Title: Queueing Theory (Delay Models)
1Queueing Theory (Delay Models)
3(No Transcript)
4- Total delay of the i-th customer in the system
- Ti Wi ti
- N(t) the number of customers in the system
- Nq (t) the number of customers in the queue
- Ns (t) the number of customers in the service
- N the avg number of customers in the queue
- t the service time
5- T the total delay in the system
- ? the customer arrival rate /sec
6Littles Theorem
- EN ?ET
- Number of customer in the system at t
- N(t)A(t)-D(t)
- where
- D(t) the number of customer departures up to
time t - A(t) the number of customer arrivals up to time
7Poisson Process
- The interarrival probability density function
- mean 1/?, variance 1/?2
- for every t, d0
- where
8Poisson Process
- Characteristics of the Poisson process
- Interarrival times are independent and
exponentially distributed - If t n denotes the n-th arrival time and the
interval tn t n1- t n , the probability
distribution is
9Sum of Poisson Random Variables
- Xi , i 1,2,,n, are independent RVs
- Xi follows Poisson distribution with parameter li
- Partial sum defined as
- Sn follows Poisson distribution with parameter l
10Sum of Poisson Random Variables
11Sampling a Poisson Variable
- X follows Poisson distribution with parameter l
- Each of the X arrivals is of type i with
probability pi, i 1,2,,n, independently of
other arrivals p1 p2 pn 1 - Xi denotes the number of type i arrivals
- X1 , X2 ,Xn are independent
- Xi follows Poisson distribution with parameter
li lpi
12Sampling a Poisson Variable (cont.)
13Merging Splitting Poisson Processes
l1 l2
- A Poisson processes with rate l
- Split into processes A1 and A2 independently,
with probabilities p and 1-p respectively - A1 is Poisson with rate l1 lpA2 is Poisson with
rate l2 l(1-p)
- A1,, Ak independent Poisson processes with rates
l1,, lk - Merged in a single processA A1 Ak
- A is Poisson process with rate l l1 lk
14Poisson Variable
- mean
- variance
- Memoryless property (if exponentially
15Review of Markov chain theory
- Discrete time Markov chains
- discrete time stochastic process Xn n0,1,2,..
taking values from the set of nonnegative
integers - Markov chain if
- where
16Markov chain
- Markov chain formulation
- Consider a discrete time MC
- where Nk is the number of customers at time k
and N(t) is the number of customers at time t - probabilities
- where the arrival and departure processes are
17Review of Markov chain theory
- The transition probability matrix
- n-step transition probabilities
18Review of Markov chain theory
- Chapman-Kolmogorov equations
- detailed balance equations for birth-death
systems (in steady state)
the throuput P0 P(s0 P0)0 P0 P(s1 P0)1
P0 P(s2 P0 )2 P1 P(s0 P1)0 P1 P(s1
P1)1 P1 P(s2 P1)2
20- Continuous time Markov chains
- X(t) t0 taking nonnegative integer values
- ?i the transition rate from state i
- qij the transition rate from state i to j
- qij ?i Pij
- the steady state occupancy probability of state j
- Analog of detailed balance equations for DTMC
21Birth-And-Death Process
22Birth-And-Death Process(cont.)
- Equation Expressing This
- State Rate In Rate Out
- 0 m1P1 l0P0
- 1 l0P0 m2P2 (l1 m1) P1
- 2 l1P1 m3P3 (l2 m2) P2
- .... ...................
- N-1 lN-2PN-2 mNPN (lN-1 mN-1) PN-1
- N lN-1PN-1 mN1PN1 (lN mN) PN
- .... ...................
23Birth-And-Death Process(cont.)
- Finding Steady State Process
- State
- 0 P1 (l0 / m1) P0
- 1 P2 (l1 / m2) P1 (m1P1 - l0P0) / m2
- (l1 / m2) P1 (m1P1 - m1P1) / m2
- (l1 / m2) P1
24Birth-And-Death Process(cont.)
- Finding Steady State Process(cont.)
- State
- n-1 Pn (ln-1 / mn) Pn-1 (mn-1Pn-1-
ln-2Pn-2) / mn - (ln-1 / mn) Pn-1 (mn-1Pn-1- mn-1Pn-1)
/ mn - (ln-1 / mn) Pn-1
25Birth-And-Death Process(cont.)
- Finding Steady State Process(cont.)
- N Pn1 (ln / mn1) Pn (mnPn - ln-1Pn-1) /
mn1 - (ln / mn1) Pn
- To Simplify
- Let C (ln-1 ln-2 .... l0) / (mn mn-1
......... m1) - Then Pn Cn P0 , N 1, 2, ....
26M/M/1 queueing system
- Arrival statistics
- stochastic process taking
nonnegative integer values is called a Poisson
process with rate ? if - A(t) is a counting process representing the total
number of arrivals from 0 to t - arrivals are independent
- probability distribution function
27M/M/1 queueing system
- P1 arrival and no departure in d
- where the arrival and departure processes are
28M/M/1 queueing system
29M/M/1 queueing system
- from
- Then
- Average number of customers in the system
30(No Transcript)
31M/M/1 queueing system
- Average delay per customer (waiting time
service time) - by Littles theorem
- Average waiting time
- Average number of customer in queue
- Server utilization
32M/M/1 queueing system
- example
- 1/?4 ms, 1/µ3 ms
- ????? ???? ????? ?????? ?? K ?????. ??? ???????
???? ???, ??? ?????? ?K ????? ??????. ??? ??????
?? ?? ????? ?????? ??? P ?????. ??? ???? ???????
??????? -
- Arrival rate ?1/K
- Time in the system T?KP
- Applying Littles theorem
- N ?T ?P/K
- Though the process is deterministic, and N(t)
does not converge to any value, N is well
defined, interpreted as the time average
- ??? ???? ?????? ??? ?n
- ??? ????? ??? ?n
- ?. ???? ?? ??????? ??????
