- 2005 2010
- Presentation to
- Pavement Forum
- 10 May 2006
2ETA Mission
- To provide and manage a world-class transport
system with a public transport focus, providing
high levels of mobility and accessibility for the
movement of people and goods in a safe,
sustainable and affordable manner.
3Current Transport System
- Developed along apartheid lines workers far
from job opportunities - Main focus to move masses over long distances for
work - am/pm - Heavy PT subsidy burden to sustain system
- Very low densities hence thresholds for PT to
work effectively will need major interventions - 54 PT modal split excellent base to build on
4Current Transport Trajectory The Burning
- Optimal Transport System
- including good public transport
- for all
Transport trajectory
- System Failure
- Escalating subsidies
- Declining service levels
- Dilapidated fleet
- Violence in the industry
- Urban sprawl-entrenchment of apartheid land-use
distribution - Rapid motorisation
- Poor Accident Record
5National Public Transport Subsidy
2004 4.1 billion
6Rapidly Declining Service Levels
- Peak hour commuter travel
- Poor linking of non-work origins and destinations
- Supply driven system
7Dilapidated Vehicle Fleet
- Rail system closure in less than 15 years
- Bus average age 13 years cf norm of 10 years
max. age - Minibus taxi average age 8-10 years cf 5 years
8Cars/1000 Population
Pt 56
Pt 68
Pt 55
Pt 26
9Car Ownership
10Transport System Performance in the ETA
Key issues in the operating environment
- Absence of powers in ETA Founding Agreement
- Divided powers remaining fragmentation (role of
other state transport agencies) - Relationship between ETA and the municipality
- Low capacity of the ETA (manpower shortages -
- Growth of car use accidents
- Increasing traffic congestion overcrowding
- Decline of bus and train passengers
- Deteriorating infrastructure and rolling stock
- Ineffective law enforcement
- Scope and future role of rail freight
- Low priority of transport in the IDP
- Absence of funds for implementation of the ITP
- No support or agreed mechanism for user cost
recovery - No commitment to welfare-based public transport
- Absence of staff in the department
- Inadequate understanding of customer needs
- Lack of safety security for passengers
- Uncertainty about future role of train services
- Sustainability of bus services
- Lack of marketing in public transport
- Low accessibility
- Historic neglect of access needs of poor
- Growth of car dependent developments e.g.
Umhlanga - Inability to service new growth areas and
disadvantaged areas
11Performance of the transport system the ETA
Key strategic questions
What is the essence of the strategy that is
needed to leverage us from the trend to a more
sustainable scenario?
Sustainable scenario
Trend scenario
What are the current trends, main issues and
What are the five or so things that we must do in
the short-term?
12Strategic actions needed to develop a sustainable
transport system
- 4.
- Ensure spatial plan supports public transport
corridors - Support key projects
- Dube Port
- 2010 Cup
- Ensure TIAs include impact of land dev. On public
transport - Integrate freight land use planning in around
Durban harbour
- 3.
- Prioritise public transport facilities
- Develop marketing communication strategy
- Market research for needs of users
- Legalisation of operators
- Contract management
- Safety and security strategy
- 5.
- Source funds for ITP implementation
- Strategy to derive ETA revenue (user charges,
fuel levy etc) - Explore other sources (MIG, innovation grant etc)
- Seek guarantees for sustainable subsidy funds
- 1.
- Secure powers for ETA
- Develop human resource strategy (skills
development recruitment - Review, update expand traffic transport
by-laws - Complete statutory transport plans
- 2.
