Diabetes is common and increasing
- Tracking obesity
- Children emerging as special risk population
- Diabetes is under diagnosed
- Associated with CVD risk and disease even at the
time of diagnosis - Evolution of clinical thinking beyond glucose to
control to include CVD issues - Continued efforts to improve CVD outcomes
necessary - Application of existing evidence
- Continued investigation