- ?. ??? ?? ????????? ??????????
- ?. ??? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????
- ?. ??? ?? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????
- ???? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ????
- ???? ????? ????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ??? ????
???? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?????
???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ?? ??. ???? ?????? ????? ??
??? ?? ??? ?????. ???? ?? ???? ??????? ????? ???
??????? ?? ? ???? ??????? ????? ??????????? ?? ?
??????? ??? ??? C. - ?. ???? ??? ???????? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ?
- ?. ?? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ?????, ?? ?????
???????? ?? ???? ?? ????????? ?????? ??????? ???
?? ???? ????? 0.9 ????? ? ? (??? ?????? ????
- ?
- Message Length
- Transmission Rate
- Transmission Time
- Service Rate
41M/M/1 Example I
- Traffic to a message switching center for one of
the outgoing communication lines arrive in a
random pattern at an average rate of 240 messages
per minute. The line has a transmission rate of
800 characters per second. The message length
distribution (including control characters) is
approximately exponential with an average length
of 176 characters. Calculate the following
principal statistical measures of system
performance, assuming that a very large number of
message buffers are provided
42M/M/1 Example I (cont.)
- (a) Average number of messages in the system
- (b) Average number of messages in the queue
waiting to be transmitted. - (c) Average time a message spends in the system.
- (d) Average time a message waits for transmission
- (e) Probability that 10 or more messages are
waiting to be transmitted.
43M/M/1 Example I (cont.)
- Es Average Message Length / Line Speed
176 char/message / 800 char/sec 0.22
sec/message or - m 1 / 0.22 message / sec 4.55 message /
sec - l 240 message / min 4 message / sec
- r l Es l / m 0.88
44M/M/1 Example I (cont.)
- (a) N r / (1 - r) 7.33 (messages)
- (b) Nq r2 / (1 - r) 6.45 (messages)
- (c) W Es / (1 - r) 1.83 (sec)
- (d) Wq r Es / (1 - r) 1.61 (sec)
- (e) P 11 or more messages in the system
r11 0.245
45M/M/1 Example II
- A branch office of a large engineering firm has
one on-line terminal that is connected to a
central computer system during the normal
eight-hour working day. Engineers, who work
throughout the city, drive to the branch office
to use the terminal to make routine calculations.
Statistics collected over a period of time
indicate that the arrival pattern of people at
the branch office to use the terminal has a
Poisson (random) distribution, with a mean of 10
people coming to use the terminal each day. The
distribution of time spent by an engineer at a
terminal is exponential, with a
46M/M/1 Example II (cont.)
- mean of 30 minutes. The branch office receives
complains from the staff about the terminal
service. It is reported that individuals often
wait over an hour to use the terminal and it
rarely takes less than an hour and a half in the
office to complete a few calculations. The
manager is puzzled because the statistics show
that the terminal is in use only 5 hours out of
8, on the average. This level of utilization
would not seem to justify the acquisition of
another terminal. What insight can queueing
theory provide?
47M/M/1 Example II (cont.)
- 10 person / day1 day / 8hr1hr / 60 min
- 10 person / 480 min
- 1 person / 48 min
- gt l 1 / 48 (person / min)
- 30 minutes 1 person 1 (min) 1/30
(person) gt m 1 / 30 (person / min) - r l / m 1/48 / 1/30 30 / 48 5 / 8
48M/M/1 Example II (cont.)
- Arrival Rate l 1 / 48 (customer / min)
- Server Utilization r l / m 5 / 8 0.625
- Probability of 2 or more customers in system PN
³ 2 r2 0.391 - Mean steady-state number in the system L EN
r / (1 - r) 1.667 - S.D. of number of customers in the system sN
sqrt(r) / (1 - r) 2.108
49M/M/1 Example II (cont.)
- Mean time a customer spends in the system W
Ew Es / (1 - r) 80 (min) - S.D. of time a customer spends in the system sw
Ew 80 (min) - Mean steady-state number of customers in
queue Nq r2 / (1 - r) 1.04 - Mean steady-state queue length of nonempty
Qs ENq Nq gt 0 1 / (1 - r) 2.67 - Mean time in queue Wq Eq rEs / (1 -
r) 50 (min)
50M/M/1 Example II (cont.)
- Mean time in queue for those who must wait Eq
q gt 0 Ew 80 (min) - 90th percentile of the time in queue pq(90)
Ew ln (10 r) 80 1.8326
146.6 (min)
51M/M/m, M/M/m/m, M/M/8
- M/M/m (infinite buffer)
- detailed balance equations in steady state
- The probability that all servers are busy
- - Erlang C formula
- expected number of customers waiting in queue
- average waiting time of a customer in queue
- average delay per customer
- average number of customer in the system
- by Littles theorem
55M/M/s Case Example I
Find p0
56M/M/s Case Example I (cont.)
- 0.429 (_at_ 43 of time, system is empty)
- as compared to m 1 P0 0.20
57M/M/s Case Example I (cont.)
- Find W
- Wq Lq / l 0.152 / (1/10) 1.52 (min)
- W Wq 1 / m 1.52 1 / (1/8) 9.52 min)
- What proportion of time is both repairman busy?
(long run) - P(N ³ 2) 1 - P0 - P1 1 - 0.429
- 0.343 0.228 (Good or Bad?)
- M/M/8 The infinite server case
- The detailed balance equations
- Then
- M/M/m/m The m server loss system
- when m servers are busy, next arrival will be
lost - circuit switched network model
- The blocking probability (Erlang-B formula)
61Moment Generating Function
62Discrete Random Variables
63Continuous Random Variables
64(No Transcript)