- TDM measures to restrict car use
- Implement road safety strategy
- Complete apply law enforcement strategy
- Develop freight strategy (routes, hazardous
materials overloading)
Negative Trend
13Deficit Cost Of PT
- Rail Subsidy /annum operating R216m
- Subsidy Cost per commuter trip R4.23
- Bus Subsidy /annum operating R198m
- Subsidy Cost commuter trip R4.50
- Minibus Taxi Nil
14National/Provincial Principles
- PT services affordable
- Responsive to user needs
- Integration of modes
- Customer focus
- PT environmentally friendly
- Law enforcement must be promoted
- PT higher priority than private transport
- PT must be promoted
- Land use transport integration
- Promotion of safety
15Response to the challenges
- Developed into consolidated draft ITP
- Requirement of NLTTA
- Integrated with IDP
- Major problems in cost, efficiency
sustainability of urban transport systems - Lack of integration (within transport, with LU
planning, with other sectors) - Policy legislation (NDOT White Paper, NLTTA --)
- Responsive to and integrated with IDP
- Within national/provincial policy
- Incorporates Key City Projects
Planning Period
- Short term focus (5 year) in long term context
By 2020, eThekwini Municipality will enjoy the
reputation of being Africas most caring and
liveable city, where all citizens live in
harmony. This Vision will be achieved by growing
its economy and meeting peoples needs so that all
citizens enjoy a high quality of life with equal
opportunities, in a city that they are truly
proud of.
ETA Transport Mission
To provide and manage a world-class transport
system with a public transport focus, providing
high levels of mobility and accessibility for the
movement of people and goods in a safe,
sustainable and affordable manner.
22Transport Demand Management
Problems Issues
- Congestion
- Under-utilisation of existing systems
- -rail in paricular
- -road corridors
- Growth trend is unsustainable
- - Yrs 2005 to 2020 ? 50 increase in trips
by car - ? 3 decrease in trips by PT
- Freight movement conflict throughout road
- Public Transport - Person Trips - setting a
realistic target Modal Split 55 - - improve PT (services, accessibility,
security) - - use TDM measures for example
- Western Freeway (PT/HOV lanes)
- North Coast Rd (PT lane)
- Smith/West St (PT lane)
- Northern Freeway (PT lane)
24TDM Response Strategy
Strategic Response
over-arching strategy in the ITP impacting on the
extent and accommodation of demand over time for
different modes of transport primarily private,
public and freight transport.
25TDM Response Strategy
Private Transport TDM Measures
- Congestion reduction and parking measures
- (short term improvement of traffic and
parking operations) - (longer term add in restrictive measures)
- ATC managed traffic flows
- ITS to minimise congestion reduce unnecessary
26TDM Response Strategy
Private Transport TDM Measures
- Restructure, upgrade existing PT systems (as in
PT Plan) - Increase investment in PT
- (Proposed capex increase )
- (2005/06 9 ? 2009/10 32)
- Set target modal split for 2020
- Current 5248 (publicprivate)
- Trend (2020) 4258
- Target (2020) 5545
- HOV lanes in medium to long term
- Road space reallocation
Public Transport TDM Measures
27Link City
50 of PT trips along NS corridor Split between
28(No Transcript)
29Drivers For Transport Demand
- Population growth (1996) 2 770 000
- (2020) 3 048 000
30Trend Scenario (No Intervention by 2020)
- Car usage increases
- PT usage decreases
- 14 more freeway lanes required (CBD alone)
- R250m /annum congestion cost
- 10 more Pine Parkades
- Air Quality CO2 emissions increased
- Unsustainable from a space and energy perspective
- Accident costs R6m/day
31(No Transcript)
32Public Transport Restructuring OPTIONS CONSIDERED
- 9 options evaluated
- 3 mode options with variations
33Modal Economics - results
6 to 7 times more expensive than cheapest mode
Reason New technology new depots, new
signaling, guidance systems, new gauge width etc.
Minibus Taxi
Bus and Midibus
Trip cost
20 000
Passenger volumes
34Least Cost System
Existing system
35Typical Costs
- Gautrain R10b capital only
- Bogota 41km of dedicated ROW 500m
- Monorail for golden mile R600m
Will attract additional subsidy
36Alt 1 Bus-way
37Alt 2 N-S Rail Corridor
38Least Cost System cont.
Annual Cost (in millions)
39Least Cost System cont.
Mode shares (1000s of passengers)
40Least Cost System cont.
Level of service
41A Public Transport Strategy for eThekwini
- Improve rail image and maximise
- ridership on N-S line through
- Upgrade rolling stock
- Through Ticketing and Information system
- Feeders to rail
- Optimise the road based system
- Remove duplication
- Use most economical mode
42(No Transcript)
43CBD Circulatory System
Old Fort
Brick hill
44(No Transcript)
- 30 refurbished train coach sets within the next 5
years (11/set) - 5 min frequency in peak
46Summary of key Implementation Projects
Rollingstock R 750 mil Fixed Perway R 30
mil Transfer hub R 10 mil Auto fare
collec R 14 mil
Pilot project to improve image, reliability and
ridership on N-S rail line
Rail investment motivation report
Includes Spatial strategy and LUMS
Development of eThekwini Public Transport Plan,
Durban Transport
Ownership and empowerment
Transport Authority
Ensure integration
Major restructuring and continual optimisation of
Longer term
47TDM Response Strategy
Private Transport TDM Measures
- Densification in support of PT
- (short-medium term)
- (nodes corridors eg. Bridge City N-S
Corridor) - Contain urban sprawl
- Note recent housing conf and resolution to
provide housing close to work
Public Transport TDM Measures
Land Use Development Management Measures
48TDM Response Strategy
Private Transport TDM Measures
- Adopt User Pays principles
- Regulation of all categories of transport for
- ? increased accessibility
- ? environmental sensitivity
- ? cost effectiveness
Public Transport TDM Measures
Land Use Development Management Measures
Policy Institutional Measures
50Public Transport
Problems Issues
PT System Overall
? Fragmentation of admin control ?
service planning decisions (eg rail) ?
control of subsidies
- Institutional arrangements
? System service are not user focussed ?
Limited user input (lack of user forums)
? Lack of service integration ? Inappropriate use
of modes ? Subsidised services in competition
- Functional Economic Inefficiencies
? Large part of poor community dont benefit from
51PT Enforcement
- ETA not responsible for enforcement e.g.
- Speeding
- Double parking
- Overloading
- Taxi/bus enfringements
- but these issues are critical for the success of
PT - ETA has a service level agreement with Metro
Police about to be rolled out -
52Rail System In Crisis
Declining/Uneconomic Bus Services
Unsustainable Taxi Industry
53 Public Transport Rail Problems Issues
- Dilapidated rolling stock
- Antiquated signalling
- Withdrawal of service
- Unattractive service option
Rail System In Crisis
54Public Transport Bus Problems Issues
Rail System In Crisis
Declining/Uneconomic Bus Services
- Non-contract services (170 bus operators)
- - decreasing ridership
- - unprofitable
- - Aging fleet
- - Service cutbacks
- - deteriorating safety
- Escalating subsidies
- Subsidised services in direct competition with
rail (subsidised) taxi - Low passenger loads
- Declining passenger service
55Public Transport Minibus Taxi Problems Issues
Rail System In Crisis
Declining/Uneconomic Bus Services
Unsustainable MinibusTaxi Industry
- Lack of entrepreneurial capacity (limited ability
to compete for contracts) - Lack of adequate driver training
- Poor driving (lawlessness)
- Lack of concern for passenger comfort (loud music)
- Competition on routes with subsidised services
(bus rail) - Over-trading
- Fleet deterioration
- - breakdowns
- - unsafe operation
- Violence (competition for routes)
56Bus Modal Strategy
Minibus Taxi Modal Strategy
Rail Modal Strategy
Intermodalism Strategy
Tourism Strategy
Public Transport Restructured, Integrated System
LU Restructuring Strategy
Bus Subsidy Strategy
Customer Focus Strategy
Special Needs Service Strategy
NMT Strategy
57 Public Transport Strategy
Rail Strategy
- Upgrade rolling stock on N-S rail line
- New spur line to major transfer point _at_ Bridge
City - Kings Park rail station (option for WC2010)
58 Public Transport Strategy
Rail Strategy
- Rationalise Bus Services for greater efficiency
- Upgrade Bus Infrastructure
- - shelters and laybys
- - new Mansfield rank
Bus Strategy
59 Public Transport Strategy
Rail Strategy
- Progressive Roll-out of Re-cap
- Fully legalised and regulated
- Infrastructure rationalisation upgrading
Bus Strategy
Minibus Taxi Strategy
60 Public Transport Strategy
Rail Strategy
- Through ticketing
- Information systems
- Focus on N-S corridor services
Bus Strategy
Minibus Taxi Strategy
Intermodal Strategy
62Locality And Context Within The City
- Busiest modal transfer node
- 100000s use this area daily
- Conflict vehicles /ped
- Major intervention is req
- Need to reorganise activities and refocus PT
- Potential for grid lock
Old Dutch
63Person Trips
90000 vehicles/day through area
64PT Facilities and Terminals
Has 70 of bus ranks and 60 of taxi ranks in
the Central Area
Berea Station
West St.
65PT Facilities and Terminals
- Need to consolidate
- Need to integrate
- Park Station concept
- Focus around Berea Station
Berea Road Station
66Pedestrian Movement
- 125 ped accidents /annum
- Unnecessary through traffic
10 000 Walk trips
Berea Station
West St.
67Phase1 PT Routes
68Phase2 PT Routes
69The Proposal
70The Proposal
71Leopold St. - Existing
72Leopold St. Showing Overpass
73Old Dutch Road Existing
74Old Dutch Road Showing Overpass
76 Public Transport Strategy
Land Use Restructuring Strategy
- Densification along PT corridors/ Nodes (HPPTN)
- Contain urban sprawl
- (residential commercial/ industrial)
77 Public Transport Strategy
Land Use Restructuring Strategy
- Passenger Service Charter
- Quality Service Charter
- Customer call centre as part of Information
Customer Focus
78 Public Transport Strategy
Land Use Restructuring Strategy
- People Mover System in CBD (one of Key City
Projects for World Cup Soccer 2010)
Customer Focus Strategy
Tourism Strategy
80Road System
Problems Issues
- Urban Congestion
- Mobility and Accessibility
- - rural
- - freight
- - urban commuters
- Land Take-Up
- Pollution
- Safety Issues
- Cost
81Road System Response Strategy
Priority to PT in Transport System Planning
- Refer to Public Transport and TDM Strategies
82Road System Response Strategy
Priority to PT in Transport System Planning
Accessibility Focus 8 Projects
- Improving access to local communities,
- linking areas of need to well resourced areas
- Focus isolated rural, peri-urban, also regional
- linkages of isolated urban areas
- Regional
- ? MR 577
- Rural -rural transport strategy being
developed - Key area - EPWG Roads Programme
Focussed/ Selective Investment in Roads
83Benchmarking - Road Density
Developing Countries Urban areas
High Income Countries Urban areas
84Road System Response Strategy
Priority to PT in Transport System Planning
Freight Movement Focus 2 Projects
- Edwin Swales (N2 to Titren)
- Bayhead Rd Ext. over S. Freeway
Focussed/ Selective Investment in Roads
85Road System Response Strategy
Bottleneck Elimination/Economic Dev. - 30
Priority to PT in Transport System Planning
- Focus on effective functioning of key economic
centres, - unconstrained by bottlenecks eg.
- Cannongate
- M4/Quality St. Interchange
- Stanger St./Argyle Interchange
- N2/Cornubia Interchange
- Nandi Drive
- Booth and Francois Roads
- South Coast (Bayhead to M7)
- North Coast (Verulam-Phoenix thru Mt
Edgecombe) - Others
Focussed/ Selective Investment in Roads
86Road System Response Strategy
Priority to PT in Transport System Planning
Public Transport Focus - 3 Major Projects
- Current focus on maintenance/upgrade of heavily
trafficked PT routes - S. Freeway Rehab
- W. Freeway Rehab
- N. Coast Rd Upgrade
Focussed/ Selective Investment in Roads
87Road System Response Strategy
Priority to PT in Transport System Planning
Capacity Focus 8 Projects
- Locations with major capacity problems impacting
on wider community - Shepstone/Point Rd one way pair
- Inanda Arterial (EW)
- Cato Manor Arterial (NS)
- Brickfield Rd (Sparks to N3)
Focussed/ Selective Investment in Roads
88Road System Response Strategy
Priority to PT in Transport System Planning
Roads Supporting Key City Projects
- La Mercy I/c on N2 linked to
- King Shaka/
- Link to R102 Dube T.P.
Focussed/ Selective Investment in Roads
90Road Safety
Problems Issues
Overall Context (Year 2003) ? Total
Accidents 4533 ? Total Deaths
742 costs R6 million / day
91Total Accidents 4533 Total Deaths
742 (Year 2003)
Road Safety Problems Issues
92High Accident Locations
Phoenix 1522 EAN
High risk ped zones
KwaMashu 3004 EAN
CBD 5992 EAN
Chatsworth 1675 EAN
Umlazi 3622 EAN
93Total Accidents 4533 Total Deaths
742 (Year 2003)
Pedestrian Accidents
Road Safety Problems Issues
94Total Accidents 4533 Total Deaths
742 (Year 2003)
Pedestrian Accidents
Road Safety Problems Issues
Driver Accidents Age Profile
Taxi vs Other Vehicle Accidents
95Current Accident Situation
Phoenix 1591 EAN
High risk Minibus taxi zones
KwaMashu 1497 EAN
Pinetown 1144 EAN
CBD 3304 EAN
Umlazi 1536 EAN
96Road Safety Problems Issues
Integrated Response
97- Institutional structures/arrangements
- Resourcing (staff/funds)
- Information
- Develop as Life Skill
Road Safety Problems Issues
- Targeting worst areas of City in most vulnerable
groups- - pedestrians school going age (eg. traffic
- calming around schools)
- pedestrians 20-30 years in CBD
- All drivers (focus on male 20-30 years)
- eg. booze bus operations
- Public transport safety with specific prep for
Soccer World Cup
99Freight Movement
Problems Issues
- Unsafe operator behaviour on roads
- Overloading
- Lack of hazchem routes
- Pollution
- Law enforcement
- Limited emergency services
- Road/Rail freight mix
- Port planning process
- Container terminal access
- Durban harbour access
- Airport access
- Road congestion
100Freight Movement Response Strategy
Freight Plan
- Phases 1-3 Complete
- ? 1 Status Quo
- 2 - 3 User service provider
- views
- (needs, problems, issues)
- Completion of Plan (in progress)
101Freight Movement Response Strategy
- Road-based plans
- Hazchem routes
- Freight route network
- Abnormal load network
- Joint investigation on short term
intervention to Bayhead -
Freight Plan
Planning Projects
102Freight Movement Response Strategy
- Edwin Swales
- (upgrade N2 to Titren Rd)
- Bayhead Rd Ext. and local roads upgrade
- (over S. Fwy with new Khangela bridge access
route to Edwin Swales) - Implementation of Hazchem routes
- Upgraded freight management infrastructure
Freight Plan
Planning Projects
Capital Roads Projects
104Soccer World Cup 2010
Planning Strategies
Development of Integrated Event Management Plan
105Soccer World Cup 2010 Strategy
- Phase 1 (Interim People Mover) by 2006
- Phase 1-
- ? special 35 seater upmarket tourist bus
- service
- ? routes in CBD connecting key activity
- centres/points of interest
- ? high security, timed transfers, through
Development of Integrated Event Management Plan
People Mover Project
106Soccer World Cup 2010 Strategy
Development of Integrated Event Management Plan
People Mover Project
107Soccer World Cup 2010 Strategy
- By 2010 more sophisticated mode system
Development of Integrated Event Management Plan
People Mover Project
108Soccer World Cup 2010 Strategy
Development of Integrated Event Management Plan
- New station to accommodate rail travel to major
sporting events - (focus on World Cup service standards)
People Mover Project
Kings Park Rail Station
110Funding (Capex)
Problems Issues
- Investment backlog in transport system
- Current funding sources and levels unlikely to
address backlog - Inconsistency in levels and continuity of funding
- Growing need for transport investment
- Direct budget allocation unlikely to rise
significantly and in real terms could decrease
111Funding (Capex) Response Strategy
- Explore develop new local funding sources with
potential eg. - Private off-street parking levy
- Transport related municipal advertising
- Enforcement fines (various road user groups)
- Development levy
- Explore develop external funding sources eg.
- Banking institutions
- KZN growth fund
- MIG funding
- Taxes and levies
112Capex Funding Response Strategy
- Identify possible policy legislation change
requirements to develop new funding strategies - Identify introduce pilot funding project(s)
- ITP prepared i.t.o. National Guidelines
- Proactive approach adopted
- Combination of capacity improvements TDM
- 5 year plan incorporates WC2010 requirements
- PT legacy/environmentally sustainable
- Funding sources/PPP to be explored
- ITP sets a strong foundation for restructuring